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You stop for a moment to catch your breath and look around the room you're in.

You're now in a small ROOM at the top of BURAM CASTLE's standalone TOWER. Oddly enough, it's a nearly empty room with no way out except for the WINDOW you just came through. Not even a floor hatch! Whoever built this thing was whack or something.
From the WINDOW, you can see BURAM CASTLE's FRONT DOOR. Directly in front of you is a LARGE WOODEN SPOOL THING that that DRAWBRIDGE ROPE is wrapped around. There's some small stone thing jutting out of the TOWER WALL that's actually holding the DRAWBRIDGE ROPE back from unraveling itself. You figure you could move the SPOOL towards you to release the DRAWBRIDGE if you really wanted to. To the right of that is a big WOODEN LEVER, and to the right of that is an ORANGE DOOR with what seems to be an ORANGE KEYCARD READER just like the ones you saw on APEX's 13TH FLOOR. There is nothing else around or behind you.
It looks like someone once sloppily scribbled on the TOWER WALL with PAINT, which is how you know so much already. It seems like the WOODEN LEVER controls some DOOR and that it's in the SHUT position.
>> Demand experience for your death defying climb. Such a display of physical prowess certainly should be worth experience points, no?
You're pretty sure you got 30% AGILITY EXPERIENCE for your most awesome BURAM TOWER ASSAULT. Apparently in the midst of how cool your death-defying climb was, you forgot to mention it.
You hear a strange rumbling noise coming from the MOUNTAINS way out to the north. It stops after a moment, though.
What? Where? You don't see any such item, and even if you did, why would you be touching it? That's disgusting!
>> Run key card through orange section of the rainbow thing to make red key card orange.

You attempt to run your APEX RED KEYCARD through the orange part of the RAINBOW THING to turn it orange, but to no avail. It simply clinks against it with no reaction.
>> First inspect the rainbow thing for traps.
You inspect the RAINBOW THING for traps the only way you know how--with intense staring.

It looks TRAP-FREE!
>> If clean, take rainbow thing.
>> Take the rainbow thing. Nibble on it for a while.
You grab the RAINBOW THING and give it a nibble.

You fail to nibble any chunks out of the RAINBOW THING--it's pretty rock solid. You decide, then, to go ahead and stick it in your INVENTORY.

Your RAINBOW THING vanishes and goes to your INVE--wait a second--where'd it go? And your INVENTORY is full anyway!

Oh, there it is! The RAINBOW THING went to your MAGIC TAB for some reason, just like how the APEX RED KEYCARD resides on your STATS TAB. Weird.
>> Cut drawbridge rope and use it to create a climbing rope so you can freely enter and exit the tower
You whack away at the DRAWBRIDGE ROPE for a few moments, but your PICKAXE just seems to bounce off of it, dealing minimal damage. Indeed, this isn't a ROPE after all, but something that looks very much similar. (You decide to call it the DRAWBRIDGE CORD from now on.) You probably won't be able to cut this CORD unless you had a sharper tool...or were stronger...or had more time to cut it...or probably a combination of all three. But it doesn't really matter.
>> Unlock Drawbridge
You pull the LARGE WOODEN SPOOL THING out from the wall a little bit. As soon as it moves past the LOCKING MECHANISM, the SPOOL spins wildly and the DRAWBRIDGE is lowered!

Way to go! That PIRANHA-INFESTED MOAT isn't even a concern anymore!
...What is a conern, however, is how the heck you'e going to safely get down from this TOWER...
>> Pull the door lever down.
>> switch the Lever from SHUT to OPEN.
You pull the DOOR LEVER down from SHUT to OPEN.

Oh snap, it opened the DOOR to BURAM CASTLE! (You figured there was a small chance it might open this door next to you, but you assume the ORANGE KEYCARD READER must do that instead.)
Well, you've finished everything up here...now, how are you going to get down?
After giving it a moment of thought, you realize that trying to climb back down the TOWER would probably end up being a bad idea as far as your overall well-being is concerned, since your HASTE has since worn off and all.

Using the DRAWBRIDGE CORD as a ZIPLINE and your PICKAXE as a...ZIPLINE THINGY, you swing down from the top of the TOWER! What finesse! What skill! What agility!
(Yes, you totally gain 20% AGILITY EXPERIENCE this time.)
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