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>> Rob John's Mining Shoppe

You burst into JOHN'S MINING SHOPPE and claim that this is a ROBBERY! JOHN takes a good look at you for a second before responding.
...Is this a joke?
With PICKAXE in hand and BUCKET HELMET as HEADGEAR, you hesitate for a moment, slightly startled at JOHN's lack of nervousness (like that of lovable, stuttering MARTY.) JOHN breaks the silence before you can reply.
Ok, drop the charade. You're obviously not here for the Jaitia. Who are you, and what do you want with our village?
>> Come clean. You're Jimmy, with a freshly acquired manager card and you came into town before learning what the entire town and mining system was about.
You tell JOHN the whole thing, about how you've been an OFFICE WORKER for a while, overheard them talking about a PLOT TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD, and escaped to a MAGICAL DOOR which led you to BURAM VILLAGE.
Right. ...Jimmy, is it? When you really want to tell me where you're from, go right ahead. Over the mountains, maybe? That's where everyone else seems to reside. But magical doorways...come on.
>> Break your pickaxe with your knee cap to show that you mean bsns

OW why did you do that? The PICKAXE fails to break, and now your KNEE hurts. JOHN is unimpressed.
>> Demand the green mining hat and pickaxe in exchange for the shopkeepers life.
Yeah, that's not going to happen. Trust me, I'm more proficient with a pickaxe than you are.
>> Discard crappy non-green mining axe for the green one.
You ask JOHN if you can swap out your current PICKAXE for the green one. Not nicely, that is, but also not with a DEATH THREAT attached.
You want that old used thing? Sure, I'll trade your new pickaxe for that.

JOHN grabs the JAITIA-STAINED PICKAXE and trades you for your normal PICKAXE.
>> Ask JOHN If you could see one of those mining hats.
>> While he's looking away, steal a lantern.

You inquire about one of the MINING HATS on the SHELF behind JOHN. As he turns around to grab one, you sneakily steal a LANTERN.

You quietly stash the LANTERN in your INVENTORY. You're quick and agile, and JOHN doesn't seem to notice! Score.
>> Tell him he's gotta admit your loveable antics are better than Dredlock's power trips.

JOHN turns around and places the MINING HAT on the COUNTER. You mention something about your LOVABLE ANTICS and DREDLOCK'S POWER TRIPS.
I don't have the slightest idea who Dredlock is. And lovable antics? Do your lovable antics include stealing other peoples' property?? Listen, bud, this village has enough troubles as it is with the mining quotas and the tunnel struggles--we don't need random strangers coming in and making things worse for us. Now if you don't actually need anything, would you mind leaving my store? The only thing that's free here is information. Today's special is "How to get out of town".
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