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 Post subject: Guide to the Wise Old Man ~ BlitzAceSamy (on hold)
PostPosted: September 16th, 2005, 7:19 am 
*crinkles eyes*
Village Legend
Village Legend

Joined: October 20th, 2003, 1:08 am
Posts: 18,258
Location: UK
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Donor: Guardian (2005)

Before he steals from the bank
After he steals from the bank

The Wise Old Man, as his name suggests, is a knowledgeable sage. He travels around a lot and now resides in Draynor Village, where he is happy to share his knowledge with players of RuneScape.

Location of the Wise Old Man:
The Wise Old Man lives in a house in Draynor Village, north of the Draynor Bank.
NOTE: His house is the one circled in red.


What he says:
Since the Wise Old Man likes to share his knowledge, you will easily find that he talks a lot and gives you a variety of choices when talking to him. To make it easier, below is everything that he will say. (Note: The conversation below is from a F2P server. If it differs from P2P server, please inform me, thank you. Also, the numbers in the bracket represent which part should you look later.)

Wise Old Man: Greetings, <Your Name>.

-Is there anything I can do for you? (1.1)
-Could you check my bank for junk please? (1.2)
-I've got something I'd like you to look at. (1.3)
-I'd just like to ask you something. (1.4)

You: Is there anything I can do for you?
Wise Old Man: Thanks, but I don't have anything I need doing on non-members' worlds.

You: Could you check my bank for junk please?
Wise Old Man: Certainly, but I should warn you that I can only look for items from non-members' quests.
The Wise Old Man concentrates for a moment.
--The Wise Old Man will then tell you about items from quests in your bank--

You: I've got something I'd like you to look at.
Wise Old Man: Jolly good. Give it to me, and I'll tell you anything I know about it.

You: I'd just like to ask you something.
Wise Old Man: Please do!

-Distant lands (1.4.1)
-Strange beasts (1.4.2)
-Days gone by (1.4.3)
-Gods and demons (1.4.4)
-Your hat! (1.4.5) <Only after the Wise Old Man robs the bank>

-The Wilderness (
-Misty jungles (
-Underground domains (
-Mystical realms (
You: Could you tell me about the Wilderness please?
Wise Old Man: If Entrana is a land dedicated to the glory of Saradomin, the Wilderness is surely the land of Zamorak.
Wise Old Man: It's a dangerous place, where adventurers such as yourself may attack each other, using all their combat skills in the struggle for survival.
Wise Old Man: The Wilderness has different levels. In a low level area, you can only fight adventurers whose combat level is close to yours.
Wise Old Man: But if you venture into the high level areas in the far north, you can be attacked by adventurers who are significantly stronger than you.
Wise Old Man: Of course, you'd be able to attack considerably weaker people too, so it can be worth the risk.
Wise Old Man: If you dare to go to the far north-west of the Wilderness, there's a building called the Mage Arena where you can learn to summon the power of Saradomin himself!
Wise Old Man: Is there anything else you'd like to ask?

-Yes please. (2)
-Thanks, maybe some other time. (3)
You: What can you tell me about jungles?
Wise Old Man: If it's a jungle you want, look no further than the southern regions of Karamja.
Wise Old Man: Once you get south of Brimhaven, the whole island is pretty much covered in exotic trees, creepers and shrubs.
Wise Old Man: There's a small settlement called Tai Bwo Wannai Village in the middle of the island. It's a funny place; the chieftain's an unfriendly chap and his sons are barking mad.
Wise Old Man: Honestly, one of them asked me to stuff a dead monkey with seaweed so he could EAT it!
Wise Old Man: Further south you'll find Shilo Village. It's been under attack by terrifying zombies in recent months, if my sources are correct.
Wise Old Man: The jungle's filled with nasty creatures. There are vicious spiders that you can hardly see before they try to bite your legs off, and great big jungle ogres.
Wise Old Man: Is there anything else you'd like to ask?

-Yes please. (2)
-Thanks, maybe some other time. (3)
You: Tell me about what's underground.
Wise Old Man: Oh, the dwarven realms?
Wise Old Man: Yes, there was a time, back in the Fourth Age, when we humans wouldn't have been able to venture underground. That was before we had magic; the dwarves were quite a threat.
Wise Old Man: Still, it's much more friendly now. You can visit the vast dwarven mine if you like; the entrance is on the mountain north of Falador.
Wise Old Man: If you go further west you may be able to visit the dwarven city of Keldagrim. But they were a bit cautious about letting humans in, last time I asked.
Wise Old Man: On the other hand, if you go west of Brimhaven, you'll find a huge underground labyrint full of giants, demons, dogs and dragons to fight. It's even bigger than the caves under Taverly, although the Taverly
Wise Old Man: dungeon's pretty good for training your combat skills.
Wise Old Man: Is there anything else you'd like to ask?

-Yes please. (2)
-Thanks, maybe some other time. (3)
You: What mystical realms can I visit?
Wise Old Man: The fabled Lost City of Zanaris has an entrance somewhere near here. Perhaps some day you'll go there.
Wise Old Man: Also, in my research I came across ancient references to some kind of Abyss. Demons from the Abyss have already escaped into this land; Saradomin be thanked that they are rare!
Wise Old Man: Is there anything else you'd like to ask?

-Yes please. (2)
-Thanks, maybe some other time. (3)

-Biggest & Baddest (
-Poison and how to survive it (
-Wealth through slaughter (
-Random events (
You: What's the biggest monster in the world?
Wise Old Man: There's a mighty fire-breathing dragon living underground in the deep Wilderness, known as the King Black Dragon. It's a fearsome beast, with a breath that can poison you, freeze you to the ground or
Wise Old Man: incinerate you where you stand.
Wise Old Man: But even more deadly is the Queen of the Kalphites. As if her giant mandibles of death were not enough, she also throws her spines at her foes with deadly force. She can even cast rudimentary spells.
Wise Old Man: Some dark god must be protecting her, for she can block attacks using prayer just as humans do.
Wise Old Man: Another beast that's worthy of a special mention is the Shaikahan. It dwells in the eastern reaches of Karamja, and is almost impossible to kill except with specially prepared weapons.
Wise Old Man: Is there anything else you'd like to ask?

-Yes please. (2)
-Thanks, maybe some other time. (3)
You: What does poison do?
Wise Old Man: Many monsters use poison against their foes. If you get poisoned, you will not feel it at the time, but later you will begin to suffer its effects, and your life will drain slowly from you.
Wise Old Man: Over time the effects dwindle to nothing, but if you had already been wounded you might die before they wear off completely.
Wise Old Man: Fortunately, followers of Guthix have devised potions that can cure the poison or even give immunity to it.
Wise Old Man: Should you wish to use poison against your own enemies and those of our Lord Saradomin, there is a potion that you can smear on your daggers, arrows, spears, javelins and throwing knives.
Wise Old Man: Is there anything else you'd like to ask?

