I was afraid you wouldn't grasp my concept, it really is rather broad and hard to understand.
I will now adhere to the "He said, she said" format of Runevillage debate by using quotes to single out the things you say and argue them with my own personal opinion without providing any historical reference and using only my own inferences.
but that doesn't mean that nationalism is causing the world to be as dangerous as it once was. No large nationalistic fervor is going to send the entire world into war.
I was really making my whole point about nationalism from a historical perspective, since historically the only way to mobilize vast resources to raise armies of millions to slaughter millions more and to perpetrate large scale and terrible warfare is to unite them under a flag, religion, system of economy, etc. And the only way to defend from such an assault of ideological, economic, and military might is to use nationalism to raise an army of millions more. We've been doing it for thousands of years.
And I don't know how you can completely deny the existence of World War Two, or to excsuse it as "Oh, it was only 60 years ago, things have changed, it could never happen again." A large nationalistic fervor sending the entire world into war is exactly what took place. That's why they call it the World War. But all of this is really obvious, so I'm going to move on.
What exactly is a "nationalist economy?"
Well since you asked for the exact description, I'll bend the runevillage format of not using any facts and give it to you via
Economic nationalism is a term used to describe policies which emphasize on domestic control of the economy, labor and capital formation, even if this requires the imposition of tariffs and other restrictions on the movement of labor, goods and capital. It is in opposition to globalization in many cases, or at least it questions the benefits of unrestricted free trade. Economic nationalism may include such doctrines as protectionism and import substitution.
Of course nationalism is one of the most evil things to ever exist, but the world as a whole is not going to be plunged into war due to nationalistic feelings or religious ideologies. It's no longer possible for a highly influential leader to get away with controlling an entire country's population and cause it to go out and take control of other people without the knowledge of others. Even though massive genocides are still a reality, they are not going to spread to the developed nations.
North Korea, Iran. Look them up, read something. You could probably argue things better on Runevillage if you spent more time reading substantial and enlightening information at other places instead of reading the crap teenagers post on Runevillage all day. Genocide coincidentally, is definitively based on religious ideologies. That's why it's called Genocide and Ethnic Cleansing instead of War, because it's just killing people because they're nonbelievers. But I keep forgetting, you don't remember the millions of jews that were exterminated.
Of course war is highly profitable (how else would the United States have been able to flourism economically during the 1920s (at least on the surface) and so quickly emerge from the Great Depression once we became involved in WWII?), but wars are not started for the sake of making money. With regard to your example of North Korea, how exactly has basing an entire economy upon the military proven successful?
Wars are started for the sake of making money all the time. That's why we started a war in Iraq, because our economy is so dependent on oil that you couldn't pay someone enough money NOT to go there and make OPEC (The organization responsible for most of the oil in the middle east) open up exports out of the Persian gulf into the U.S. Of course OPEC doesn't really exist anymore, we sort of blew up their 2nd largest player. (Iraq).
Also, I wasn't inferring that basing your entire economy upon your military has proven successful or unsuccessful for one country or another, I was just inferring that it takes place in the real world. But it's easy to turn things like that around on someone, and make ti sound like they were saying something they actually weren't to make them look stupid. Too bad you're the stupid one.
But the structure of human progress isn't merely nationalist. If nationalism were the only thing that mattered, then why would there ever be times of peace? International organizations are detrimental to the independence and nationalistic identity of nations, yet they are becoming ever-more important in the world.
Once again, the use of phrases like "If nationalism were the only thing that mattered," to infer that I suggested that nationalism was the only thing that mattered, when really I was just using it as a focused example of how human activity has historically always been engaged in war and activities which are detrimental to the prosperity of man, and that having Barrack Obama as president really won't make or break the path that humanity has been on for thousands of years of killing and imprisoning and torturing each other.
Times of peace exist for the same reasons as times of war. Peace is beneficial to both parties, so peace takes place. War is beneficial to both parties, so war takes place. It's actually pretty simple.
And I'm really not worried about anything being detrimental to the independence and nationalistic identity of nations, considering it is this independence and nationalistic identity that often prevents us all from working together to solve problems. And the part about international organizations becoming ever more important in the world just sort of promotes and supports my statement about how globalism is on the advance. So really I don't see the argument there, which I was expecting since the whole point of your post was to agree with me on the basic level, but then to disagree with me on purpose for your own amusement or apparently no reason at all.
Anyways, I'm gonna cash out, if I spend more than two hours on this website every six months my IQ starts to go down.
Lamb Of God wrote:
Sickness to you my master -
Here's to getting worse.
Hope it kills you faster.
Show me how it hurts - To rot from the inside out.
This vigil burns, until the days of fire overtake you -
Our father, we forsake you.
Blessed be his name.