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>> Climb back up to computer.

You climb back up to FLOOR 18 and reach where you left your COMPUTER. Through some sort of unexplained change in your UNIVERSE, you find that you can now carry your COMPUTER if you want!

However, you don't have any INVENTORY SPACE. If you want to carry your COMPUTER, you'll have to make room for it somehow.
>> Check status tab and EXP tab

Your STATS tab reflects your recent EXPERIENCE GAINS. It also shows your current STATUS (HEALTHY).
>> Fold scrap of paper into same shape as dollar bills
>> Store folded paper with money in inventory without wasting space...
This doesn't work! While all MONEY is stackable (as in the case of the DOLLAR BILLS and PENNY taking up the same INVENTORY SPACE), you can't mix MONEY and regular PAPER.
>> Open the COMPUTER, using the PENNY as SCREWDRIVER if need be
>> Store the MONEY in the COMPUTER
>> Close and take COMPUTER

The COMPUTER has a tab on it, and its SIDE PANEL pops right open! You stash your $3.01 inside of the COMPUTER and close it up.

>> Take the ELEVATOR down to FLOOR 1

You push the DOWN ELEVATOR BUTTON, and the doors on the left slide open.

Once inside the ELEVATOR, you examine your surroundings. There are 24 buttons on the wall, one for each FLOOR of the APEX MICROCHIPS BUILDING. On the right is a locked PANEL that says it's for the ADMINISTRATION's use only. You push the button for FLOOR 1 and ride down.
>> Take the other ELEVATOR back up to your CUBICLE on FLOOR 23

You finally reach FLOOR 1. It looks pretty much the same as all of the other floors you've been to so far, except the WATERCOOLER in this case has been replaced with a nice POTTED PLANT. You push the UP ELEVATOR BUTTON and enter the ELEVATOR on the right this time, instead.

This ELEVATOR doesn't have the ADMINISTRATION ACCESS PANEL, for whatever reason. (It doesn't really matter; you couldn't mess with it anyway.) You push the BUTTON for FLOOR 23 and ride back up to your CUBICLE.
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