To start off this guide, I’d like to point out that almost everyone has different strategies for killing different monsters due to their own personal Statistic Levels. I started killing Green Dragons at around combat level 80, after I had a decent defense attack and strength level, as well as that well earned ability to left-click attack them.
Over time as your skills will develop, your approach to combat will also evolve to suit your needs. Increasing/decreasing in game cash flow, level-ups and real life issues will all affect your ability to tackle challenges in the world of Runescape; In the case of this guide, your effectiveness at killing green dragons.
There are six major points that I will stress on during this guide: Equipment, Inventory, Strategies, Locations, Revenants and Tips.
The EquipmentThe equipment you chose for combat will ultimately lead to finding out the speed and efficiency at which you can kill Greens. I recommend
at least 45 defense, 60 attack and 50 strength, or
at least 50 Ranging. My recommended gear is as follows for 45+ defense, 75+ defense and 50+ range respectively:
45+ Defense gear: Berserker helmet, Rune plate body, Rune plate legs, Climbing/Dragon boots, Bone Sack°/Obsidian/Legends cape, Forinthry Bracelet¹, Ring of Life², Charged Amulet of Glory, Anti-Fire breath shield and the best one-handed weapon you can wield (Dragon Scimitar, Long sword and Dagger(p) shown, as well as Abyssal Whip.)
75+ Defense Gear: Berserker helmet, Legends/Obsidian cape, the best Dragon Hide top and chaps you can wear, Dragon boots, Forinthry Bracelet, Ring of Life, Charged Amulet of Glory, Anti-fire breath shield/Dragon Fire Shield and the best one handed melee weapon you can wield.
50+ Ranging Gear: Magic Short Bow, the best Dragon Hide top and chaps you can wear, Charged Amulet of Glory, Snakeskin boots, Archer helm, Avva’s Accumulator/Attractor, Forinthry Bracelet, Ring of Life and 100 or so Steel/Mithril arrows.
°Bone sack is acquired from the Rag and Bone Man after-quest, +4 to all defense stats
¹Forinthry Bracelet will allow you to teleport even if you are Tele-blocked by a revenant, at the cost of 1 of 5 total charges
²The best Green Dragon drops are limited to 4 different items, Rune large helm, Rune kite shield, Dragon Spear and Left Half Shield. I do not recommend a Ring of Wealth.
The InventoryThe equally important Inventory selection will also lead to faster runs, ultimately leading to faster cash intake:
Melee Inventory: 10 to 18 Monkfish°, teletab or runes for a one-click teleport and your choice of potions (Combat potion shown). Your inventory will change as you gain combat levels. Personally I don’t take potions any longer, and only need 11 monkfish.
Ranger Inventory: 6-10 Monkfish, (optional->) Ranging Potion and a teletab or one-click teleport runes. Rangers will not need to worry about the wasting of food to free up inventory space, as they will avoid a lot more damage than Meleers. I’ll explain how later in the guide.
°Monkfish are the most cost-effective members food, healing 16 HP in one bite and costing less than a swordfish, but more than a lobster
Location, location, location…After the introduction of the Bounty Hunter mini-game in early 2008, Green Dragon locations were cut from four spots to only three in the above-ground section of the wilderness, a room was set aside in the Chaos tunnels for a few Greens, though they share it with some baby black dragons (combat 86):
Wilderness Locations:![Image](
• The south-west Green Dragon location was made the least favorite of all after the introduction of the Clan Wars teleport via the games necklace, not only can you not see out of the crater you are fighting in, you also have to constantly share only three (3) Green Dragons and you cannot see above the rim, it is also close to the Abyss which is a location that revenants frequently pass. The only positive thing about this location is that all three dragons are in level 13 wilderness, allowing all teleportation methods to be used.
• The northernmost location harbors five (5) Green Dragons, it is the least frequented Dragon Slaying area due to the fact it is in the level 38 wilderness, making it hard for teleports. There is, however, one of four Wilderness Teleport Obelisks just to the east of this area, but it takes some time to “warm up” and teleport you. It also teleports anything within the eight squares around you, sending the things it teleports to one of the other three random obelisks.
