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 Post subject: Re: Mafia - Welcome to the Masquerade - Day 4
PostPosted: March 4th, 2014, 2:32 pm 
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ok u know what i am going 2 do it.

i voet for mecha three day in a row u know guys.

but now i unvoet and change vote to gammy.
u need 2 start bein honest and not so shady.

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 Post subject: Re: Mafia - Welcome to the Masquerade - Day 4
PostPosted: March 4th, 2014, 2:46 pm 
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Damnit... we gotta lynch or we're done. I'm not as sold, but unvote



 Post subject: Re: Mafia - Welcome to the Masquerade - Day 4
PostPosted: March 4th, 2014, 3:14 pm 
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Well at this point I cant hide it anymore. Everything will go to waste if I do.
The main reason I was lurking is because I wanted to look scummy. (I really wish BLACKHAWK didn't point this out first) The mafia would think I was a confused townie, and keep me for someone to blame later in-case one of there own was being incriminated. That gave me enough time to act my role as Detective. I will announce my results now explain what I can. (Note my results are probably not that useful since one of my investigations is of a dead player. I'm going to almost certainly die this night however I had to try and stop the lynch) With a mis-lynch today and it holds true there are four mafia we are done for. At-least there will be a small chance tomorrow that you guys can work out the mafia.

Night One - NONAGON - Jailkeeper (Dead) -- This was a lucky guess. I chose him at random.

Night Two - LARA - Townie -- For some reason I got the vibe Lara had a power role. I was wrong

Night Three - MECHA - Townie -- With all the fuss over Mecha I just had to check

HUYDRA was to be my next investigation but I don't think I will be able to do that now.

I was going to wait until the 24 hour mark, but I realized that is not in coordination with my timezone. :down:

I have said all I can. You can ask me questions but all I can say are my results.

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 Post subject: Re: Mafia - Welcome to the Masquerade - Day 4
PostPosted: March 4th, 2014, 3:28 pm 
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laras vote was six which is majority
so the lynch is already done

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 Post subject: Re: Mafia - Welcome to the Masquerade - Day 4
PostPosted: March 4th, 2014, 3:30 pm 
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 Post subject: Re: Mafia - Welcome to the Masquerade - Day 4
PostPosted: March 4th, 2014, 4:12 pm 
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gamma include lara on his list of mafia in other post.

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 Post subject: Re: Mafia - Welcome to the Masquerade - Day 4
PostPosted: March 4th, 2014, 4:28 pm 
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"Ah. Yes, good. Excellent.
Butler! They are beginning to turn against one another. Lets go aid them."

Market burst through the entry way, and into the sitting room. A wickedly evil smile on his face.
Butler was sure to be following in his wake.
"GAMMATHORN!" shouted Market.
"Gammathorn, it seems the future of the town doesn't rest with you." Market swept his arms around, gesturing to all.
"They want to see you dismissed."
His eyes narrowed as he sneered "And there is no room in our town for liars."

Gammathorn ran. He tried to escape his fate.
The guests wouldn't allow it. They circled around him, dropped a rope around his neck and dropped him over the balcony.


Night 4 has 24 hours!



 Post subject: Re: Mafia - Welcome to the Masquerade - Mafia Wins
PostPosted: March 5th, 2014, 8:20 pm 
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It was getting late. Nearly dawn. Market was growing impatient. But then he heard the three knocks, with a pause before the fourth.
Market opened the door to his room and let in CORNELIUS. In a hushed tone, he stated that he would like to eliminate BLACKHAWK this night.
Market smiled and showed him the way to Blackhawks room.

Cornelius entered first, and Market tasked himself with locking the door behind themselves.
After a short muffled struggle later, footsteps approached, and past the door. The remaining guests were making their way to the kitchen for breakfast.
A second set of footsteps grew louder, paused in front of the door, and knocked the secret knock.
Market opened the door quickly before anyone else walked past.
"Welcome, HUAYRA. Did you have a peaceful night?" Asked Market.
Before Huayra had a chance to answer, there was another knock at the door. This time, two entered the room; LARA, and ARCHR.

The room remained silent as the group waited for all the other guests to pass through the hall.
A tension grew as the last footsteps faded. The time they had waited for was upon them.

Market opened the door and led the party to the kitchen.

The group filed into the kitchen. Market took a step to the side and eyed the guests that were seated at the table. DELTA SQUAD, J1N, KID and MECHA, each received a moment of Markets undivided attention. The four mafias passed him, knives in hand, and each came to a stop behind a remaining, seated, villager. Markets gaze returned to, and locked on J1N before he slowly made his way across the room. Archr took a step back to allow Market to lean in beside J1Ns ear. In a whisper, Market asked "You don't like the name I've given you? You dont listen when i speak?
You should always pay attention to the man in charge."
Market withdrew a silver knife of his own, and buried it in J1Ns back before straightening, and addressing the remaining three villagers.
"These, fine, ladies and gentlemen you see before you, are all head members of the mafia. While you have been spending your time here, in my home, they have had their men maintaining your businesses in your absence. In the weeks leading up to this, if you had payed more attention to the on-goings around you, you may have had a chance to be like me; and make an allegiance with them."
KID bolted to his feet in an attempt to lunge at Market. With fast reflexes, Cornelius dispatched him. A few bandages rolled out of his pockets as his body hit the floor. This prompted each of the remaining mafia to finish the villagers.
Markets eyes went wide with shock.
"You should always pay attention to the man in charge." Archr whispered into Markets ear. As Market collapsed with a knife in his back, he saw Butler at the doorway nod to Archr; his new boss.