-Yes please. (2)
-Thanks, maybe some other time. (3)
You: What monsters drop good items?
Wise Old Man: As a general rule, tougher monsters drop more valuable items. But even a lowly hobgoblin can drop valuable gems; it just does this extremely rarely.
Wise Old Man: If you can persuade the Slayer Masters to train you as a Slayer, you will be able to fight certain monsters that drop valuable items far more often.
Wise Old Man: You might care to invest in an enchanted dragonstone ring. These are said to make a monster drop its most valuable items a little more often.
Wise Old Man: Is there anything else you'd like to ask?

-Yes please. (2)
-Thanks, maybe some other time. (3)
You: What are these strange monsters that keep appearing out of nowhere and attacking me when I'm training?
Wise Old Man: Ah, I imagine you see a lot of those.
Wise Old Man: Creatures such as a rock golem, river troll and tree spirit dwell in places where adventures frequently go to train their skills. While you're training you will often disturb one by accident. It will then get angry and
Wise Old Man: attack you. The safest way to deal with them is to run away immediately, but they sometimes drop valuable items if you kill them.
Wise Old Man: Is there anything else you'd like to ask?

-Yes please. (2)
-Thanks, maybe some other time. (3)

1.4.3 (If you're not a member):
You: I suppose you'd know about the history of today's cities?
Wise Old Man: Yes, there are fairly good records of the formation of the cities from primitive settlements.
Wise Old Man: In the early part of the Fourth Age, of course, there were no permanent settlements. Tribes wandered the lands, staying where they could until the resources were exhausted.
Wise Old Man: This changed as people learnt to grow crops and breed animals, and now there are very few of the old nomadic tribes. There's at least one tribe roaming between the Troll Stronghold and Rellekka, though.
Wise Old Man: One settlement was Avarrocka, a popular trading centre.
Wise Old Man: In the west, Ardougne gradually formed under the leadership of the Carnillean family, despite the threat of the Mahjarrat warlord Hazeel who dwelt in that area until his downfall.
Wise Old Man: Is there anything else you'd like to ask?

-Yes please. (2)
-Thanks, maybe some other time. (3)

1.4.3 (If you're a member and done some member quests. Which specific quests are not confirmed. Thanks to Jaron):
-Heroic figures (
-The origin of magic (
-Settlements (
-The Wise Old Man of Draynor Village (
You: Tell me about valiant heroes!
Wise Old Man: Ha ha ha... There are plenty of heroes. Always have been, always will be, until the fall of the world.
--It is unconfirmed, but maybe the bracketed sentence below requires a certain number of quest points. Thanks to Jaron--
(Wise Old Man: You're quite a noted adventurer yourself!)
Wise Old Man: But I suppose I could tell you of a couple...
Wise Old Man: Yes, there was a man named Arrav. No-one knew where he came from, but he was a fearsome fighter, a skillful hunter and a remarkable farmer. He lived in the ancient settlement of Avarrocka, defending it from
Wise Old Man: goblins, until he went forth in search of some strange artifact long desired by the dreaded Mahjarrat.
Wise Old Man: Perhaps some day I shall be able to tell you what became of him.
--It is unconfirmed, but maybe the bracketed sentences below requires the completion of the Regicide quest. Thanks to Jaron--
(Wise Old Man: But do not let your head be turned by heroics. Randas was another great man, but he let himself be beguiled into turning to serve Zamorak, and they say he is now a mindless creature deep in the Underground Pass that)
(Wise Old Man: leads to Isafdar.)
Wise Old Man: Is there anything else you'd like to ask?

-Yes please. (2)
-Thanks, maybe some other time. (3)
You: Where did humans learn to use magic?
Wise Old Man: Ah, that was quite a discovery! It revolutionised our way of life and jolted us into the Fifth Age of the world.
Wise Old Man: They say a traveller in the north discovered the key, although no records state exactly what he found. From this he was able to summon the magic of four elements, using magic as a tool and a weapon. He and
Wise Old Man: his followers learnt how to bind the power into little stones so that others could use it.
Wise Old Man: In the land south of here they constructed an immense tower where the power could be studied, but followers of Zamorak destroyed it with fire many years ago, and most of the knowledge was lost.
--It is unconfirmed, but maybe the bracketed sentences below requires the completion of the Rune Mysteries quest. Thanks to Jaron--
(Wise Old Man: I hear you've been very helpful to the wizards who are working on the mysteries of the rune stones.)
(You: Well, I didn't do much...)
Wise Old Man: Is there anything else you'd like to ask?

-Yes please. (2)
-Thanks, maybe some other time. (3)
You: I suppose you'd know about the history of today's cities?
Wise Old Man: Yes, there are fairly good records of the formation of the cities from primitive settlements.
Wise Old Man: In the early part of the Fourth Age, of course, there were no permanent settlements. Tribes wandered the lands, staying where they could until the resources were exhausted.
Wise Old Man: This changed as people learnt to grow crops and breed animals, and now there are very few of the old nomadic tribes. There's at least one tribe roaming between the Troll Stronghold and Rellekka, though.
Wise Old Man: One settlement was Avarrocka, a popular trading centre.
Wise Old Man: In the west, Ardougne gradually formed under the leadership of the Carnillean family, despite the threat of the Mahjarrat warlord Hazeel who dwelt in that area until his downfall.
--Words in brackets only appear if you complete the Hazeel's Cult quest and aided Hazeel, thanks to Jaron--
(You: He'll be back, just you wait!)
(Wise Old Man: Oh dear, I hope you haven't done anything rash!)
Wise Old Man: Is there anything else you'd like to ask?

-Yes please. (2)
-Thanks, maybe some other time. (3)
You: Tell me about yourself, old man.
Wise Old Man: Ah, so you want to know about me, eh?
Wise Old Man: Mmm... what could I say about myself? Let's see what I've done...
Wise Old Man: I've delved into the dungeon west of Brimhaven and heard the terrifying CRASH of the steel dragons battling each other for territory.
Wise Old Man: I spent some years on Entrana, where I learnt the techniques of pure meditation.
Wise Old Man: I've wandered through the vast desert that lies south of Al Kharid and seen the great walls of Menaphos and Sophanem.
Wise Old Man: Apart from all that, I've spent many a happy hour in dusty libraries, searching through ancient scrolls and texts for the wisdom of those who have passed on.
Wise Old Man: Plus plenty of other adventures, quests, journeys...Is there anything else you'd like to know?

