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 Post subject: Re: Mafia X. Dawn of the Final Day.
PostPosted: March 23rd, 2012, 7:59 pm 
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Oh me oh my.

Awaiting Market Man's response.

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Jackstick wrote:
bluecoat is the tracker, Market Man6 is the detective, Paidea is the watcher, Super Saiyan Goku is the Doctor, Stone Cold Steve Austin is the Janitor, and I'm the Godfather.

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 Post subject: Re: Mafia X. Dawn of the Final Day.
PostPosted: March 23rd, 2012, 8:07 pm 
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Thank you. Tahu.
Your voting for me was EXACTLY what I wanted.

I thought landers claim was true. But can't guarantee it. You are the only one I know nothing about. So I voted for you. Then moments later, I unvoted just in case lander was lieing and I was wrong. That would have made me lose.

So I gave you a chance to convince me to vote against lander.
When you voted against me(a mafia), that confirmed to me exactly what you are. Renegade.

Gg tahu.

I will respond and inform you of my night activity in about 8hrs if you can wait. That way I will be home, and open my PMs in one window, and paraphrase in a reply.



 Post subject: Re: Mafia X. Dawn of the Final Day.
PostPosted: March 23rd, 2012, 8:16 pm 
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Welp. I'm sorry, tahu. You've played a good game this time around, and as I said, you've been scum so many goddamn times that you have developed a very slippery persona that's a tough read. But the evidence here at the end against you is insurmountable, and we have myself, nearly confirmed, and we have MarketMan, an unchallenged role.

Frankly, as I said before, I doubt marketman would engineer a fake claim. It's too risky as a mafioso, and I highly doubt he could have been advised to fake claim because Jack is grossly inactive, and a fake claim seems something ranger wouldn't advise.

Tahu, you WERE on the Scar train. You WERE NOT on the ranger train, nor the jack train. I could forgive your absence from the Jack train, but you had more than enough time to get on the ranger train. Market man was on both of those trains that killed mafiosos. You also haphazardly defended ranger when I was trying to lynch him, saying he couldn't be faulted for jumping on the scar train. Your voting pattern is as scummy as they come.

ALSO, you were saved by someone...whether it was a doctor or an innate ability of yours, or the work of one of your brethren, you failed to mention it in your response...normally, a doctor save makes one person look very pro-town, and your failure to mention it leads me to believe you know how it happened.

Tahu, you're scum, man. And if you aren't, I'm making a trip to Canada to drink a case of beer with Market Man because he's engineered the most epic pro-town looking mafioso persona I've ever seen in my life.


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Jackstick wrote:
bluecoat is the tracker, Market Man6 is the detective, Paidea is the watcher, Super Saiyan Goku is the Doctor, Stone Cold Steve Austin is the Janitor, and I'm the Godfather.

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 Post subject: Re: Mafia X. Dawn of the Final Day.
PostPosted: March 23rd, 2012, 8:19 pm 
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 Post subject: Re: Mafia X. Dawn of the Final Day.
PostPosted: March 23rd, 2012, 8:25 pm 
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If you guys want to know...

I'm watching previews for the hunger games. Then I work a night shift tonight with a friend.

...People looked at me funny when I took a pic for photo evidence.



 Post subject: Re: Mafia X. Dawn of the Final Day.
PostPosted: March 23rd, 2012, 8:28 pm 
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I was just at that movie! It was actually pretty damn good. Though I haven't read the book.

Also, had you posted that while the game was still going on, it wouldn't be admissible as evidence.

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Jackstick wrote:
bluecoat is the tracker, Market Man6 is the detective, Paidea is the watcher, Super Saiyan Goku is the Doctor, Stone Cold Steve Austin is the Janitor, and I'm the Godfather.

