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>> Mourn loss of Spider.
>> Swear you will have revenge on Dredlock

The SPIDER's bravery, speed, and tenacity was surely the force that turned the tide of your battle. You hold immense gratitude for its aid against your manager, even to the point where it gave its life, having fallen into the endless void. You shed a tear and silently curse DREDLOCK, swearing that one day you will avenge the SPIDER's death.
>> contemplate other job options in case you get fired for beating up your boss
You find that the initial apathy for your work that started this adventure is beginning to spread. You're not very worried about job-loss repercussions much anymore. ...That doesn't mean you want to quit, but if you get fired for defeating DREDLOCK...well, it was definitely worth it then, wasn't it?
>> Check ammo count for cupzooka
Again, since there's a plastic top on your WATERCOOLER CUPHOLDER BAZOOKA, you can't tell exactly how many cups are left in it. It's starting to feel really light, though, compared to what it used to be.
>> Pick up 8-ball
>> Ask it what you should do next.
You pick up your MAGIC 8-BALL, mutter "Now what?", give it a shake, and examine it.

Less helpful than usual, it seems.
You put the MAGIC 8-BALL back in your INVENTORY.
>> Examine item Dredlock dropped while fleeing
>> Pick up the green/yellow thing Dredlock dropped.

The item on the floor that DREDLOCK dropped looks like a key. In fact, it turns out to be his MANAGERIAL LOCKER KEY! These are very important--the MANAGERIAL LOCKER ROOM holds all of the managers' most secret stuff! DREDLOCK surely didn't drop this on purpose. If he knew you had this...well, just don't let him know you have this.

You put DREDLOCK's MANAGERIAL LOCKER KEY (it looks like it says LOCKER #118) in your INVENTORY.
>> Remove Dilbert comic to examine the odd bulge.

You peel back the DILBERT COMIC to examine what was pushing it from the other side. It turns out to be a FILE CABINET KEY! You can only assume where this goes to...
>> Try to open second drawer with the key, if it is one.
Bingo! The key actually fits, and the FILE CABINET's MIDDLE DRAWER unlocks and slides open.

The only things in the DRAWER are a KEYBOARD and a MOUSE.
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