-Yes please. (2)
-Thanks, maybe some other time. (3)

-Three gods? (
-The wars of the gods (
-The Mahjarrat (
-Wielding the power of the gods (
You: I heard that RuneScape has three gods.
Wise Old Man: Indeed. This is correct: Saradomin, Guthix and Zamorak.
Wise Old Man: Saradomin, the great and glorious, gives life to this world.
Wise Old Man: Zamorak craves only death and destruction.
Wise Old Man: Guthix, calling itself a god of 'balance', holds no allegiance, but simply aids whatever cause suits its shifting purpose.
--Words in brackets only appear if you complete the Digsite quest, thanks to Jaron--
(You: So who's Zaros?)
(Wise Old Man: What did you say?)
(You: I discovered a buried altar to a god called Zaros.)
(Wise Old Man: Please, do not speak further of this. No good can come of meddling in such things.)
(You: So Zaros is real?)
(Wise Old Man: Adventurer, my patience is limited. Speak to me no further of this - this - this foolishness.)
--The bracketed sentences below requires the completion of Icthlarin's little helper. Thanks to Andrey and Boa1891--
(You: How about Tumeken, Elindis, Icthlarin and the Devourer?)
(Wise Old Man: What names are these?)
(You: Down in Sophanem, they've got a chief god named Tumeken, plus a fertility goddess named Elindis. Icthlarin is their god of the dead and the Devourer...)
(Wise Old Man: Adventurer, what folly leads you to believe these - things, exist?)
(You: But I've met Icthlarin! He's got a jackal's head!)
(Wise Old Man: It is hot in that land, and the heat can affect an adventurer in strange ways. Tell me when you met 'Icthlarin' were you feeling at all unwell?)
(You: Well now you mention it I'd been hypnotised by a weird woman in the desert.)
(Wise Old Man: A strange woman interfered with your mind then you met a man with a jackal's head and decided he must be a god!)
(You: Umm...)
(Wise Old Man: Make sure you dont get hypnotised by weird women in the desert and I'm sure you wont meet anymore jackal headed fanatics claiming to be Icthlarins, gods of the dead!)
Wise Old Man: Is there anything else you'd like to ask?

-Yes please. (2)
-Thanks, maybe some other time. (3)
You: I wanna know about the war of the gods!
Wise Old Man: Ah, that was a terrible time. The armies of Saradomin fought gloriously against the minions of Zamorak, but many brave warriors and noble cities were overthrown and destroyed utterly.
You: How did it all end?
Wise Old Man: Before the Zamorakian forces could be utterly routed, Lord Saradomin took pity on them and the battle-scarred world, and allowed a truce.
Wise Old Man: Is there anything else you'd like to ask?

-Yes please. (2)
-Thanks, maybe some other time. (3)
You: What are the Mahjarrat?
Wise Old Man: Very little is written about the tribe of the Mahjarrat. They are believed to be from the realm of Freneskae or Frenaskrae - the spelling in this tongue is only approximate.
Wise Old Man: One of them, the foul Zamorak, has achieved godhood, although none knows how this came about.
Wise Old Man: Other Mahjarrat who have been particularly active upon this plane are Hazeel, Lucien, Azzanadra and Zemouregal.
--Words in brackets only appear if you complete the Hazeel's Cult quest and aided Hazeel, thanks to Jaron--
(You: Hazeel will rise again, you'll see!)
(Wise Old Man: Adventurer, your actions fill me with concern!)
Wise Old Man: Is there anything else you'd like to ask?

-Yes please. (2)
-Thanks, maybe some other time. (3)
You: Can I wield the power of Saradomin myself?
Wise Old Man: If you travel to the Mage Arena in the north-west reaches of the Wilderness, the battle mage Kolodion may be willing to let you learn to summon the power of Saradomin, should you be able to pass his test.
Wise Old Man: Is there anything else you'd like to ask?

-Yes please. (2)
-Thanks, maybe some other time. (3)

You: I want to ask about your hat.
Wise Old Man: Why, thank you! I rather like it myself.

-Did you steal it from the bank? (
-How can I get a hat like that? (
You: Did you steal it from the bank?
Wise Old Man: Me? Steal from the bank? Whatever do you mean?
You: There's been a break-in at Draynor Bank, and I bet you did it.
Wise Old Man: Oh my goodness, what in the world could make you think I did such a thing?
You: Well, you've been sitting here looking at the bank ever since you moved into this house. Now someone's robbed the bank, and suddenly your house is full of expensive stuff!
Wise Old Man: Oh dear, oh dear...
Wise Old Man: So what do you think I did? March across the street, smash the bank wall, knock out the bankers and steal all the money?
Wise Old Man: I'm an old man! I walk with a stick! How could I possibly have done that?
You: So you didn't rob the bank?
Wise Old Man: Just run along now, be a good lad, and don't worry youself about me or my finances!
You: Hmmm... But I'll be keeping an eye on you.
Wise Old Man: Now you've got that off your chest, would you like to ask me about anything else?

-How can I get a hat like that? (
-Yes please. (2)
-Thanks, maybe some other time. (3)
You: How can I get a hat like that?
Wise Old Man: Ahh, sadly these hats are now very rare. Maybe some player would be willing to sell you theirs, but it would be incredibly expensive.
You: Can I buy your hat?
Wise Old Man: Ohhh no, I don't intend to part with this. Would you like to ask me something else?

-Did you steal it from the bank? (
-Yes please. (2)
-Thanks, maybe some other time. (3)

You: Yes please.

-Distant lands (1.4.1)
-Strange beasts (1.4.2)
-Days gone by (1.4.3)
-Gods and demons (1.4.4)

You: Thanks, maybe some other time.
Wise Old Man: As you wish. Farewell, <Your Name>.


His House:
The Wise Old Man, such a clever sage, cannot possibly have a house that is so empty it only contains tables and chairs. Like his brain, his house is also filled with knowledge. We shall now examine each and every detail of the house.

First Floor:
Before Wise Old Man robs the bank.
After Wise Old Man robs the bank.

1. The Wise Old Man himself.
Examine before Wise Old Man robs bank: A venerable sage.
Examine after Wise Old Man robs bank: A venerable and rich sage

2. A globe of Gielinor. Appears to have no use at the moment.
Examine: 'You are here.'

3. Old Bookshelves. You can get a book by searching them.
Search: The bookshelf contains lots of antiquarian books.
Examine: Filled to the brim with knowledge.

4. An Old Bookshelf with a toy horse. You can get neither any books nor any toy horse.
Search: The bookshelf contains lots of antiquarian books, and a little toy horsie.
Examine: Filled to the brim with knowledge.

5. An Old Bookshelf with a statue of a cat. You can get a book, but not the statue.
Search: The bookshelf contains lots of antiquarian books, and a curious feline statue.
Examine: Filled to the brim with knowledge.

6. An Old Bookshelf with a tinderbox. You can get a tinderbox, but not any books.
Search: The bookshelf contains lots of antiquarian books, and also a few tinderboxes.
You can say after searching: Is it really safe to keep these here?
You can say after searching: Why does he want all these tinderboxes?
You can say after searching: Ok, that's weird!
You can say after searching: What the heck could he be planning with all these tinderboxes?
Examine: Filled to the brim with knowledge.

7. Three charts on the floor. Appears to have no use, but you can step on them. :D
Examine: Maybe it shows the location of buried treasure?
Examine: A map of some ancient land.
Examine: There are plenty of shelves - why's this on the floor?

8. You can climb this staircase to get upstairs.
Examine: I can climb up these stairs.

9. Appears to be a normal Study Desk that has no use.
Examine before Wise Old Man robs bank: Lots of hard study has been done here.
Examine after Wise Old Man robs bank: An elegant desk with a curious ornament on it.

Here is a picture of the object on the table, thanks to Anarki:

10. Appears to be a normal Chair.
Examine before Wise Old Man robs bank: The ideal thing to sit on.
Examine after Wise Old Man robs bank: A nicely carved wooden chair.

11. Some scrolls that apparently has no use.
Examine: Old songs, old stories...

Second Floor:
Before Wise Old Man robs the bank.
After Wise Old Man robs the bank.