BLACKHAWK- TOWNIE - Killed Night 4
DELTA SQUAD - TOWNIE - Murdered Day 5
EXIMUS - TOWNIE - Killed Night 3.
F0X - TOWNIE - Killed Night 1.
ICE - TOWNIE - MOD killed for lack of activity at the end of day 3.
J1N - TOWNIE - Murdered Day 5
KID - DOCTOR - Murdered Day 5
MECHA - TOWNIE - Murdered Day 5
NONAGON - Jailkeeper - Killed Night 2.

----------------------------------------------- Night actions ---------------------------------

Night 1:
ARCHR kills F0X and stalks ICE
KID self protects
NONAGON jailkeeps LARA

Night 2:
KID self protects
NONAGON dies before he could jailkeep huayra

Night 3:
KID self protects

Night 4:
KID self protects

------------------------------------------------------------ players revealed!!!! --------------------------------------------------------

jaron --- DELTA SQUAD --- Townie
landerpurex --- ARCHR --- Mafia Stalker
bluecoat --- NONAGON --- Towns Jail Keeper
sighence --- LARA --- Mafia Goon
topsummoner --- BLACKHAWK --- Townie
aragorn ix --- KID --- Towns Doctor
sparkyAMS --- MECHA --- Townie
Thr --- GAMMATHORN --- Townie
Dr Henry --- J1N --- Townie
spirographed --- HUAYRA --- Mafia Goon
muscular ape --- F0X --- Townie
tennis ace --- CORNELIUS --- Mafia Goon
jackstick --- ICE --- Townie
kikori --- EXIMUS --- Townie

- i didn't expect the town to be so hesitant with lynches. If i could redo this game, i would have had 1 less mafia member.(maaaayybe even two)

- Cornelius. you startled me at first. one of your very firsts posts was "oh, lara and i are the only normal ones". i was like: dude. did you really just name half of the mafia and call them normal?! uuuhh. ok.

- holly eff nonagon! you knew exactly what was going on! its just to bad you didn't get some trains going on those hunches you had

- J1N ;)



 Post subject: Re: Mafia - Welcome to the Masquerade - Mafia Wins
PostPosted: March 5th, 2014, 8:48 pm 
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Market Man6 wrote:
J1N ;)

What? 8-[

I'll freely admit Lara and Archr didn't seem suspicious to me... had my eyes on Huayra throughout.

Doctor self-protecting rather than actively trying to block a mafia kill is never helpful. No idea why Gamma claimed detective :facepalm:

Too busy having to defend myself (successfully) for two days to really get a read on mafia.

Modkilling a townie, whilst obviously needed, certainly didn't help us. No idea why Jackstick even signs up with no intention of playing...

Fun premise.

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 Post subject: Re: Mafia - Welcome to the Masquerade - Mafia Wins
PostPosted: March 5th, 2014, 8:51 pm 
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I admit, I had no clue what was going on. The only things I was fairly sure on was Mecha wasn't Mafia, and Huydra was. I didn't mean to come off scummy at first but I decided to roll with it and try to get a lynch train on me and see who piled on first. I was a bit slow on the draw though and got lynched lol. Plus in my fake claim I included Lara innocent in my list. :facepalm:


 Post subject: Re: Mafia - Welcome to the Masquerade - Mafia Wins
PostPosted: March 5th, 2014, 8:55 pm 
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J1N wrote:
Market Man6 wrote:
J1N ;)

What? 8-[

I'll freely admit Lara and Archr didn't seem suspicious to me... had my eyes on Huayra throughout.

Doctor self-protecting rather than actively trying to block a mafia kill is never helpful. No idea why Gamma claimed detective :facepalm:

Too busy having to defend myself (successfully) for two days to really get a read on mafia.

Modkilling a townie, whilst obviously needed, certainly didn't help us. No idea why Jackstick even signs up with no intention of playing...

Fun premise.

I claimed detective to attempt to prevent a lynch incase there was 4 mafia. I was hoping the mafia would then target me that night and if we had a real detective he could say his results. With 4 days of investigationand 9 people it would have given a way bigger chance of town win. Alas there wasn't one


 Post subject: Re: Mafia - Welcome to the Masquerade - Mafia Wins
PostPosted: March 5th, 2014, 8:58 pm 
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Nice. Market, we should have had you as a host long before now. You did a good job and your stories were like, the best. :D

I'd like to know why Gammathorn bothered fake-claiming Detective when he left more contradictions behind than he could cover up. He suspected Lara as Mafia in one post and then turns around to say Lara is a confirmed townie. You kinda deserved that lynch.

