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>> Introduce the spiders blood into Jimmy's wound causing a fantastic mutation of Jimmy's DNA and allowing him to systematically change between Jimmy, the mild mannered desk jockey and Arachn-Jimmy. Half spider, half human werewolf thing.
Wait, where did this derailed train of thought come from? You're scared of (most) SPIDERS, remember? You have no interest in becoming a HALF-HUMAN HALF-WEREWOLF HALF-SPIDER JIMMY ARACHNID MUTANT THING. ...Maybe some other time.
Oh yeah, back to this. You confidently stride into BURAM CASTLE.
BURAM CASTLE, as you expected, is completely deserted--devoid of both people and of cluttered items which you love so much to pick up. The DOOR you came through is on the SOUTH WALL of the CASTLE FOYER, so you examine the remaining three walls.

The NORTH WALL, straight ahead, boasts another big set of REINFORCED STEEL DOUBLE DOORS just like the ones that prevented entrance to the CASTLE in the first place. There seems to be a big PUSH-BUTTON SWITCH to either side of the doors.

The WEST WALL, on your left, is completely barren and empty.

The EAST WALL on the other hand (to your right) has a couple of interesting facets. On the far left is a solid DOOR with no handle or anything, sort of like the ones attached to KEYCARD READERS. Next to it is what looks to be a KEYPAD. On the far right is a similar structure to the DOOR, except that it's built into the WALL such that it doesn't reach the ground.
You hear another loud RUMBLING NOISE coming from the NORTHERN MOUNTAINS, sort of like the one you previously heard while in the TOWER, except louder and a little longer. What is it with those MOUNTAINS? Jeez. Maybe BURAM just gets a lot of earthquakes. There was a CAVE-IN, after all.
>> Examine west wall for hollow spots by tapping the wall. Bombing will commence later if possible.
Nope, the WEST WALL seems entirely solid. If you recall correctly, that was the general direction of the JAITIA REFINING FACTORY you saw through the WINDOW. There's surely a way to get in there, just...not directly through the wall.
>> Lead wooden horse into castle and tell it to push a button while you push the other.

Your MINIATURE TROJAN HORSE doesn't have any WHEELS, but you manage to pull it across the DRAWBRIDGE and into the CASTLE. You shove it up against one of the two BIG RED BUTTONS, and a light up above notifies you that the BUTTON has been pressed! Awesome!

Or...it would have been awesome, anyway, if the BUTTON hadn't shut off a split-second later. It looks like holding down the BUTTON isn't going to do any good, because it shuts off like 0.1 seconds after you press it. You'd need to be in two places at once to make this work, unfortunately.
>> Scream at both red buttons until you get what you want.

You release all of your pent-up FRUSTRATION of the BUTTONS stopping your TROJAN HORSE idea and scream as loud and long as you possibly can.
You kind of hurt your throat there for a second, but beside that, nothing happens.
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