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>> Both: Brainstorm ways to cause someone to have a heart attack, defeating Decoy Octopus just like he was in MGS.
Defeating whonow? Decoy Octopus feels like an extremely vague name. Like he wasn't even a boss in Metal Gear Solid or something. Oh well, who cares.
>> Trent: Check under and in each potted plant for any hidden items

Under one of the three POTTED PLANTS, you find half of one of those MAGICAL THINGIES! It magically flies onto your MAGIC TAB and stays there. Nice!
>> Jimmy: Challenge Trent to a tree-off using the potted plants. Have the chairs judge the competition.

You and TRENT have a TREE-OFF! ...Whatever that is. You both do your best to make it a fair competition, but in the end, the two ARMCHAIRS unanimously decide that JIMMY'S POTTED PLANT is the superior one. Congrats to you!
>> Jimmy: Inspect that thing under the blue chair on the right.

It's some pair of string WIRES attached to a WOODEN BAR that goes through a hole in the FLOOR. You have no idea why. The WOODEN BAR seems to be the only thing that's actually stopping the WIRES from falling through the HOLE downstairs.
>> Jimmy: Inspect markings or stripes under the window
You carefully investigate the MARKINGS under the WINDOW. They seem to be SCUFFMARKS, and you can almost make out a FOOTPRINT, as if someone was climbing around over here! Why on earth would someone be stepping on the WALL and WINDOWSILL over here?
>> Jimmy: Get some of that brown stuff off the walls, and check out the device
You go across the hall to the BROWN ROOM. No dice, though, this stuff is painted on, and looks like it fully dried ages ago.
As for the DEVICE in the room after that...you have no idea what it is, but it's certainly sleek, shiny, and made of metal!
>> Trent: You are a haxxor, hax into PC.
Your HAXXING LEVEL miiiiiiight have been a tad overexaggerated. You give it a go, though. Unfortunately, the COMPUTER MONITOR fails to show anything besides "PINK DOOR LOCKED".
>> Trent: Enter the numbers 4 8 15 16 23 42 in the computer, and then press Execute (or Enter if there is no Execute button).
Still no change. According to this, the PINK DOOR is locked!
>> Jimmy: Draw a Yellow Partyhat on the octopus' head.
You take a moment to examine the WHITEBOARD as it stands now.

Unfortunately, there don't seem to be any YELLOW DRY-ERASE MARKERS. You settle for a BLUE PARTYHAT instead.
>> Jimmy: Use pen to circle the Octopus and write "DNE" next to it. It shall live on forever.
>> Jimmy: Write 'PLO' (Please Leave On) next to everything on the whiteboard
You admire your newfound handiwork.

It's beautiful.
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