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You pick everything back up, keeping the bell this time.
>> Drink some of the water to replenish health

Good idea! You drink some of the WATER in the WATERCOOLER. The WATERCOOLER's reserves go down to 90%, and you regain the 3 HP you were missing!
>> ride water machine down the stairs.
You feel kind of afraid of doing this, actually. But you pretend it's a sled on a snow-covered hill, and push off.

OH MY GOD THAT WAS AWESOME. You're dizzy as heck and suddenly really wet for some reason, but OH MAN THAT WAS TOTALLY WORTH IT. The WATERCOOLER ended up hitting the wall at the bottom of the STAIRS and burst into pieces. The BASE and CUPHOLDER detached, the two DISPENSER TABS flew off, and the WATER TANK broke open and spilled its contents everywhere. You're also an extra floor downward now.
...But yeah. As far as you're concerned, that was epic. For conquering your fear of flying down a stairwell on top of a plastic water dispenser, you gained 20% Adversity EXP!
>> fashion a necklace out of "dizzy halo" and hot and cold tabs from water machine and equip.
As you reach for the DIZZY HALO, it vanishes! Perhaps if you were more adept at interacting with IMAGINARY OBJECTS...
>> Equip cup holder tube thing as new weapon

You have created the WATERCOOLER CUPHOLDER BAZOOKA! ...It fires cups! For undertaking this feat of engineering (and succeeding), you gained 30% CONSTRUCTION EXP!
>> equip WATER COOLER JUG as armor.

You try to do this, but have a feeling that it's not going to work out, for two reasons. One, the WATER COOLER JUG doesn't actually have a HOLE for your HEAD to go through. And two, your HEAD couldn't fit even if it wanted, because the JUG is so small (illustrated by the red arrows in the picture.)
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