[Cole MacGrath] Do they just sit around all day, dreaming about blowing stuff up?
I got rear-ended on the highway a couple of weeks ago and it totaled my car. Really sucks! By comparison, the Mario Kart karts must be made out of the strongest stuff ever.
I finally got the chance recently to play inFamous 2. It was really good–though so was the first game, so I guess that was to be expected. Jeez, though, the voice actress that plays Nix also voices Smellerbee from Avatar and Pandora from Kid Icarus: Uprising, just to name a few. None of those characters sound anything alike! That seems to be the trait of a really good voice actor.
Also on that subject, I was surprised when I learned that Pit and Dark Pit in Kid Icarus: Uprising are voiced by the same person. Which…makes complete sense, actually, but both of them sound completely different, too!
I hate those blue shells! Only once has it ever missed me and don’t even know what I did to avoid it!
In Mario Kart Wii and Mario Kart 7, you can use a mushroom at *just* the exact right time to speed away from them before the explosion can hit you. I’ve never succeeded myself (because it’s pretty tough to get a mushroom while in 1st place), but I think I’m getting to closer to figuring out when to boost…
I have a theory that using a Boo to makes yourself invulnerable might save you from it, but I’ve never had the opportunity to try that out.
Also maybe if you use a mushroom right as it seeks in for the hit, you’ll get away in time? Haven’t had the chance to try that out either.