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 Post subject: Re: Mafia X. Dawn of the Final Day.
PostPosted: March 23rd, 2012, 10:12 pm 
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He didn't even need to be held down. With his last moments, Tahu knew he would be swimming with the fish soon. His head fell forward as he trapped himself in Market Man's claims, leaving only the ventilation to sound... though it felt oddly silent as he began to laugh. Almost a giggle. Then it grew... and grew. Soon his head reared back, and the full, demonic laugh sounded at his own defeat. Behind his bangs he glared with a wicked smile. "That's right... I am a Renegade." With his admission made, he drew his own revolver and put it to his chin. Better to die by his own hand than suffer what the last two Mafia may have in store...
Tahu1000 - Renegade Chief (Lynched Day Six)
And thus it was over. With a sigh of relief, Lander and Market looked at each other, embraced, and let out their stress of the situation by popping open a case of beer. The two had survived. Assuredly, they could start over again. After all, the Mafia was destined to live on.

The Mafia Win!

Goten is dead!


 Post subject: Re: Mafia X. Dawn of the Final Day.
PostPosted: March 23rd, 2012, 10:15 pm 
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Sorry Scar, I really am, but it seems your lynch was instrumental in our win.

To the rest of the town: You're welcome. :D

Kikori: Aren't you proud? teeheehee

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Jackstick wrote:
bluecoat is the tracker, Market Man6 is the detective, Paidea is the watcher, Super Saiyan Goku is the Doctor, Stone Cold Steve Austin is the Janitor, and I'm the Godfather.

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 Post subject: Re: Mafia X. Mafia Win!
PostPosted: March 23rd, 2012, 10:18 pm 
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I'm not going to go back and look, b ut I'd just like to say I believe I called Tahu and Ranger being Mafia. If it hadn't been for my stupid fixation on Lander maybe I could have lived.

Good game all, was honestly hoping for a lot more participation after the flurry of posts in the first few days.

@Lander, someone had to die to get things moving. And since we weren't doing much more than bickering back and forth it had to be me, glad it worked out in the end!



 Post subject: Re: Mafia X. Mafia Win!
PostPosted: March 23rd, 2012, 10:26 pm 
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Obligatory explanation post.

Bad guy roles

You are the Renegade Chief. In the plight to purge the village of its evil inhabitants, you find yourself the leader, a charismatic face with a silver tongue and steel will. The command to attack or not, who does what, and how to approach your situation lies on your shoulders, with your allies (name) and (name) ready to assist your efforts. Having prepared for this struggle for some time, you've learned to deal with the pressure of scrutiny well. The first time you are investigated, you will appear to be one of your foes, fooling the intruder into not seeing your secret. It can not stay a secret forever, unfortunately--this only works once, automatically. If you die by lynch, the night phase's attack must be skipped to elect a new leader.
(One-time investigation protection, if lynched the night phase attack is skipped for that night)

You are the Renegade Assailant. You are the sword arm of your Chief, (name), trusting his final call and maneuvering to slit the throat of your given target. Unlike your partner (name), your role keeps your leader safe from scrutiny. Where investigation is concerned, you are the only mafia that moves around in the night. If a kill made by you shows a person to have a special role, you may have the option to steal their belongings and making a one-time use of them. This item use perk does not apply to your two allies. If you die, your Chief automatically assumes the role of Assailant. The day after your Chief is killed, you gain doublevoting powers for that day alone, masking your vengeance as "joy" of the situation.
(Was the attacker if Ex Rex triggered the scream, could gain a debunked one-use version of any special role's role on a successful kill as soon as the kill was made, could doublevote for a day directly after Tahu dies.)

You are the Renegade Deflector. You are the shield arm of your Chief, (name), staying at his side at all times and automatically protecting him from a single kill in the night. If you or your ally (name), the Assailant, are attacked instead, you can tap into a one-use deflection ability that scrambles the minds of any who do anything in the night, everybody picking new targets at complete random. Be warned, this ability can cause attacks to harm yourself, including confusing your Assailant into attacking his own allies. If you die before either ability is spent, they are gone forever. The day after your Chief is killed, you gain doublevoting powers for that day alone, masking your vengeance as "joy" of the situation.
(Automatically protects Tahu once, could doublevote for a day directly after Tahu dies. If Jackstick or Rangerpker was attacked in the night, could activate a Nexus-role super scramble of targets in a night. See below for how this worked out.)

Good guy roles

Market Man6
You are the Gravedigger. Though it will make you dirty beyond belief to struggle with a tomb six feet under, digging up the belongings of your comrades will allow you a one-use application of any special role that has died. You may only hold one item at a time.
(Explained in PM, he could message me in the night to dig a grave to gain a debunked one-use power from any special role.)

