[Hella Jeff] no this is just on the table, thats NOT HIDING.
I would’ve changed panel 2 to a table if I’d thought about it early enough.
So! Kid Icarus: Uprising is really fun. I’ve never been a fan of Kid Icarus/Pit, like, ever, but I got the game and have been delightfully surprised. It lacks depth in a bunch of ways, but it also does a lot of things right that I wish other games would do. And the dialogue, which is 100% spoken, can often be pretty hilarious. You can expect some of those quotes to pop up on the site someday.
(The best part is when I look up the voice actors and realize that Viridi is Starfire, Palutena is Lightning, Arlon/Pyrrhon is Snow, Hades is Dysley, and pretty much everyone else was ALSO in FFXIII.)
Off-panel fish not appearing on screen. Keeping up to his new year’s promise I see. 😛
He’s really dedicated!
Your playing Kid Icarus: Uprising, but Super Mario 3D Land remains unopened.
Oh yeah. I guess next time I see you, I’ll take the plastic wrapper off the case. That’ll be an improvement, right?
considering that you haven’t touched it since you bought it. It would be a big improvement.
I just picked up the game case and did a little dance around my room with it, just to prove you wrong!