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>> Trent: Cast FIRE on two stakes.

You grab 2 of your 3 WOODEN STAKES and hold them out. TRENT casts FIRE on them (which uses 2 MP), and you're left with two BLAZING WOODEN STAKES!

Since your INVENTORY is full, TRENT places them in his INVENTORY so that they won't burn out while you're holding them.
>> Jimmy: Block the door you just entered with Epona in case somebody follows you in.

You don't really think anyone's around anyway, but hey, this might be a good idea regardless! Instead of using EPONA to block the door to BURAM CASTLE'S NORTH WING, you use it to now block the EAST WING instead. Perhaps no one will even notice the DOOR is open with EPONA here in the way!
>> Jimmy: Ask Magic 8-Ball which way to go.

Your MAGIC 8-BALL seems to be somewhat of an optimist.
>> Inspect Small room to the left.
>> Inspect large room to the right.
You and TRENT decide to start exploring all of the open rooms, one by one!

The first room you come to is the small one on the left. This room seems suspiciously empty, except for a GIANT SEMI-TRANSPARENT BOX holding a whole lot of REFINED JAITIA. Something that looks like a giant COPPER WIRE comes out from the box and leaves towards the HALLWAY through a hole in the WALL. The same semi-transparent material that the BOX is made from forms a barrier around the WIRE.

Next, you explore the larger room to the right, that is, to the south. This room has a lot more in it than the previous one. From what you can tell, all of these WOODEN CRATES are filled to the brim with REFINED JAITIA, and the disarray to the right makes it seem as if some CRATES have been moved out of the room in the not-so-distant past. But there's really no telling how long these CRATES have been here, so who knows?
There also seems to be a big blue BOX in the back marked FREEZER, with two lines attached to the front that go through a hole in the CEILING.
>> Go left down the hall
>> Jimmy: Inspect Pinkish door for clues to unlocking it.
>> Jimmy: See if you can staple it open, or use your stapler in any way to open it.

You continue down the left hall. It seems the big COPPER WIRE continues into the next room as well.
The PINK DOOR appears to be locked, with no KEYHOLE or DOORKNOB or anything of the sort. It won't budge at all. Stapling it would also prove useless, so you decide not to waste your ammunition.
>> If the pink door cannot be unlocked yet, then go upstairs.
>> explore each room
It looks like that's all there is to see on the 1ST FLOOR, so you and TRENT decide to head upstairs and check out everything on the 2ND FLOOR.

The first room you come to on the left has two nice BLUE ARMCHAIRS and a POTTED PLANT. There's also a WINDOW. Wow, it's sure getting dark out there!

The room immediately to the left (east) is a bit like the first, with another WINDOW and two POTTED PLANTS. However, in this room, there also seems to be a working COMPUTER! A message on the screen declares that the PINK DOOR is locked.
That's all there is over here, but on the north side of the 2ND FLOOR, there appear to be three more rooms connected in sequence...

The first holds nothing but a WHITEBOARD, which seems to have nonsensical SCRIBBLINGS all over it.

Whoa, what's up with this? You enter the next room, which looks like a PAINT CAN exploded or something. You can barely make out the WALLS of the room, but you feel around the edges and discover that it is indeed the same size as all of the other rooms.

The third room is easily the most intreguing of them all. From what you can tell, there's a CEILING HATCH, a LARGE MACHINE which the COPPER WIRE is protruding from, an LCD DISPLAY saying the "System is idle", and a PANEL on the right labeled ROD CONTROLS with nine BUTTONS. None of it really seems to make any sense. What the heck is up with this place?
Using your knowledge of both floors and all of the rooms you've gone through, you make an extensive MENTAL MAP of the CASTLE's EAST WING.

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