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You are now on the inside of BURAM CASTLE's MOAT. The CASTLE FRONT DOOR is not only shut and locked, but also heavily fortified, which seems uncommon for a region so technologically unadvanced. The TOWER is extremely tall, and upon touching it, you also realize that it's slick--not built for climbing in any way. The DRAWBRIDGE LINE still juts out from the TOWER WINDOW at the top.
>> Huff puff and blow the door down

Your HUFFING and PUFFING is unsuccessful! You also bang on it with your PICKAXE for good measure, but to no avail. It looks like the only thing that'll make this REINFORCED STEEL DOOR stop being closed is if...you disable whatever is keeping it closed.
>> Use Jimmy's ability to astrally project himself into the miniature Trojan Horse.
Oh, right, your MINIATURE TROJAN HORSE is still over there on the other side of the PIRANHA-INFESTED MOAT. It would be nice to have right about now, wouldn't it? Unfortunately, you're not entirely sure what "astrally projecting" yourself is or how to do it. If only you were back at APEX, you could have looked it up on WIKIPEDIA or something. Oh, wait, no, they disabled employees' internet access, didn't they? Nevermind, then.
Besides, you totally forgot to build WHEELS onto your MINIATURE TROJAN HORSE. It's probably not going anywhere.
>> Check stats.

Your STATS MENU is much as you left it, except probably with a few EXPERIENCE GAINS. It looks like you're also now in an INQUISITIVE MOOD, probably due to all this adventuring!
>> Compare stats against other Adventure characters.
You can't see the STATS MENU of anyone else, but you try to remember who you've all met besides. There's ARMANDO GUITIERREZ your boss, CASSANDRA DE VRIES, that BROWN ANGRY GUY, that BLUE TRENCH COAT GUY, etc. There's probably a few more. Oh yeah, the FLOOR 25 SECRETARY...people like that. Oh! And DREDLOCK. Boy you hate that guy.
Yeah, they probably all have STATS MENUs too, but they're not privy to you.
>> Cut the rope so the drawbridge lowers
The DRAWBRIDGE ROPE is too high up! You also have a sneaking feeling that it's not actually made of ROPE since your WOODEN STAKE practically bounced off of it earlier. But whatever.
>> Use wood from bridge to build ladder to the window
The DRAWBRIDGE is too well-made to be splintered apart. Too bad, because your MINOR WOODWORKING ability might have come in handy here for once.
>> use PICKAXE to pickax-in footholds in the stone wall.
>> While hastened, use heightened agility skills to climb up the rope into the window
You still feel like you have a few seconds of HASTE left in you! Grabbing your PICKAXE, you attempt to dash up the side of the TOWER before your HASTE runs out, whacking FOOTHOLDS in the TOWER WALL as you go. Using the last seconds of your haste, you scale the wall, grab the rope, and get inside.

You succeed not only in scaling the TOWER, but also amazing yourself that it could be done! Kudos to you!
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