• The south-eastern location holds approximately 13 green dragons. This is the most popular spot because it is close to a teleport
and multi-way combat area to the west, allowing the use of the Wolf Howl Scroll¹. Ranging from wilderness levels 19 to 25, these Greens are almost always packed with players going head to head for the right to slay a dragon or two. Most of this area is on a hill, so spotting revenants is easier. This is also a good spot to range Green Dragons due to the bone pile and 2 rock formations that you can trap them behind. Another pro about this area is that the Clan Wars Arena building is a safe-zone where you can run to if you’re attacked by a revenant.
¹Wolf Howl Scroll makes an attacking monster retreat from combat with you, you must be in a multi-combat area to use it though and must also have a Spirit Wolf familiar following you.
The Chaos Tunnels![Image](
• I recommend the Chaos Tunnel approach at level 80+ defense, and using 45+ defense equipment setup as well as 18 monks if your only keeping bones
or hides. 10 monks will do fine for keeping both hides and bones. The Chaos Tunnels are multi-way combat area so you can be attacked by up to four green dragons (79) and four baby blacks (86)
at the same time. I do not recommend ranging dragons here as you will most likely run out of food before they become non-aggressive. If you are skilled enough to keep away from the Greens’ fire breath, you can bring a set of Guthan the Infested’s armor to heal on the Baby Blacks.
How to get to the Chaos Tunnel Greens:To get there by the Chaos Rift shortcut (What Lies Beneath Quest), take the route outlined in red, then after you enter the Saradomin statue, take the first portal to the west. To use the Wilderness Chaos Tunnel entrance, take one of the routes suggested in the pic below, outlined in green. If you use the Wilderness rift entrance, you will start in the final room in the pic below:
If you drop down from the Bounty Huner bank (see Locations pic above), you will end up in the tunnels at the red one (1), walk north past the cave bugs and use prtal 1. I recomend leaving your combat neclace behind and equiping a Games Neclace for faster runs. The Games Neclace takes too long to teleport you from battle, so go back into the cave bug room andthen teleport away.
If you come from Edgeville or the Grand Exchange, you will start in the tunnels at the red two (2), walk south through the (agressive) spiders and use portal 3.
RevenantsWith the removal of PKing in late 2007, Jagex replaced one danger with another. Revenants are nasty beasts ranging from combat level 7 to a devastating 135. Be prepared for a good fight if you are attacked by one.
Revenants can heal themselves of poison, heal lost hit points and teleblock you all while using their choice of a paralyzing icy range attack, a poisoning magic attack or a crippling melee attack. Because their ice attack doesn’t allow you to move for a short period of time, the revenants will periodically scoot away from you, ensuring the minimum damage to them and the maximum damage to you. Revenants also have the ability to attack any player within their combat range at any time,
even if the player is already in a single-way fight with another monster. This allows multiple revenants to attack a single player in single-combat zones.
The Spirit Wolf familiars ‘Wolf Howl’ ability will force a revenant to retreat from battle, no mater what level they are. However, you must be in a multi-combat zone for it to work.
Tips:• Just south of the south-east dragon spot there is a large forest that is easy for players to ‘shake’ revenants long enough to log out or teleport.
• If you have at least 57 Woodcutting, you can use Edgeville to bank; walk north-east to the small bridge. There is a Canoe Station that you can make a waka at, enabling travel to the wilderness pond which is just east of the northernmost Green Dragon spot; it’s also a good way to get to the King Black Dragons Lair.
• Bring a Beast of Burden, such as a Bull Ant or the more efficient Terrorbird. While they can't help fight the dragons in a single-way combat zone, they can store food for the trip to dragons, and to store some items on the way back.
• Salamanders act as a half-halberd type of weapon. While you can’t trap monsters behind objects and still attack with them, you can trap monsters on the corner of objects. (Example from the Edgeville Jail house below)
• Use Equipable teleport items to your advantage for faster runs, such as a Games Necklace and Ring of Dueling. Teleport to Clan Wars with the necklace to get to dragons and teleport to Castle Wars to bank.
• For those who have completed ‘Enlightened Journey’ and ‘What Lies Beneath’ quests, you can kill dragons in the Chaos Tunnels and walk back out to the nearby Air Balloon for faster banking at Castle Wars.
• If you want to range the Chaos Tunnel dragons, wear melee armor combined with ranging armor, such as rune chain and legs, archer helm and Avva’s device, along with a crossbow and Emerald(e) or Diamond(e) bolts
So what are you sitting around staring at a guide for? Go make some money killing Green Dragons!