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>> Find shelter for the night, preferably by building your very own heated log cabin.
>> Use pickaxe to chop down the trees in the surrounding area to do this

It's starting to get dark out, so you use your PICKAXE to chop down a few TREES, using the resulting WOOD and LEAVES to create a miniature LOG CABIN! (It's not heated, though, as you think you'd accidentally burn it down.)
You earn 24% CONSTRUCTION EXPERIENCE for a job well done!
You've learned a new ability: MINOR WOODWORKING!
You feel slightly more proficient at randomly creating items out of WOOD on a small scale!

You check your newfound ABILITIES TAB, which showcases your two new ABILITIES!
Unrelated to everything else, enough time has passed, and you've regained 1 MP!
>> Ask Spider's name.
"My apologies, but we spiders never really give ourselves names. It's too much of a chore when most of us are so far separated that we'll never have the chance to meet one another."
>> Ask about the castle, clearly the spider would know more about it than John due to the fact he is closer to it.
"Ah, yes, the stone castle down the way. It's certainly active, I know that much, although I think the drawbridge has only been lowered once or twice, and that was many moons ago. Unfortunately, I've never seen the inside of it myself, as the moat and the fish that dwell within it stop me from crossing the threshold."
>> Remove bucket from head (keep the mining hat on, with the light off)
>> Fill the bucket with the town's water, whether for drinking or putting out the fire
There's no WATER nearby and there's no FIRE, so you end up not seeing the need to do either of these things!
>> Attempt to sharpen pickaxe with Jaitia stone. Woodcutting with pickaxes is tricky business.

This JAITIA is some really hard stuff! You try to sharpen your PICKAXE against the ROCK you collected from the MINE CARTS in the VILLAGE. This seems quite dangerous somehow! You don't do a very good job, but your PICKAXE is a teeny bit sharper nonetheless. The JAITIA looks like nothing ever scuffed it. Rock-solid, one might say.
>> Fashion wooden stakes. Have our new spider friend put his venom on them.

You use your PICKAXE to fell a couple more TREES, and use your MINOR WOODWORKING ABILITY to fashion them into several nice WOODEN STAKES protecting your MINIATURE LOG CABIN! Unfortunately, the SPIDER is of the relatively harmless, non-venomous variety, and thus plain WOOD STAKES will have to do. They're still formidable, surely? Beware of SPLINTERS!
>> Hire spider as security guard of your cottage and/or ask to him keep a lookout while you sleep INSIDE the cottage for the night
"I am here all the time, good sir, but you must realize that in the dark, my eyesight is just as bad as yours. I'll guard your new cottage for free, but I must request that you stop chopping the trees? I live in these, you understand."
>> Say "Mallon" at the rock.

You say "MALLON" at the ROCK.
Nothing happens.
(If you were referring to its assumably STEELY content, though, nice try nonetheless!)
>> Warn the spider to get to a safe spot before inserting the key card.
The SPIDER retracts and moves up the TREE a little bit.
>> Insert Red Card Key into slit
>> And then press the smooth black dot.

You insert your APEX RED KEYCARD into the DARK SLIT and pull it back out, much like swiping it in a KEYCARD READER. Amazingly, it fits perfectly! There ends up being no need to press on the SMOOTH BLACK DOT, as it turns out to be a tiny LCD LIGHT that turns green upon inserting the KEYCARD.
You hear a loud grinding noise.

Whoa now, what's all this? A section of the FOREST FLOOR tilts open, knocking over some of your WOODEN STAKES and revealing a SECRET UNDERGROUND PASSAGEWAY! The MINE CART TRACKS continue into the hole!
Going to sleep in your MINIATURE LOG CABIN feels like a good idea, but you want to see what's down the PASSAGEWAY first!

The GROUND slopes gently downward into the UNDERGROUND PASSAGEWAY, you you easily walk down it. It turns out to be really dark down here--you can barely see your HAND in front of your FACE. The MINE CART TRACKS continue into the darkness.
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