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>> Go back up and grab the wooden stakes
>> Stack them in your inventory for firewood or weaponry if needed

The WOODEN STAKES probably aren't doing any good guarding your MINIATURE LOG CABIN, so you decide to go back aboveground and take some of them.

The final slot in your INVENTORY has been filled with the PILE OF TEN WOODEN STAKES.
>> Tell your spider friend to pass on the tale of your spider companion throughout the generations should you never return from the tunnel.
"I shall strive to do so; you have my word."
That's good enough for you! You head back down into the SECRET UNDERGROUND TUNNEL.
>> Light self on fire to provide warmth and light
Before you can even contemplate the physical ramifications of this act (including FIRST-DEGREE BURNS and, in general, lots of PAIN) you realize that you don't have anything that could actually start a FIRE. Maybe next time.
>> Worry about the existence of a Grue.

OH GOSH A GRUE? Do you really think there could be one in this TUNNEL? They eat WANDERING ADVENTURERS not unlike yourself! You're quite frightened now! There's no way you're going down this TUNNEL if there's any chance of a GRUE being down there!
>> Turn on your helmet light.
You twist the LIGHT on your BUCKET MINING HELMET.

Oh, cool, it works! You suppose you can head down this most-likely-GRUEless-TUNNEL now.
>> Follow the tracks if you see anything interesting in the distance.
>> Go into that mine area and explore. Make sure to have your guard up
You follow the MINE CART TRACKS for quite a long way.

You finally come to the END OF THE ROAD, as it were. A strange, STONEISH WALL blocks your way. There is a MINE CART-SIZED HOLE in the WALL, and sure enough, there's a JAITIA-FILLED MINE CART just past the entrance to the HOLE. There's also a LADDER leading upwards, and a big red BUTTON.
You spend several seconds thinking about whether you should activate the BUTTON or not. If you do, something good might happen. Or something bad might happen. If you don't, nothing at all will probably happen.
Oh, what the heck. You get the strangest feeling that if you don't make up your mind right now, it's going to be four or five days before you actually push the darn thing, so you go ahead and push it.

Upon pushing the BUTTON, large METAL BARS slide down and block all entrance to the HOLE in the WALL. The JAITIA-FILLED MINE CART automatically starts rolling away, into the darkness ahead. You also hear a small click in the area above the LADDER, like an unlocking door.
After the MINE CART rolls out of sight, you figure there's nothing better to do now than to ascend.

You climb the LADDER, which leads to a sort of UNLOCKED MANHOLE COVER. You are now outside, and it's gotten rather dark already. To the EAST is the CASTLE'S WEST WING. Between the CASTLE and you is the CASTLE MOAT. To the SOUTHWEST is the path that leads to the CASTLE DRAWBRIDGE, which you can see in the distance is currently in the UP position.
There's a light and some strange noises coming from the CASTLE, but it's through a WINDOW that's a little bit too high for you to see through. If only you were higher up, perhaps you could investigate.
>> Draw picture 8.

This page of THE ADVENTURES OF JIMMY only contains 7 PICTURES.
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