12. Hanging Cape. Decorative and has no use, and cannot be seen from the point of the camera.
Examine: A cape from Saradomin, suitable for a battle-mage.

13. Suit of armour. Decorate and has no use.
Examine before Wise Old Man robs the bank: Armour of a Saradominist warrior. Decorative, but still effective.
Examine after Wise Old Man robs the bank: Someone's gold-trimmed this Saradomin armour!

14. Bath screen (before Wise Old Man robs the bank) or Gold Screen (after Wise Old Man robs the bank). Has no use.
Examine before Wise Old Man robs the bank: A privacy aid!
Examine after Wise Old Man robs the bank: An expensive privacy aid!

15. One of the four most interesting part of the house. It's a bed that you can kick! :D It will shake when you kick it, but occasionally it will shake too. The mysterious part is the thing hidden under the bed. You can see something that looks like a pair of legs from this point of camera.
Examine: It's a fairly ordinary bed, but...

Here's a picture of the thing under the bed attacking! Thanks to afiwarlord15

16. A telescope. We will look more into it later on this guide.
Examine before Wise Old Man robs the bank: Why has he pointed it at the bank?
Examine after Wise Old Man robs the bank: A telescope pointing southwards...

17. A staircase which you can use to go downstairs.
Examine: I can climb down these stairs.

18. A pirate map. Has no use.
Examine: X marks the spot.

19. Candelabrum. Has no use.
Examine: Some kind of jewellery is dangling from this ornament.

20. Landscape. Has no use.
Examine: I don't know much about art, but I like this.

21. Saradomin staff. Has no use.
Examine: A staff as used by Saradominist magi.

22. Golden lantern. Has no use.
Examine: Someone's showing off their wealth!

The Books:
Apparently, the Wise Old Man does not only store his knowledge in his brain, but in books as well. All around his small little house, you can see bookshelves. Search one of them, and you can get a book. At the moment, there are only two books. Please inform me if there is more books on P2P. Thanks.

The two books are, from the left, Book of folklore and Strange book. You can read both books, and obviously, these two books have different content. Your character will flip to a random chapter everytime you read it, so you may not read the same thing.
Examine: A tatty old book belonging to the Wise Old Man of Draynor Village.

Following will be the contents of the book. Note that they are not in any order.

Book of folklore

The Myth of the Elder-Dragons
Although the Elder-Dragons are generally considered to be a myth, stories tell of an ancient race that dwelt on Gielinor before any other. In some arcane way their lifeforce was linked to the life of the world itself; it is written that, as long as the Elder-Dragons continue to live, the world shall not end.
However, sceptics claim that the myth of the Elder-Dragons was invented to cast doubt on claims that this realm was lifeless until the gods first arrived.

Strange book

Perception and Reality
...which leads us to the new definition of knowledge as a belief that is both reliably generated and true. Our senses tell us about the world, but to what extent are they reliable? One witness may perceive the weather to be hot, but another witness may consider it to be quite cold.
Perception of colour may be similarly affected, as the reader may demonstrate by staring at a piece of brightly-coloured paper. When the paper is removed, the reader may find that everything else appears to be a slightly different colour from normal.
We may conclude from this that, although we are sensing some intrinsic property of the object under examination, qualities such as colour and temperature are NOT intrinsic.
Henceforth we recommend that the reader consider them to be Secondary qualities. The quantity of caloric within the object that gives it this perceived temperature truly is intrinsic to the object, so this may be considered a Primary quality.
In the following chapter we will examine the implications of this distinction for the study of natural philosophy.

Certainty and Assumption
In this chapter we aim to examine the extent to which our senses give us a reliable impression of the world in which we live.
Although we may believe that we are seeing and hearing things that exist, we may be deceived by our senses, as every keen drinker will have experienced! But if our senses may be deceived, what can we trust?
We may perhaps try to rely only on logical deductions and mathematical principles. Yet it is even possible that some fiend may have confused our mind to the extent that we are making false deductions without being aware of this.
We therefore present the following statement as the only piece of knowledge about which we cannot possible be deceived: 'I EXIST'
Although all information gained through use of our senses and minds may be distorted, no self-aware being can be led to believe that it does not exist. It may not be the man or woman it believes itself to be, but it can never question its own existence in some form.
In the following chapter we will discuss ways in which one may attempt to demonstrate the existence of a world outside of one's own consciousness.

Graphical solution of mathematical problems
A simple graph containing an x-axis and a y-axis may be used to represent equations similar to the following: x + 3y = 5
For every 'x' and 'y' that satisfy the equation (such as x = 2, y = 1 or x = 5, y = 0 for the above example), the points 'x,y' may be plotted on the graph, and it will be found that they form a line.
If a second equation of this form is plotted on the same graph, the two lines may cross at some point.
Any point where the two lines cross will be given by some 'x' and 'y' that fits both equations.
Readers are invited to create two such equations and try it for themselves!

This page left blank for readers' comments (Before Wise Old Man robs bank)
...and if enough people buy houses, house broker gets very rich -> buy nicer place than this shack!
Blasted bank doesn't seem to have any back door! Might need to try magical solution...
Short of bread. Again, I swear these people wandering around my house are just taking things, honestly, people these days...
Maybe tell dwarves there's some kind of monster living in their tunnels, get someone to pay for advice on killing it, make silly amulet to sell them!
Ah - try making little trinkets to sell, someone's bound to be gullible enough to buy them for millions even if they don't know what it's for...
Been ages since I wore my old rune armour with Saradomin trim, glory glory Saradomin! But everyone's digging up trimmed armour these days, bah!
Must think of something!

This page left blank for readers' comments (After Wise Old Man robs bank)
...better now, walls look decent, nice and elegant. Those new lanterns were a rip-off, blasted dwarf craftsmen. Still, not a problem for me!
Even got my old Saradomin armour gilded, beautiful gold edges on it now. No-one else's going to have armour like that, that'll make them think, heh heh heh...
Lick of gold-leaf here and there, even my globe looks smarter now, maybe that bath screen was a bit much? No, I saw it, I wanted it, it's mine. Vidi, volui, mihi est!
Still don't know what that 'thing' is, but it looks nice on my desk. Probably some kind of transport? Must run off hot air or dragon flatulence?
Running a bit short of runes now. Those wizards over to the south always seem to have plenty, but will they spare me some? Bah! Not a chance, poxy mage scum!
Perhaps another little expedition is needed - they all look pretty weedy over there...

The Telescope (before Wise Old Man robs the bank)
The telescope on the second floor is a strange and fun thing. When you observe it, you can look at players banking, woodcutting, fighting dark wizards, but most importantly, the bank records of the Draynor Bank! :shock: What is he up to? As a picture says a thousand words, I'll include screenshots of what you can see through the telescope instead of just writing descriptions to it.

Conversation after observing the telescope:
You: Why have you got your telescope pointing at the bank?
Wise Old Man: Hmmm? What's wrong with that?
You: Well, it's a little bit strange!
Wise Old Man: Deary me, what a suspicious mind you have!
Wise Old Man: I am simply studying... studying the...
Wise Old Man: I am simply studying the beautifully old-fashioned brickwork of the building.
You: And you wouldn't be - er - looking for a way into the back of the bank?
Wise Old Man: No, I wouldn't dream of doing anything like that!
You: Hmmm...