Ex Rex
You are the Snitch. If anyone kills you in the night, you will very clearly shout their name. Anyone moving around in the night will hear this shout, and your assailant will require approximately 25% less votes to be lynched from then on.
(Screamed the name of his killer, killer was easier to lynch... not that it mattered. Originally was intended to be the "Screamer" role, sexual reference was seen, but c'mon. It's Rex we're talking about. I had to include it. <3)

You are the Smooth Talker. Among your friends, your words and feelings carry great weight, a good bolster to your allies. The day after a Renegade is lynched, it will take one less vote than required to lynch another Renegade. The day after one of your team is lynched, it will take one more vote to lynch another of your team.
(The most potentially overpowered role, but it HAD to rely on a Renegade Lynch to activate properly.)

Riptide, Animal, Scar
You are a Goon. Fodder to your allies, you attempt to win by seeking out the Renegades and seeking to see them sleep with the fishes.

Cult roles

MSN wrote:
James House says:
They were closer to 'Masons' than a Cult
traditionally, a Cult is third-party and wins by itself
Jeff says:
... Masons.
I completely forgot the name. x_x
So I used cult.
Tradition be damned, they were effectively Masons for this game's intent.


You are the Pack Leader. In the society of people, those who are "Furry" are simply normal people who welcome traits of animals they fall into synch with. You and your two friends (name) the Scout and (name) the Hunter embody the perks of a wolf pack, mingling along the Mafia village as people but looking after each other with utmost loyalty and skill as possible. You, the Leader, are responsible for organizing your friends and allowing them a chance to gather and communicate freely during the Night. However, if you die by any means, this nightly communication is no longer allowed among your pack. While third party, you are mingled among and win along with the Mafia, counting towards their total numbers.
(Originally just designed to be a non-fur cult, I designed to screw around with Lander's head a bit. :lmao: Too good a cult concept to pass up for flavor! But the Night-time communication fell on his shoulders.)

n00b 4 m1nin
You are the Pack Scout. With a keen eye, fleet foot, and attention to detail, it's your responsibility to investigate a potential threat and figure out if you are checking upon a Renegade or ally. Your allies are (name) the Leader, and (name) the Hunter. As long as your Leader is alive, you and your Pack may communicate freely during the night phase.
(Effectively a detective.)

You are the Pack Hunter. Relentlessly aggressive towards anyone who threatens your close friends (name) the Leader and (name) the Scout, you seek to use the cover of the night phase to attack and kill another player. As long as your Leader is alive, you and your Pack may communicate freely during the night phase.
(Effectively a vigilante.)

What Happened Night Four

As you guys probably saw in Jackstick's role, he had a Nexus super-scramble (which I love adding into my games! <3) that activated. The order of it went like this.
Tahu attacked Dale.
Dale attacked Jackstick.
Jackstick activated his super-scramble.
Tahu's target was #11, which turned out to be himself. Jackstick automatically saved him.
Dale attacked Ex Rex.

Needless to say, this both confirmed Lander's claim that Dale could make night kills and cast suspicion on him while very easily setting up Tahu and Jackstick for what could have been a game-changing Doctor claim and protection. Not to mention, Lander and Topsummoner had such a window to claim Doctor as well, but chose to wait it out. In the end, I am satisfied with the results.
Night four was ungodly amazing. It worked out so well that so many different roles got to activate at once. XD

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 Post subject: Re: Mafia X. Mafia Win!
PostPosted: March 23rd, 2012, 10:36 pm 
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gg noobs no re

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 Post subject: Re: Mafia X. Mafia Win!
PostPosted: March 23rd, 2012, 10:38 pm 
Big, dirty shithawks.
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I'm literally lol'ing at what happened N4. Genius.

And N00b never told me he had a detective ability...did he even use it? I figured from his role name that he was at least some sort of tracker, but he said that he didn't have a role. :?:

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Jackstick wrote:
bluecoat is the tracker, Market Man6 is the detective, Paidea is the watcher, Super Saiyan Goku is the Doctor, Stone Cold Steve Austin is the Janitor, and I'm the Godfather.

