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You go back to the MAIN STREET of BURAM VILLAGE and grab the BUCKET by the BUILDING you passed on your way in.
>> Take disgarded bucket and use construction skills to fashion it into a stylish top hat.
You feel that this would be a really cool idea, and your CONSTRUCTION LEVEL could certainly use the boost. However, if you turn the BUCKET into a TOP HAT, you just know you'd accidentally destroy the actual BUCKET part of it somehow. For the time being, you decide to leave it as is.
>> Equip +5 Bucket Helm of Pwn
>> Equip Pick as weapon.

You equip the BUCKET and the PICKAXE!

Unfortunately, instead of being a +5 BUCKET HELM OF PWN, it turns out to be a +3 BUCKET HELM OF NOOB. You look really, really silly with that thing on.
>> Take quarter and use it as a monocle.
>> Use new disguse to re-engage conversation with stuttering guy.
You consider this, but the timing seems too perfect, and BURAM VILLAGE too deserted, that you think the disguise wouldn't pan out as you hope. Instead, you eavesdrop on MARTY inside the MINING STORE. You creep up to the WINDOW and can hear him talking.
H-hi John.
Hey Marty. ...You ok?
Yeah, I just...ran into one of our bosses outside.
Here? Today? But it's not the end of the month yet!
That's what I said, too.
Ha ha, really? You worked up the courage to say that, eh?
W-well it's true! And with the mine collapse, we just have to work harder...ugh. Anyway, he asked for a pickaxe for some reason, so I gave him mine.
Weird. That's the first I've heard of any of them actually trying to do any work. Here, I'll loan you this one, no charge.
Thanks, John. I've got to get back to work. I was so scared--for a minute there, I thought he was going to demand another cart full of Jaitia by month's end...
I'm glad he didn't. At this rate alone, I may need to come help you guys out with mining these last few days. I won't keep you any longer; stay safe.

You duck out of the way and back towards the MINE CARTS as MARTY comes to the MINING STORE'S FRONT DOOR with a new PICKAXE in hand. You hide behind one of the CARTS and watch as he trudges back up towards the LOWER MINE SHAFT.
>> Take one lump of the Jaitia from the cart.

You take a LUMP OF JAITIA from the MINE CART and store it in your INVENTORY.
You spin some more, but do not gain any additional CHIMERAN EXPERIENCE.
>> Follow Marty into the mine.
>> Follow him up to the LOWER MINE SHAFT
It seems like the SUN is inching towards setting over the MOUNTAIN. You feel fairly unequipped to be in the LOWER MINE SHAFT, especially if everyone else leaves at SUNSET. You also have an urge to explore some more on this nice late afternoon.
>> examine WELL

The BURAM VILLAGE WELL is simply that; a WELL with WATER in it, which looks fairly clean and probably drinkable. You can barely see some LADDER RUNGS sticking out of the stone, but you've played more than enough Zelda: Ocarina of Time to know that even if the RUNGS lead somewhere, it's probably somewhere very creepy that you don't wish to go.
>> Remove metal plate and examine the hole created

The METAL PLATE is solidly affixed to the bottom of your BUCKET and won't easily be removed. Looking in at it, it's nice and smooth, and hardly seems to be anything out of the ordinary. (Except, you know, a piece of METAL where some WOOD would usually be.)
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