The Telescope (after Wise Old Man robs the bank)
Now that the Wise Old Man had robbed the bank (although he still denies it), the telescope wouldn't be still facing the bank, but now his next target, the Wizard's Tower. As usual, you can see wizards and players walking around, fighting each other, or burning the place down! (There are three logs there, after all...) I'll include screenshots too.

Conversation after observing the telescope:
You: I see you've got your telescope pointing at the Wizards' Tower.
Wise Old Man: Oh, do I? Well, why does that interest you?
You: It just seems a bit odd.
Wise Old Man: Odd? There's nothing odd about a fascination with the magical arts. Besides, the architecture of that Tower is truly remarkable, for one who studies such things.
You: So you're not planning to attack the Tower?
Wise Old Man: No, I wouldn't dream of doing anything of the sort!
You: Hmmm...
The Bank Guard

Now that the Wise Old Man robbed the bank, they hired a bank guard and sealed the broken wall by patching it up. Members can view a video of the Wise Old Man robbing the bank, but sadly, non-members cannot.

Here is a video of it, thanks to Bulker
Here is a lower-quality video of it, but it loads faster, thanks to Flaresix44.

Conversation for the First Time:
Bank Guard: Yes?

-Can I deposit my stuff here? (1.1)
-That wall doesn't look very good. (1.2)
-Sorry, I don't want anything. (1.3)

You: Hello. Can I deposit my stuff here?
Bank Guard: No. I'm a security guard, not a bank clerk.

-That wall doesn't look very good. (1.2)
-Alright, I'll stop bothering you now. (1.3)

You: That wall doesn't look very good.
Bank Guard: No, it doesn't.

-Are you going to tell me what happened? (1.2.1)
-Alright, I'll stop bothering you now. (1.3)

You: Are you going to tell me what happened?
Bank Guard: I could do.
You: Ok, go on!
Bank Guard: Someone smashed the wall when they were robbing the bank.
You: Someone's robbed the bank?
Bank Guard: Yes.
You: But... was anyone hurt? Did they get anything valuable?
Bank Guard: Yes, but we were able to get more staff and mend the wall easily enough.
Bank Guard: The Bank has already replaced all the stolen items that belonged to customers.
You: Oh, good... but the bank staff got hurt?
Bank Guard: Yes, but the new ones are just as good.
You: You're not very nice, are you?
Bank Guard: No-one's expecting me to be nice.
You: Anyway... So, someone's robbed the bank?
Bank Guard: Yes.
You: Do you know who did it?
Bank Guard: We are fairly sure we know who the robber was. The security recording was damaged in the attack, but it still shows his face clearly enough.
You: You've got a security recording?
Bank Guard: Yes. Our insurers insisted that we install a magical scrying orb.

-Can I see the recording? (
-So who was the robber? (
You: Can I see the recording?
Bank Guard: Sorry, the bank's magical playback device only operates on members' worlds.
You: Alright, I'll stop bothering you now.
Bank Guard: Good day, sir.
You: So who was the robber?
Bank Guard: I can't disclose that information.

-Can I see the recording? (
-Alright, I'll stop bothering you now. (1.4)

You: Sorry, I don't want anything.
Bank Guard: Ok.

You: Alright, I'll stop bothering you now.
Bank Guard: Good day, sir.

Conversation for the second time:
Bank Guard: Yes?
You: Do you have any idea who robbed the bank yet?
Bank Guard: We are fairly sure we know who the robber was. The security recording was damaged in the attack, but it still shows his face clearly enough.
You: You've got a security recording?
Bank Guard: Yes. Our insurers insisted that we install a magical scrying orb.

-Can I see the recording? (2.1)
-So who was the robber? (2.2)

You: Can I see the recording?
Bank Guard: Sorry, the bank's magical playback device only operates on members' worlds.
You: Alright, I'll stop bothering you now.
Bank Guard: Good day, sir.

You: So who was the robber?
Bank Guard: I can't disclose that information.

-Can I see the recording? (2.1)
-Alright, I'll stop bothering you now. (2.2.1)

You: Alright, I'll stop bothering you now.
Bank Guard: Good day, sir.

An image of my Iron Pure, the Bank Guard and the patched wall. :D (The words are fake, thanks to Ross78656's guide on fake pics)

Sometimes the Wise Old Man sends you on an errand to fetch some items for him. I believe the items he want and the reward he will give you is random. Following is a table of possible items and rewards. These errands are only for members. If you're a member, please contribute to this. Thanks! :D

Great thanks to Eirestra and King Gimli

And if you do a lot of errands for him, he will give you a letter to deliver to Abbot Langley at the Monastery. Thanks to Eirestra
He can also give you a letter to deliver to Thurgo (remember the dwarf who loves pies?). Thanks to Brainheart
Please feel free to give me some comments and opinions, and also feel free to correct me if I make any mistakes. Thanks.

Eirestra: For giving me information about what the Wise Old Man wants for his errands and what he will reward you
King Gimli: For giving me information about what the Wise Old Man wants for his errands and what he will reward you
Jaron: For helping greatly in the conversation with the Wise Old Man :D
Andrey: For helping greatly in the conversation with the Wise Old Man :D
Boa1891: For helping in the converstaion with the Wise Old Man
Brainheart: For giving me the letter that the Wise Old Man sends to Thurgo
Afiwarlord15: For the picture of the thing under the bed
Novium: For giving me information about the thing under the bed
Leonard Washington: For giving me information about the thing under the bed
Billiebrain: For informing me about the Wise Old Man robbing the bank when I'm at Karamja for several weeks
Cheesedude: For the screenshots of the video
Killa Kiaba: For the screenshots of the video
Bulker: For the video of the Wise Old Man robbing the bank
Flaresix44: For the video of the Wise Old Man robbing the bank
Anarki: For the picture of the object on the Wise Old Man's desk
Ross78656: For the RuneScape font in his guide on fake pics



Faint as a will o' the wisp
Crazy as a loon
Sad as a gypsy serenading the moon


 Post subject:
PostPosted: September 16th, 2005, 11:46 am 

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Called :-)

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PostPosted: September 16th, 2005, 4:32 pm 
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Good luck dara... you'll be needing it...

Let me know if you need any hepl; that's the size of about 2-4 guides there.

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: September 16th, 2005, 11:22 pm 
Champion of Saradomin
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Anyway, once you are done with the editing of the guide, post it here, because I have some new additions I need to add in to.

But... if the seal should be broken and, despite all the time that had passed,
it wasn't enough, and you were without a heart,
if you continued to be only a created thing who acted wildly and forcefully,
I would... eliminate you! Raitei Shourai!

Support me on my goals? :D

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: September 17th, 2005, 5:19 am 

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Are the new additions ready? If so do you want to repost it as I am editing this this afternoon/tomorrow.

If not I will crack on and post tomorrow with the edited version.


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 Post subject:
PostPosted: September 18th, 2005, 2:54 am 
Champion of Saradomin
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dara_harkki wrote:
Are the new additions ready? If so do you want to repost it as I am editing this this afternoon/tomorrow.