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 Post subject: Re: Mafia X. Mafia Win!
PostPosted: March 23rd, 2012, 10:40 pm 
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Oh and dale, you have my apologies for being so hard on you, hahaha. I couldn't have guessed a nexus-like role, and your choice to kill Jack was easily the best one at that point. Nice try!

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Jackstick wrote:
bluecoat is the tracker, Market Man6 is the detective, Paidea is the watcher, Super Saiyan Goku is the Doctor, Stone Cold Steve Austin is the Janitor, and I'm the Godfather.

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 Post subject: Re: Mafia X. Mafia Win!
PostPosted: March 23rd, 2012, 10:40 pm 
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Landerpurex wrote:
I'm literally lol'ing at what happened N4. Genius.

And N00b never told me he had a detective ability...did he even use it? I figured from his role name that he was at least some sort of tracker, but he said that he didn't have a role. :?:

Then he lied, I'm afraid. He never used it, either.

Glad you enjoyed the game. Wanna trade that case of beer in Canada for one in Tennessee? ;D

Goten is dead!


 Post subject: Re: Mafia X. Mafia Win!
PostPosted: March 23rd, 2012, 10:42 pm 
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Yeah and nevermind the fact that the cult normally has a recruiter to get people to join their ranks every night.

I don''t think he was lying, I think he just misunderstood or something...he'd be a liar if he told me that and yet still went on using his role.

And I may make two trips, hehe.

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Jackstick wrote:
bluecoat is the tracker, Market Man6 is the detective, Paidea is the watcher, Super Saiyan Goku is the Doctor, Stone Cold Steve Austin is the Janitor, and I'm the Godfather.

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 Post subject: Re: Mafia X. Mafia Win!
PostPosted: March 23rd, 2012, 10:44 pm 
Burning my Dread.
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Hehe, glad to see you no longer have your... tail between your legs, about Scar. ;)
I'm starting to wonder if my mistake about the Cult's alignment-color had greatly affected the outcome of the game. x_x

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 Post subject: Re: Mafia X. Mafia Win!
PostPosted: March 23rd, 2012, 10:44 pm 
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You guys were more along the lines of Masons than a Cult.

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 Post subject: Re: Mafia X. Mafia Win!
PostPosted: March 23rd, 2012, 11:02 pm 
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Kikori wrote:
Hehe, glad to see you no longer have your... tail between your legs, about Scar. ;)
I'm starting to wonder if my mistake about the Cult's alignment-color had greatly affected the outcome of the game. x_x

My tail was never between my legs, heheh. I regretted lynching a townie, but it generated a great amount of information. And then I went on to systematically lynch the entire mafia, so I think I made up for it.

And it didn't matter at all. You said we won with the town, and I told this to my brethren nearly every post that we should play as townies because we win with the town. I played as a townie, I didn't see any reason not to. Though I wonder if the color of our alignment influenced Dale's kill choices, because I don't think he was concerned with finding renegades in the beginning.

If anything, you mafia-as-good-guys messed us up...

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Jackstick wrote:
bluecoat is the tracker, Market Man6 is the detective, Paidea is the watcher, Super Saiyan Goku is the Doctor, Stone Cold Steve Austin is the Janitor, and I'm the Godfather.

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 Post subject: Re: Mafia X. Mafia Win!
PostPosted: March 23rd, 2012, 11:03 pm 
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Jeez, yeah. The role reversal really messed with my head sometimes when I was trying to phrase what I was thinking. Huge pain in the neck to constantly replace 'mafia' with 'scum' or 'renegade'.

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 Post subject: Re: Mafia X. Mafia Win!
PostPosted: March 24th, 2012, 9:45 am 
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Haha, well played game. :D

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Kikori wrote:
Topsummoner wrote:
Riptide wrote:
I used to get you and J@n mixed up. Except your funnier. And nicer. Happy 21st bro!

Oh man Jan, you just got zinged by Riptide. How much does THAT suck?

Well, statistically speaking, slightly more than a giant suckusaur. A dire one.

PenguinGuy wrote:
Lets see if I remember how to play...



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