In Day 5, had I been alive, I would have done an about face on voting. However, my vote would have been for Kid, I think, followed by either Lara or Archr. Either way, I would have gotten it wrong first since Kid was the Doctor. I probably would've turned back on Mecha or J1N before going for Cornelius, too.


Ninja'd: That makes sense, Thr. It even sounds like something I'd attempt, to a certain extent. And what's more, it would have provided some great information on Day 5 if you weren't killed overnight, since the Mafia knew that if there was a Detective, there would be no Doctor. That would mean that you fingered one of their own as a Villager and they left you alive because they knew you were lying and NOT the Detective. Alas, you spoke up too late (and also you totally contradicted yourself with the Lara thing, that made it 100% worse.)



Legendary themed months are back! Maybe.

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 Post subject: Re: Mafia - Welcome to the Masquerade - Mafia Wins
PostPosted: March 5th, 2014, 9:03 pm 
Sorceror of Saradomin
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You're a great host, Market Man. And the concept of anonymity is stellar, and I think should be carried over to future games. I've played online Survivor/Big Brother/The Mole/other reality show games (I know; sue me), and they are all always anonymous. Granted, the atmosphere is very different, but it really allows you to build an identity for yourself with no pre-conceived judgments.

I also want to compliment my fellow Mafiosos for being wonderful. You guys rocked.

To me, of the villagers, J1n and Nonagon were the scariest... it just seemed that they knew the most. Gammathorn's initial post from lurking was actually fairly accurate, but then he got caught up in a lot of other things, and it was nice watching him run with them.

And as far as me naming me and Lara as the only normal people, that was just because we had the only human-like names (to me), and I wanted to sort of introduce myself as somewhat off-the-wall with a nonthreatening comment.

Ooh ooh ah ah!

Last edited by Tennis Ace on March 5th, 2014, 9:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject: Re: Mafia - Welcome to the Masquerade - Mafia Wins
PostPosted: March 5th, 2014, 9:04 pm 
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Man, I totally thought J1N was Muscular Ape, and that Jaron was Cornelius. LOL.
I had fun this game. Dr. Henry called me out on everything I slipped up on (the ALL CAPS which was totally a 'look at me I can't possibly be drawing attention to myself and be mafia' & when I said all suspicion of him had been lifted) and I felt like I was backpeddling a whole lot.
This was a very fun game for me. I thoroughly enjoyed it.
Kudos to Market. Excellent idea and flavor text. Thank you, MM.



 Post subject: Re: Mafia - Welcome to the Masquerade - Mafia Wins
PostPosted: March 5th, 2014, 9:08 pm 
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Also, Tennis Ace....your Cornelius character was fantastic. The lingo actually made me laugh a couple times.

And agreed, Tennis. We had a good team.



 Post subject: Re: Mafia - Welcome to the Masquerade - Mafia Wins
PostPosted: March 5th, 2014, 9:09 pm 
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Lander-Archr did seem suspicious to me, but never with anything to go on. I could only go back and try to reference someone else's suspicion against him at the time.
Monk-Lara did indeed have me fooled.
Tennis-Cornelius did not, but... well, good play from the Mafia for pushing like they did.

Henry, you defending yourself here reminds me of how Paidea did it on the game I grilled him on way back when we started public. Successful defense, good villager, but everyone seem to let it drop at that. Kinda stunk.

I am 100% okay with any future Mafia games like this, though, if we shuffle around who gets what profiles.

Goten is dead!


 Post subject: Re: Mafia - Welcome to the Masquerade - Mafia Wins
PostPosted: March 5th, 2014, 9:41 pm 
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Tennis Ace wrote:
've played online The Mole

You have no idea how much I envy you right now.

Our team worked really well together, that was pretty awesome. Thought for sure I was on the radar after accusing JIN, but I guess not. Cool.

Totally down for keeping this system going; made things way more fun.

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 Post subject: Re: Mafia - Welcome to the Masquerade - Mafia Wins
PostPosted: March 5th, 2014, 10:38 pm 
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MECHA wrote:
And then Fox died. That would make the two fox voters look guilty. But the mafia could have just as well killed Lara, making the other two look guilty. The question is did they choose Fox to make Delta and Black Hawk look guilty, or to make Lara or Archer look not.



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 Post subject: Re: Mafia - Welcome to the Masquerade - Mafia Wins
PostPosted: March 5th, 2014, 10:45 pm 
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Haha I stopped following it after I got killed Night 1. Best way to destroy my interest in the game :lol:

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 Post subject: Re: Mafia - Welcome to the Masquerade - Mafia Wins
PostPosted: March 5th, 2014, 11:11 pm 
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SparkyAMS wrote:
MECHA wrote:
And then Fox died. That would make the two fox voters look guilty. But the mafia could have just as well killed Lara, making the other two look guilty. The question is did they choose Fox to make Delta and Black Hawk look guilty, or to make Lara or Archer look not.


Kindas yeah. We targeted him because he had the one of the fewest posts, not to make anyone look not/guilty.

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