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>> Jimmy: Query ABILITIES tab.

Nothing has changed since last time. Unfortunately, you also haven't gotten very much SKILL EXPERIENCE lately.
>> Jimmy: Using Spiderese, call any and all arachnids near you to your aid!!!

You use your knowledge of SPIDERESE to call any and all SPIDERS to your aid!
Your whole body feels really tingly for a moment, but nothing else seems to happen. How unfortunate!
You gain 2% LINGUISTICS EXPERIENCE nonetheless.
>> Jimmy: Once done, use the possibly still hastened pic axe to deal some more damage.
>> Trent: Employ Sneak skill to try to blend with the background and get behind Hax
TRENT tries to blend in with the background, but due to not being the same color and also because there seem to be quickly moving lines everywhere, he's unable to fully do so. However, he does gain 20% STEALTH EXPERIENCE for the attempt.
You rush forward for your PICKAXE (which surely still has some HASTE left on it) at the same time TRENT tries to sneak around behind HAX.

HAX stops you both dead in your tracks with his LEVEL 4 ROCKETTECH: ROCKET BARRAGE! He fires a handful of SUPERFAST ROCKETS at you, followed up at the very end with a normal ROCKET (which does more damage due to being a little bit slower, but the two of you are caught in the BARRAGE and unable to avoid it regardless.)
>> Trent: Call 1-800-u-cheeta and inform them of a RL hacker.
In the immortal words of one of your favorite cartoon characters: "I DON'T. HAVE. A PHONE LINE!" Besides, even if you had a CELL PHONE (and the only one you've ever seen was DREDLOCK's) you probably wouldn't get very good reception in this BOSS HELL ZONE.
>> Jimmy: Flee the battle
>> Trent: Flee the battle

Blast! There's no way out of here! Every time you get into a BOSS ENGAGEMENT, it's like you couldn't leave if your life depended on it! (Which it probably does.)
>> Surrender.
HAX refuses to let you surrender! He says:
"I came all this way to stop you, even knowing the consequences. I am NOT about to let this battle end in disappointment."
>> Jimmy: Rapid-fire staples at Hax
>> Trent: Throw stake at Hax's forehead. Don't throw 'til Jimmy starts shooting; only one attack can be blocked

GOOD LORD HE BLOCKS EVERYTHING. Not a single one of either of your attacks get through to HAX!
>> Trent: Once you've snuck up to Hax, kick him in the nads.
You both try once again to sneak up to HAX, using a slightly different tactic.

OH GOD THE PAIN. HAX has a seemingly unlimited supply of SUPERFAST ROCKETS with which he whittles away your precious HP! These hurt even more than the last batch did!

You finally realize that you are totally and utterly screwed. To quote something else: "This is the end. The bitter, bitter end." Perhaps things could have gone differently if you had played your cards right. But at the same time...perhaps not. HAX is just too powerful.
As you resign yourself to your fate, you feel a slight tingling sensation again.
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