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PostPosted: June 7th, 2006, 10:24 pm 
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Does anyone have a picture of the Bearded Lady in RSC? :-s

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PostPosted: June 8th, 2006, 1:40 pm 
I'm baaaaaack.
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idk if this is a glitch or a bug



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PostPosted: June 8th, 2006, 1:50 pm 
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Pizza, that's real old, i found it aaaaaaaaaaaaaages ago... Well it is one i guess (a glitch)

:santa: Saradomin's Monk :santa:


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PostPosted: June 8th, 2006, 1:53 pm 
I'm baaaaaack.
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aw i thought i found something new =(



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PostPosted: June 10th, 2006, 12:24 pm 
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PostPosted: June 11th, 2006, 7:31 am 
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Saradomin's Monk wrote:
Pizza, that's real old, i found it aaaaaaaaaaaaaages ago... Well it is one i guess (a glitch)

:santa: Saradomin's Monk :santa:

so?the floating glitch is even older o.O...

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PostPosted: June 11th, 2006, 7:46 am 
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zOnE AnT wrote:
Does anyone have a picture of the Bearded Lady in RSC? :-s

Sorry, Zone Ant. I used to have a few a LONG time ago, but they're all long gone by now. :(

:-s bartoron :-s



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PostPosted: June 11th, 2006, 11:36 am 
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jagex removed the glitch shortly after it was released


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PostPosted: June 11th, 2006, 10:04 pm 
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 Post subject:
PostPosted: June 11th, 2006, 11:57 pm 
I'm baaaaaack.
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and willow..mind if i borrow the pic for a glitch site?? ill cover your identity if you want



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PostPosted: June 12th, 2006, 12:50 am 
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Yeah, cover me and my friends' ID please. 8)



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PostPosted: June 15th, 2006, 12:59 am 
Thanks for all the fish!
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lol willow, the fallen prince and princess ^_^



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PostPosted: June 16th, 2006, 5:58 pm 
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I think that's supposed to say addy defender... not dagger :o

edit: just noticed it says that for all of them... Why? :?

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PostPosted: June 17th, 2006, 3:16 pm 
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well... the stats are that of a dagger.. Other then that i can think of nothing. But i would certainly submit a bug report on this one, even though it is a nice find.

Something has crashed on my pc. I blame /usr/bin/laden

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PostPosted: June 18th, 2006, 8:36 am 
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My guess, even though I haven't seen one equiped yet, is that the idea of defenders came from a certain sword fighting style. I forget the name, or if it has a specific name, but basically you would hold a dagger in your secondary hand and a sword in your primary hand, while the sword is all offence, the dagger can be used as defence and offence.

Looks like Jagex inally brought dual-weilding into the game... :roll:

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PostPosted: June 18th, 2006, 8:42 am 
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Again, I ask you all to please post pictures.
As said in the original post, any posts without pictures will be deleted. :/



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PostPosted: June 27th, 2006, 11:37 pm 
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i cant post mine =/ but....i will tellm 2 sqares on the mini map their was also another sqare beside me that made 3 their wa no1 evan their tho and yes they were white...and usally isnt that u??....o_0



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PostPosted: June 28th, 2006, 9:16 am 
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DragonCrusher1 wrote:
Again, I ask you all to please post pictures.
As said in the original post, any posts without pictures will be deleted. :/

That's not what he said...

Chris wrote:
Please do not post any pictures than benifit you in any way because they will be deleted and warnings may be given or even perm ban.

The only restriction is to not post pictures that benefit you somehow. He never said you can't post if you don't post a picture.

Using your logic, I should delete your post telling poeple not to post, this post, Chris's post, and your original post (which would delete the topic), among others.

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PostPosted: June 29th, 2006, 5:18 pm 
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notice how my slave can be seen clearly through the bars. I hate that glitch. it's annoying lol/ i sure hope jagex fixes it soon...





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PostPosted: July 4th, 2006, 4:00 pm 
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OMG! <.<


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