The Secret Behind Magic
Table of Contents
I. Introduction
II. The Secret
III. Evidence
A. Quote from Jagex
B. Barrows
C. Castle Wars
IV. How it relates to What we do
A. Barrows
B. Pking
C. Castle Wars
V. BONUS: More theories explained
A. 10 Mill in 10 Minutes?
VI. Conclusion
I. Introduction
Hi. Ever wondered how magic works? This is where you get “it.” Now, you all are too smart to not know the basics of magic, so i'm not going to cover the basics. If you don’t know the basics there’s tons of guides out there explaining the basics. This guide will reveal what expert Pkers/Cw Legends do NOT want you to know.
NOTE: Since I’m not a member anymore, I cannot provide any detail pictures. Any would be appreciated.
II. The Secret
As you all know, magic is magic. It relates to A LOT of stuff. Now here are some pointers that I will make clear:
In RSC, if you “failed” a magic spell, you could not cast a magic spell for twenty seconds. When RS2 was released, a failed spell just resulted as a splash.
How often you fail a spell is affected by your magic attack bonus, and your opponent’s magic defense bonus.
Here is what you don’t know:
How often you fail a spell is also affected by your magic level AND your opponent’s magic level.
Now, you may already know this, but most of you don’t know how it works.
It’s easy. The gist is that the higher magic level you have, the lower the probability of failing a spell will be. Now, let me provide some evidence.
III. Evidence.
A. Quote from Jagex
Let’s first relate this evidence to the Jagex manual itself.
This is stated from the official magic basics in the runescape manual section itself:
“When you cast combat related spells, there is a chance of you failing. This is dependant on a few factors such as your magical attack bonuses, the magical defence bonuses of your opponent and your magic experience.”
Hmm; let’s look at this. Notice when it said “opponent AND your MAGIC EXPERIENCE.” Wow. This evidence was clearly given in the runescape manual itself. So why do people not know this? It’s because a lot of people just skim through the manual or don’t even read it; even if they skim through they don’t read and interpret carefully.
This is evidence from the official site. Thus, let’s continue to investigate that your magic level is dependent on how often you fail a spell.
B. Barrows
A lot of people refer to barrows. Sure, barrows has great rewards, great risks, all of that stuff; let’s talk about slayer dart. Many people do barrows with slayer dart, and even they mage in melee armour. But a hypothesis was brought up saying that magic dart is not affected by magic bonus.
How is magic dart not affected? It is a magic spell, right? Jagex said NOTHING about ANY magic spell not being affected by “magic bonus.”
Now lets go back to that quote again:
“When you cast combat related spells, there is a chance of you failing. This is dependant on a few factors such as your magical attack bonuses, the magical defence bonuses of your opponent and your magic experience.”
Secondly, magic dart is clearly stated in the knowledge base as a magic spell. So what does this prove? Magic dart is a “common” magic spell, which has rules stated above.
Now then, why can people mage the brothers with little magic attack bonus? Only one theory is left. The magic brother’s magic level is extremely low, and your magic level affects how often you fail a spell. For example, you go into barrows with full torags, and mage karil. Your magic level is 80+, and you only fail one spell. This means, that your magic level and your opponent’s magic level—in this case your opponent’s magic level is much lower than yours—play a role in the battle.
This also brings up a lot of other stuff. More of this will be discussed in the later section referring to barrows.
B. Castle Wars
This section will be extremely brief, because of the obvious reasons exemplified.
First, have you ever seen a person barrage you in full dragon? In a lot of cases, yes. Even if you’re wearing dhide, you STILL get barraged by a person in full melee armour! How is this? It’s because his magic level is way higher than yours, and he has a pretty good chance of hitting you with barrage.
Second, have you ever been anciented constantly with karil’s? Yes karil’s is the best magic-defense armour in the game, but how can this be? Only because your opponent’s magic level is higher than yours.
This concludes the castle-wars related evidence.
IV. How it relates to what we do
A. Barrows
Ok, so now you know the truth behind magic dart.
Many people ancient and use wave spells with full magic-boosting armour. This is not necessary, because of the theory stated.
As a result, you CAN ancient and use wave spells with melee armour IF your magic level is 75+. Even 70-75 will work. The fact is, that doing this is totally acceptable, since magic dart will have the same result as these spells.
Here’s an example:
A person I know with 99 magic experimented with me in this theory. He maged all the brothers with a –54 magic bonus, and guess what? He diddn’t fail any of the spells on the barrow melee brothers WITH ALL THREE types of spells. Also, he only failed one or two spells on karil and ahrim.
B. Pking
Recently, Jagex released a new prayer called Mystic Might, which increases your magic level by 15%. What Jagex said was that this spell increased your chances of successfully hitting your opponent. However, they said little about how it works defensively.
The new prayer can also help defensively. When you are escaping, just turn on the prayer, and you WILL have a higher chance of your opponent failing on you.
The new prayer also deteriorated the use of magic bonus armour. With the new prayer, you can now, mage with less magic attack bonus.
C. Castle Wars
Castle Wars. In my opinion, this is the most brilliant thing Jagex put into the game. When it first came out, I instantly started playing it lots.
First, let’s analyze how the magic level theory affects the game:
Many people with a high magic level dominate in a certain way. Such include powering the ancients, or just casting spells. A person ancienting with 70 magic may fail a ton of spells on a person with 90+ magic and +0-15 magic defense bonus.
This is why you CAN ancient others easily if you have a high magic level. Having a high magic level is also dependent on how you resist spells.
The new prayer also has similar effects on castle wars and pking.
If you have 80+ magic, you can mage with d-hide, and still do fine.
In conclusion, the rest of the effects can be inferred yourself. As I update this guide, I’ll explain the effects in more detail.
V. Bonus Guide - More Theories Explained
A. 10 Mill in 10 Minutes?
A lot of "pay" guides mention how to earn 10 Mill in 10 minutes. To tell the truth, there is NO consistent method known today that earns you 10 Mill in 10 minutes. Not even the best businessmen have achieved this. So what do guides do to back this "10 Mill" theory up?
It goes simply like this. It's called "System Update." Whenever Jagex updates, all of the runes restock, including that of the mage guild. It's original stock is 5000, even though 250 is the max restock. Whenever there is an update, you buy the runes, sell, and ect.
Now, let's refer to how the guides do it. They might say "3-10 Mill in 10 minutes!" However, the most likely case is that you will get three Mill because that's how business goes.
Sure 3 M in a week is good, but there are some drawbacks. A TON of people already know this "secret," so every world is probably filled up. Even if you manage to get a head start, chances are, that there will be someone competing with you 20 seconds after. Thus, this method is not really effective anymore.
In conclusion, there is no way of making "10 mill in 10 minutes" consistently without breaking the rules.
VI. Conclusion
There you have it. This “secret” mainly affects people with high magic levels, but it really brings up a lot of points.
About me:
Many people know me from castle wars or other events. Having 3000+ Castle Wars Tickets, my experience in runescape is done.
__________________ 3000+ Castle Wars Tickets
50M + Wasted on CW
Last edited by Gogeta_Bomb on October 11th, 2006, 8:39 pm, edited 3 times in total.