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>> Inquire spider about who, if anyone, comes to claim the Jaitia-filled carts.
"The mine carts move at night, when I'm sleeping. Sometimes I'm stirred awake enough to see them coming, but too drowsy to see where they go. I can sense a person nearby when it happens, but it's just too dark to know who it is."
>> Examine STONE. Dur.
You examine the STONE. It looks like a big ROCK! You circle around the other side of it.

Strangely, the other side of the STONE has a thin, dark SLIT cut into it. It's semi-deep, but much too thin to stick your FINGER in. There's also a small dark DOT, which is smoother than the rest of the STONE.
>> Move the rock thing in the back ground
>> get under the rock!

You try to move the big ROCK, but it's really heavy, and won't budge! This also means you can't get under it, as it's solidly stuck in the GROUND.
>> Ask the SPIDER if there's anything special about that STONE in the background
"That stone? I don't know. I've been on it before; there's some small opening in the back of it that doesn't go anywhere, with some strange smooth material on the inside."
>> Use your PICKAXE on the STONE regardless of what the SPIDER says

You whack the STONE with your PICKAXE. It makes a CLANG sound instead a THUNK, or a TINK, or whatever you were expecting it to make, which catches you slightly off-guard.
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