◄ Chapter 6, Page 2 | Chapter 6, Page 3 | Chapter 6, Page 4 ► |
>> Take Keyboard and mouse
>> Attach to computer.

You do this. You finally have a fully working COMPUTER! Yessss!
You close the FILING CABINET, since it's completely empty now and the open drawers were taking up space.
>> use keyboard as shield
>> Equip Mouse as a Ball and Chain type weapon.
No way! These COMPUTER PARTS are staying here. You spent too much time finding them to just take them elsewhere.
>> Attempt to hack into APEX MICROCHIPS COMPANY BUILDING main files.
You're completely limited to the three icons on your DESKTOP: E-MAIL, MINESWEEPER, and RIDDLES.
>> Check Email
It's best to do this now, before you start playing MINESWEEPER for two days straight.
You open your E-MAIL CLIENT and receive 3 NEW MESSAGES.

You play many, many games of MINESWEEPER, completely obliterating each one. Man, this is so much fun. You rock at this.

Shoot. Which squares are the mines? Top-left + bottom-right or top-right + bottom-left? There's no way to tell!!
>> proceed to locker 118
You're not sure where the MANAGERIAL LOCKERS are actually located, since you don't have one yourself. Perhaps this would be an excellent time to peruse the new APEX MICROCHIPS HELP SYSTEM?
>> Consider using Dredlock's key in the "administration only" keyhole in the elevator.
DREDLOCK was a low-level MANAGER, definitely not an ADMINISTRATOR. You're fairly certain that the KEYHOLE in the ELEVATOR does not match this MANAGERIAL LOCKER KEY.
>> Ask the Magic 8-Ball if the top left and bottom right hold the mines.
You shake the MAGIC 8-BALL while asking it this question.

You get the strange feeling that this game of MINESWEEPER's fate is not pre-determined. Not a person on the planet could help you know which pair of boxes to pick. So what'll it be?
◄ Chapter 6, Page 2 | Chapter 6, Page 3 | Chapter 6, Page 4 ► |