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>> Trent: Go to the room with the Rod Controls. Press a bunch of the buttons until something interesting happens.

You start randomly pressing buttons on the panel labeled ROD CONTROLS. They light up one by one as you press them, and after pressing six, there's a faint buzzing sound and they all turn back off. It looks like the passcode is triggered by pressing six of the nine buttons in a certain order. You do the math in your head and realize there are 60,480 different combinations here.
>> Jimmy: Bring a blue chair over to the whiteboard room, place it under that gold thing on the ceiling, climb on and try to grab the gold thing.

You bring in a BLUE ARMCHAIR from the...ARMCHAIR ROOM across the hall and stand on it. You're able to barely read what's taped to the CEILING!

Oh hey, it's some sort wacky-shaped of KEYCARD. Your INVENTORY is completely full, though, so TRENT comes and takes it for you.
>> After getting cardkey on ceiling swipe it in the computer system

You swipe the KEYCARD, and the MONITOR changes! What luck!
However, it says there are still two more KEYCARDS to be swiped, and you haven't seen one anywhere. Dang...
>> Hold cardkey over one of your torches until a change is noticed/a significant amount of time has passed, then swipe the card again.
Oh yeah! Like Metal Gear Solid!

You pull out one of your BLAZING WOODEN STAKES and hold the KEYCARD slightly over it for a minute or so.
...It changes shape and color, much to your surprise!

Heck yeah. Two down, one to go!
>> If freezer can be opened, stick the card in there until some time passes, then swipe the card a final time.

Oh...there seems to be a snag. The FREEZER won't budge! It seems like the FRONT PLATE of it won't open outward at all, and besides that, it's extremely heavy, so you can't just get on the ground and lift it up.
>> Trent: Check how the computer gets power. There are wires for the monitor, keyboard, and mouse, but no power wire. We need to find out if it's Jaitia-powered or what-have-you.

...You know, that's a good question! Not only does the COMPUTER have power, how is it supposed to know that the PINK DOOR is locked? You don't see any obvious cords around the back of it, but you assume it has something to do with a WIRELESS NETWORK and a REALLY NICE COMPUTER BATTERY. Maybe.
>> Trent: Check out those markers again. Having two of green and blue is suspicious, as is having only one red if there are two of the others. Check out the duplicate erasers too.
Nope, there turns out to be nothing suspicious at all with any of the MARKERS or ERASERS! Well, except that one of the BLUE MARKERS had a GREEN CAP on it by mistake and vice versa, but who hasn't done that at least once in their lives?
>> Trent: Remove the plants from their pots. Search dirt for anything that isn't dirt.
You get your hands a little bit dirty by searching through the POTTING SOIL but end up finding nothing at all.
>> Trent: Attempt to move wire-clad chair around, remove the wires, or the wooden bar.

The CHAIR isn't connected to the WOODEN BAR. The WIRES are also very strong and thus cannot be removed or cut, though you get the feeling that you wouldn't want to do that anyway. If those WIRES fall through the HOLE, there's no way you're getting them back up here, even if you wanted to.
Your attention is momentarily drawn to the SCUFFMARKS and FOOTPRINTS over by the WINDOW, and you wonder what possible reason anyone would ever have for climbing around that area. Oh well.
>> Trent: Drop keycard through hole to see if it lands in the freezer.
You drop the BURAM CASTLE KEYCARD through the HOLE and hear it make a little "dink" sound. You then head downstairs to go get it.

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