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>> Jimmy: Cast HASTE on ROCKET, therefore speeding it up and reducing its damage.
>> Jimmy: Throw REFINED JAITIA ORE at the superslow rocket so it detonates when closer to Hax.
>> Jimmy: Shoot staples at the slow rocket
>> Jimmy: Cast GRAVITY on the ROCKET, causing it to drop and explode at our foe's feet, dealing a ton of damage to him!
You mull over several options for your plan of action in your head, but casting GRAVITY on the SUPERSLOW ROCKET seems like it would be the most effective idea. You do just that!

You cast GRAVITY with the last of your MAGIC POINTS.

The SUPERSLOW ROCKET's added WEIGHT causes it to fall to the ground and immediately detonate! The large EXPLOSION deals damage to everyone in the fight, in order of proximity. Situation successfully neutralized!
>> Trent: When the superslow rocket detonates, throw one of the wooden stakes that are on fire at Hax. It's the whole "kick him while he's down" thing going on.

TRENT flings one of his FIERY WOODEN STAKES directly at HAX, but HAX manages to block it entirely.
>> Trent: Shoot jaitia bullets as a counter attack after the rocket hits.

TRENT fires all three of his MAKESHIFT JAITIA BULLETS. One hits HAX, dealing a minimal amount of damage, but the other two promptly shatter and backfire in TRENT's face, giving him a face full of broken JAITIA crystals. Gack!
>> Trent: After expending all of your ammo, dual wield your Shishkebabs. (Sticks on fire)

TRENT does this. Or, perhaps, he would do this, if he hadn't already lobbed one of his FIERY WOODEN STAKES halfway across the BATTLEFIELD. He'll have to settle for one.
TRENT puts away the EXPENDED HANDGUN single-wields the FIERY SHISHKEBAB!
>> Jimmy: Inform Hax that you received your santa hat directly from Santa himself, and if he continues his reign of terror you will make sure that he is on the naughty list for a very long time.
HAX simply laughs and replies: Heh, heh, heh. You naive fool. It isn't going to matter.
He kind of creeps you out.
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