If not I will crack on and post tomorrow with the edited version.


Strange, I remember posting my reply here... :?

Anyway, just get on with it. All I need to do is update one of the pictures and the credits part. Edit it first, then I'll add what I need to add in your editted version.

But... if the seal should be broken and, despite all the time that had passed,
it wasn't enough, and you were without a heart,
if you continued to be only a created thing who acted wildly and forcefully,
I would... eliminate you! Raitei Shourai!

Support me on my goals? :D

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: September 18th, 2005, 3:24 am 

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I'm sure I saw your reply too, last night :-S

Oh well, I am 3/4 of the way through, going out now, will finish it after lunch.

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: September 18th, 2005, 3:38 am 
Champion of Saradomin
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dara_harkki wrote:
I'm sure I saw your reply too, last night :-S

Oh well, I am 3/4 of the way through, going out now, will finish it after lunch.

Good luck with it. :wink:

But... if the seal should be broken and, despite all the time that had passed,
it wasn't enough, and you were without a heart,
if you continued to be only a created thing who acted wildly and forcefully,
I would... eliminate you! Raitei Shourai!

Support me on my goals? :D

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: September 19th, 2005, 1:50 pm 

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BlitzAceSamy wrote:
Wise Old Man Guide.

Written By: BlitzAceSamy.
Edited By: Dara Harkki
Coded By:

The Wise Old Man before he steals from the bank:

<image 1>

The Wise Old Man after he steals from the bank:

<image 2>

The Wise Old Man, as his name suggests, is a knowledgeable sage. He has travelled around a lot and now resides in Draynor Village, where he is happy to share his knowledge with players of RuneScape.

The Wise Old Man lives in a house in Draynor Village, north of the Draynor Bank.

<image 3>

NOTE: His house is the one circled in red.


What he says:
Since the Wise Old Man likes to share his knowledge, you will find that he talks a lot and gives you a variety of choices when talking to him. To make it easier, below is everything that he will say. (Note: The conversation below is from a F2P server. If it differs from P2P server, please inform me, thank you. Each option is numbered accordingly in brackets, simply refer to that number later in the guide to follow the conversation.)

Wise Old Man: Greetings, <Your Name>.

-Is there anything I can do for you? (1.1)
-Could you check my bank for junk please? (1.2)
-I've got something I'd like you to look at. (1.3)
-I'd just like to ask you something. (1.4)

You: Is there anything I can do for you?
Wise Old Man: Thanks, but I don't have anything I need doing on non-members' worlds.

You: Could you check my bank for junk please?
Wise Old Man: Certainly, but I should warn you that I can only look for items from non-members' quests.
The Wise Old Man concentrates for a moment.
The Wise Old Man will then tell you about items from quests in your bank

You: I've got something I'd like you to look at.
Wise Old Man: Jolly good. Give it to me, and I'll tell you anything I know about it.

You: I'd just like to ask you something.
Wise Old Man: Please do!

-Distant lands (1.4.1)
-Strange beasts (1.4.2)
-Days gone by (1.4.3)
-Gods and demons (1.4.4)
-Your hat! (1.4.5) (Only after the Wise Old Man robs the bank).

-The Wilderness (
-Misty jungles (
-Underground domains (
-Mystical realms (
You: Could you tell me about the Wilderness please?
Wise Old Man: If Entrana is a land dedicated to the glory of Saradomin, the Wilderness is surely the land of Zamorak.
Wise Old Man: It's a dangerous place, where adventurers such as yourself may attack each other, using all their combat skills in the struggle for survival.
Wise Old Man: The Wilderness has different levels. In a low level area, you can only fight adventurers whose combat level is close to yours.
Wise Old Man: But if you venture into the high level areas in the far north, you can be attacked by adventurers who are significantly stronger than you.
Wise Old Man: Of course, you'd be able to attack considerably weaker people too, so it can be worth the risk.
Wise Old Man: If you dare to go to the far north-west of the Wilderness, there's a building called the Mage Arena where you can learn to summon the power of Saradomin himself!
Wise Old Man: Is there anything else you'd like to ask?

-Yes please. (2)
-Thanks, maybe some other time. (3)
You: What can you tell me about jungles?
Wise Old Man: If it's a jungle you want, look no further than the southern regions of Karamja.
Wise Old Man: Once you get south of Brimhaven, the whole island is pretty much covered in exotic trees, creepers and shrubs.
Wise Old Man: There's a small settlement called Tai Bwo Wannai Village in the middle of the island. It's a funny place; the chieftain's an unfriendly chap and his sons are barking mad.
Wise Old Man: Honestly, one of them asked me to stuff a dead monkey with seaweed so he could EAT it!
Wise Old Man: Further south you'll find Shilo Village. It's been under attack by terrifying zombies in recent months, if my sources are correct.
Wise Old Man: The jungle's filled with nasty creatures. There are vicious spiders that you can hardly see before they try to bite your legs off, and great big jungle ogres.
Wise Old Man: Is there anything else you'd like to ask?

-Yes please. (2)
-Thanks, maybe some other time. (3)
You: Tell me about what's underground.
Wise Old Man: Oh, the Dwarven realms?
Wise Old Man: Yes, there was a time, back in the Fourth Age, when we humans wouldn't have been able to venture underground. That was before we had magic; the dwarves were quite a threat.
Wise Old Man: Still, it's much more friendly now. You can visit the vast Dwarven mine if you like; the entrance is on the mountain North of Falador.
Wise Old Man: If you go further West you may be able to visit the Dwarven city of Keldagrim. But they were a bit cautious about letting humans in, last time I asked.
Wise Old Man: On the other hand, if you go west of Brimhaven, you'll find a huge underground labyrinth full of giants, demons, dogs and dragons to fight. It's even bigger than the caves under Taverly, although the Taverly
Wise Old Man: dungeon's pretty good for training your combat skills.
Wise Old Man: Is there anything else you'd like to ask?

-Yes please. (2)
-Thanks, maybe some other time. (3)
You: What mystical realms can I visit?
Wise Old Man: The fabled Lost City of Zanaris has an entrance somewhere near here. Perhaps some day you'll go there.
Wise Old Man: Also, in my research I came across ancient references to some kind of Abyss. Demons from the Abyss have already escaped into this land; Saradomin be thanked that they are rare!
Wise Old Man: Is there anything else you'd like to ask?

-Yes please. (2)
-Thanks, maybe some other time. (3)

-Biggest & Baddest (
-Poison and how to survive it (
-Wealth through slaughter (
-Random events (
You: What's the biggest monster in the world?
Wise Old Man: There's a mighty fire-breathing dragon living underground in the deep Wilderness, known as the King Black Dragon. It's a fearsome beast, with a breath that can poison you, freeze you to the ground or
Wise Old Man: incinerate you where you stand.
Wise Old Man: But even more deadly is the Queen of the Kalphites. As if her giant mandibles of death were not enough, she also throws her spines at her foes with deadly force. She can even cast rudimentary spells.
Wise Old Man: Some dark god must be protecting her, for she can block attacks using prayer just as humans do.
Wise Old Man: Another beast that's worthy of a special mention is the Shaikahan. It dwells in the eastern reaches of Karamja, and is almost impossible to kill except with specially prepared weapons.
Wise Old Man: Is there anything else you'd like to ask?

