[Marik] And be sure to take a flashlight with you and pour cereal into your shoes. Th-that’s…that’s a must.
We interrupt this regularly-scheduled story arc to bring you an extremely long comic comprised of twenty-four smaller comics drawn over the course of last weekend. Actually I don’t think this was the original intention of 24-Hour Comics Day, but I’ve always wanted to try this so too bad. …Oh, also, 24-Hour Comics Day was actually two weeks ago, but I was really busy then. I don’t play by your rules, society! (wait yes i do)
In case you were wondering, we named the Metroid in SSBB “Bidoof”. And SHADOW AND LIGHT is from the Katamari Forever soundtrack.
I love that Phoenix Wright! Except when they needlessly add a love interest for Gumshoe. Everyone knows he only has eyes for Edgeworth!
It’s even more awkward because her former boyfriend is dead.
Soooo……when ya gettin’ some Project Wonderful adspace? >.>
I dunno! It’s a possibility. I don’t want to clutter up the layout (it already fights me enough sometimes) but there IS a big empty space at the top of the page that might as well be put to use by other people. =P
I keep wanting to do one of these but I never know when the dedicated day to do them is. I might do what you did and just do one on my own schedule.
I love the Hours from 12:00 PM – 2:00 PM 😉 But I don’t know why 😉
Oh, I have a pretty good idea, I think. 8)