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>> Jimmy: The Jaitia is probably being electrocuted for some evil reason, prevent this from happening by smashing the copper wire with your pickaxe. The pickaxe handle is made of wood, and wood does not conduct electricity, so you should be 100% safe (maybe).
You'd totally do this if you could just get at the COPPER WIRES! You smack the SEMI-TRANSPARENT PLASTIC COVERINGS that house the wires with both your PICKAXE'S HEAD and its HANDLE, but neither do anything at all to the amazingly-tough material. It's almost like it's better than TEFLON!
>> Jimmy: Use PICKAXE on WALL where ELECTRIC PIPE OF DOOM comes out of, since there appears to be no IMPENETRABLE WALL OF PLASTIC there.
That's...that's genius! The 1ST FLOOR HALLWAY's COPPER WIRE is only protected at the top, but the PINK DOOR ROOM's RESISTORS are protected by a large plate a few feet from the BACK WALL! Clearly, no one ever thought of this inconsistency! You run down to the end of the hall and begin tearing away at the HALLWAY WALL immediately.

Unfortunately, after a few minutes of banging away at the WALL, you only manage to chip away some of it. As this is an old CASTLE, these walls are made of solid STONE. You figure that given enough time, you could actually get through here, and it could get easier as more of it starts to give way or TRENT comes to help, but for the time being you think you'll explore your other options. You'll totally come back to this later, since with the DOWNPOUR outside you don't plan on leaving the CASTLE anytime soon anyway!
>> Trent: Examine DANGER SIGN on wall in ELECTRIC BOX ROOM.

Yep, it seems to be a GENERIC DANGER SIGN, although you're not sure if it's referring to the COPPER WIRE or the REFINED JAITIA-FILLED BOX. The BOX seems harmless enough. It probably means the WIRE. Luckily, the WIRE is encased behind a super-tough COVERING, so there's no danger to you whatsoever!
>> Trent: Add JAITIA to the ELECTRIC BOX from the JAITIA STORAGE ROOM. Fill to capacity - and beyond!
You grab some JAITIA from the FREEZER ROOM across the hall and try to throw some in. However, the REFINED JAITIA-FILLED BOX also has a lid on it made from the same stuff, so it's no use. You assume the lid is most likely to stop you from taking any JAITIA out of it, rather than filling it with even more. There's sure a ton of JAITIA in that thing already.
>> Trent: Drag EPONA inside the CODELOCKED DOOR.
>> Trent: Close CODELOCKED DOOR.

You reposition EPONA between the BURAM CASTLE FOYER and the 1ST FLOOR HALLWAY and try to make the door shut. It starts to close around EPONA, grinds for a little bit, and then opens back up. You do it again, but with the same results. It reminds you of your old COMPUTER's CD TRAY. You know, like when you press the button but hold your finger there to stop it from ejecting, and then after a few seconds it goes "fine forget you!" and closes back up.
It's totally like that.
>> Trent: Go back to the room with all the buttons and press each button one at a time, waiting to see if anything happens and which button causes what.

The two of you head back up to the LIGHTNING ROD ROOM on the 2ND FLOOR. The LIGHTNING ROD is now fully extended above the ROOF. You can hear the rumble of THUNDER, which is getting closer but still a ways out from your current position.
It seems that six BUTTONS are lit up on the ROD CONTROLS panel.
Hmm. I was pressing buttons on that earlier, and after pressing six of them, it would reset itself. It's almost like...like the correct six-button sequence was entered onto the control pad somehow. ...This is kind of disconcerting, actually. But maybe the falling barometric pressure simply automatically triggered the activation sequence. That would surely explain it. Anyway, I don't see anything out of the ordinary; do you?
You reply that everything does indeed seem to be in fine and working order. You hammer away at some of the ROD CONTROLS BUTTONS, but once again, after six of them light up, the whole thing gets reset. There's 60,480 combinations, and you figure that even if you wanted to deactivate the LIGHTNING ROD now, your chances of actually doing so are slim to none.
Oh well. You decide to go back downstairs and take a crack and busting open that WALL again!
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