-Yes please. (2)
-Thanks, maybe some other time. (3)
You: What does poison do?
Wise Old Man: Many monsters use poison against their foes. If you get poisoned, you will not feel it at the time, but later you will begin to suffer its effects, and your life will drain slowly from you.
Wise Old Man: Over time the effects dwindle to nothing, but if you had already been wounded you might die before they wear off completely.
Wise Old Man: Fortunately, followers of Guthix have devised potions that can cure the poison or even give immunity to it.
Wise Old Man: Should you wish to use poison against your own enemies and those of our Lord Saradomin, there is a potion that you can smear on your daggers, arrows, spears, javelins and throwing knives.
Wise Old Man: Is there anything else you'd like to ask?

-Yes please. (2)
-Thanks, maybe some other time. (3)
You: What monsters drop good items?
Wise Old Man: As a general rule, tougher monsters drop more valuable items. But even a lowly hobgoblin can drop valuable gems; it just does this extremely rarely.
Wise Old Man: If you can persuade the Slayer Masters to train you as a Slayer, you will be able to fight certain monsters that drop valuable items far more often.
Wise Old Man: You might care to invest in an enchanted Dragonstone ring. These are said to make a monster drop its most valuable items a little more often.
Wise Old Man: Is there anything else you'd like to ask?

-Yes please. (2)
-Thanks, maybe some other time. (3)
You: What are these strange monsters that keep appearing out of nowhere and attacking me when I'm training?
Wise Old Man: Ah, I imagine you see a lot of those.
Wise Old Man: Creatures such as a rock golem, river troll and tree spirit dwell in places where adventures frequently go to train their skills. While you're training you will often disturb one by accident. It will then get angry and
Wise Old Man: attack you. The safest way to deal with them is to run away immediately, but they sometimes drop valuable items if you kill them.
Wise Old Man: Is there anything else you'd like to ask?

-Yes please. (2)
-Thanks, maybe some other time. (3)

1.4.3 (If you're not a member):
You: I suppose you'd know about the history of today's cities?
Wise Old Man: Yes, there are fairly good records of the formation of the cities from primitive settlements.
Wise Old Man: In the early part of the Fourth Age, of course, there were no permanent settlements. Tribes wandered the lands, staying where they could until the resources were exhausted.
Wise Old Man: This changed as people learnt to grow crops and breed animals, and now there are very few of the old nomadic tribes. There's at least one tribe roaming between the Troll Stronghold and Rellekka, though.
Wise Old Man: One settlement was Avarrocka, a popular trading centre.
Wise Old Man: In the west, Ardougne gradually formed under the leadership of the Carnillean family, despite the threat of the Mahjarrat warlord Hazeel who dwelt in that area until his downfall.
Wise Old Man: Is there anything else you'd like to ask?

-Yes please. (2)
-Thanks, maybe some other time. (3)

1.4.3 (If you're a member and done some member quests. Which specific quests are not confirmed. Thanks to Jaron):
-Heroic figures (
-The origin of magic (
-Settlements (
-The Wise Old Man of Draynor Village (
You: Tell me about valiant heroes!
Wise Old Man: Ha ha ha... There are plenty of heroes. Always have been, always will be, until the fall of the world.
(It is as yet unconfirmed, but believed that the bracketed sentence below requires a certain number of quest points. Thanks to Jaron)
(Wise Old Man: You're quite a noted adventurer yourself!)
Wise Old Man: But I suppose I could tell you of a couple...
Wise Old Man: Yes, there was a man named Arrav. No-one knew where he came from, but he was a fearsome fighter, a skillful hunter and a remarkable farmer. He lived in the ancient settlement of Avarrocka, defending it from
Wise Old Man: goblins, until he went forth in search of some strange artifact long desired by the dreaded Mahjarrat.
Wise Old Man: Perhaps some day I shall be able to tell you what became of him.
(It is as yet unconfirmed, but believed that the bracketed sentences below requires the completion of the Regicide quest. Thanks to Jaron)
(Wise Old Man: But do not let your head be turned by heroics. Randas was another great man, but he let himself be beguiled into turning to serve Zamorak, and they say he is now a mindless creature deep in the Underground Pass that
Wise Old Man: leads to Isafdar.)
Wise Old Man: Is there anything else you'd like to ask?

-Yes please. (2)
-Thanks, maybe some other time. (3)
You: Where did humans learn to use magic?
Wise Old Man: Ah, that was quite a discovery! It revolutionised our way of life and jolted us into the Fifth Age of the world.
Wise Old Man: They say a traveller in the north discovered the key, although no records state exactly what he found. From this he was able to summon the magic of four elements, using magic as a tool and a weapon. He and
Wise Old Man: his followers learnt how to bind the power into little stones so that others could use it.
Wise Old Man: In the land south of here they constructed an immense tower where the power could be studied, but followers of Zamorak destroyed it with fire many years ago, and most of the knowledge was lost.
(It is as yet unconfirmed, but believed that the bracketed sentences below requires the completion of the Rune Mysteries quest. Thanks to Jaron)
(Wise Old Man: I hear you've been very helpful to the wizards who are working on the mysteries of the rune stones.
You: Well, I didn't do much...)
Wise Old Man: Is there anything else you'd like to ask?

-Yes please. (2)
-Thanks, maybe some other time. (3)
You: I suppose you'd know about the history of today's cities?
Wise Old Man: Yes, there are fairly good records of the formation of the cities from primitive settlements.
Wise Old Man: In the early part of the Fourth Age, of course, there were no permanent settlements. Tribes wandered the lands, staying where they could until the resources were exhausted.
Wise Old Man: This changed as people learnt to grow crops and breed animals, and now there are very few of the old nomadic tribes. There's at least one tribe roaming between the Troll Stronghold and Rellekka, though.
Wise Old Man: One settlement was Avarrocka, a popular trading centre.
Wise Old Man: In the west, Ardougne gradually formed under the leadership of the Carnillean family, despite the threat of the Mahjarrat warlord Hazeel who dwelt in that area until his downfall.
(Words in brackets only appear if you complete the Hazeel's Cult quest and aided Hazeel, thanks to Jaron)
(You: He'll be back, just you wait!)
(Wise Old Man: Oh dear, I hope you haven't done anything rash!)
Wise Old Man: Is there anything else you'd like to ask?

-Yes please. (2)
-Thanks, maybe some other time. (3)
You: Tell me about yourself, old man.
Wise Old Man: Ah, so you want to know about me, eh?
Wise Old Man: Mmm...what could I say about myself? Let's see what I've done...
Wise Old Man: I've delved into the dungeon west of Brimhaven and heard the terrifying CRASH of the steel dragons battling each other for territory.
Wise Old Man: I spent some years on Entrana, where I learnt the techniques of pure meditation.
Wise Old Man: I've wandered through the vast desert that lies south of Al Kharid and seen the great walls of Menaphos and Sophanem.
Wise Old Man: Apart from all that, I've spent many a happy hour in dusty libraries, searching through ancient scrolls and texts for the wisdom of those who have passed on.
Wise Old Man: Plus plenty of other adventures, quests, journeys...Is there anything else you'd like to know?

-Yes please. (2)
-Thanks, maybe some other time. (3)

-Three gods? (
-The wars of the gods (
-The Mahjarrat (
-Wielding the power of the gods (
You: I heard that RuneScape has three gods.
Wise Old Man: Indeed. This is correct: Saradomin, Guthix and Zamorak.
Wise Old Man: Saradomin, the great and glorious, gives life to this world.
Wise Old Man: Zamorak craves only death and destruction.
Wise Old Man: Guthix, calling itself a god of 'balance', holds no allegiance, but simply aids whatever cause suits its shifting purpose.
(Words in brackets only appear if you complete the Digsite quest, thanks to Jaron)
(You: So who's Zaros?)
(Wise Old Man: What did you say?)
(You: I discovered a buried altar to a god called Zaros.)
(Wise Old Man: Please, do not speak further of this. No good can come of meddling in such things.)
(You: So Zaros is real?)
(Wise Old Man: Adventurer, my patience is limited. Speak to me no further of this - this - this foolishness.)
(The bracketed sentences below requires the completion of Icthlarin's little helper. Thanks to Andrey and Boa1891)
(You: How about Tumeken, Elindis, Icthlarin and the Devourer?)
(Wise Old Man: What names are these?)
(You: Down in Sophanem, they've got a chief god named Tumeken, plus a fertility goddess named Elindis. Icthlarin is their god of the dead and the Devourer...)
(Wise Old Man: Adventurer, what folly leads you to believe these - things, exist?)
(You: But I've met Icthlarin! He's got a jackal's head!)
(Wise Old Man: It is hot in that land, and the heat can affect an adventurer in strange ways. Tell me when you met 'Icthlarin' were you feeling at all unwell?)
(You: Well now you mention it I'd been hypnotised by a weird woman in the desert.)
(Wise Old Man: A strange woman interfered with your mind then you met a man with a jackal's head and decided he must be a god!)
(You: Umm...)
(Wise Old Man: Make sure you don’t get hypnotised by weird women in the desert and I'm sure you wont meet anymore jackal headed fanatics claiming to be Icthlarins, gods of the dead!)
Wise Old Man: Is there anything else you'd like to ask?

-Yes please. (2)
-Thanks, maybe some other time. (3)
You: I wanna know about the war of the gods!
Wise Old Man: Ah, that was a terrible time. The armies of Saradomin fought gloriously against the minions of Zamorak, but many brave warriors and noble cities were overthrown and destroyed utterly.
You: How did it all end?
Wise Old Man: Before the Zamorakian forces could be utterly routed, Lord Saradomin took pity on them and the battle-scarred world, and allowed a truce.
Wise Old Man: Is there anything else you'd like to ask?

-Yes please. (2)
-Thanks, maybe some other time. (3)
You: What are the Mahjarrat?
Wise Old Man: Very little is written about the tribe of the Mahjarrat. They are believed to be from the realm of Freneskae or Frenaskrae - the spelling in this tongue is only approximate.
Wise Old Man: One of them, the foul Zamorak, has achieved godhood, although none knows how this came about.
Wise Old Man: Other Mahjarrat who have been particularly active upon this plane are Hazeel, Lucien, Azzanadra and Zemouregal.
(Words in brackets only appear if you complete the Hazeel's Cult quest and aided Hazeel, thanks to Jaron)
(You: Hazeel will rise again, you'll see!)
(Wise Old Man: Adventurer, your actions fill me with concern!)
Wise Old Man: Is there anything else you'd like to ask?

-Yes please. (2)
-Thanks, maybe some other time. (3)
You: Can I wield the power of Saradomin myself?
Wise Old Man: If you travel to the Mage Arena in the north-west reaches of the Wilderness, the battle mage Kolodion may be willing to let you learn to summon the power of Saradomin, should you be able to pass his test.
Wise Old Man: Is there anything else you'd like to ask?

-Yes please. (2)
-Thanks, maybe some other time. (3)

You: I want to ask about your hat.
Wise Old Man: Why, thank you! I rather like it myself.

-Did you steal it from the bank? (
-How can I get a hat like that? (
You: Did you steal it from the bank?
Wise Old Man: Me? Steal from the bank? Whatever do you mean?
You: There's been a break-in at Draynor Bank, and I bet you did it.
Wise Old Man: Oh my goodness, what in the world could make you think I did such a thing?
You: Well, you've been sitting here looking at the bank ever since you moved into this house. Now someone's robbed the bank, and suddenly your house is full of expensive stuff!
Wise Old Man: Oh dear, oh dear...
Wise Old Man: So what do you think I did? March across the street, smash the bank wall, knock out the bankers and steal all the money?
Wise Old Man: I'm an old man! I walk with a stick! How could I possibly have done that?
You: So you didn't rob the bank?
Wise Old Man: Just run along now, be a good lad, and don't worry yourself about me or my finances!
You: Hmmm...But I'll be keeping an eye on you.
Wise Old Man: Now you've got that off your chest, would you like to ask me about anything else?

-How can I get a hat like that? (
-Yes please. (2)
-Thanks, maybe some other time. (3)
You: How can I get a hat like that?
Wise Old Man: Ahh, sadly these hats are now very rare. Maybe some player would be willing to sell you theirs, but it would be incredibly expensive.
You: Can I buy your hat?
Wise Old Man: Ohhh no, I don't intend to part with this. Would you like to ask me something else?

-Did you steal it from the bank? (
-Yes please. (2)
-Thanks, maybe some other time. (3)

You: Yes please.

-Distant lands (1.4.1)
-Strange beasts (1.4.2)
-Days gone by (1.4.3)
-Gods and demons (1.4.4)

You: Thanks, maybe some other time.
Wise Old Man: As you wish. Farewell, <Your Name>.


His House:
The Wise Old Man, such a clever sage, cannot possibly have a house that is so empty it only contains tables and chairs. Like his brain, his house is also filled with knowledge. We shall now examine each and every detail of the house.

First Floor:
Before Wise Old Man robs the bank.

<image 4>

After Wise Old Man robs the bank.

<image 5>

1. The Wise Old Man himself.
Examine before Wise Old Man robs bank: A venerable sage.
Examine after Wise Old Man robs bank: A venerable and rich sage

2. A globe of Gielinor. Appears to have no use at the moment.
Examine: 'You are here.'

3. Old Bookshelves. You can get a book by searching them.
Search: The bookshelf contains lots of antiquarian books.
Examine: Filled to the brim with knowledge.

4. An Old Bookshelf with a toy horse. You can get neither any books nor a toy horse.
Search: The bookshelf contains lots of antiquarian books, and a little toy horsie.
Examine: Filled to the brim with knowledge.

5. An Old Bookshelf with a statue of a cat. You can get a book, but not the statue.
Search: The bookshelf contains lots of antiquarian books, and a curious feline statue.
Examine: Filled to the brim with knowledge.

6. An Old Bookshelf with a tinderbox. You can get a tinderbox, but not any books.
Search: The bookshelf contains lots of antiquarian books, and also a few tinderboxes.
You can say after searching: Is it really safe to keep these here?
You can say after searching: Why does he want all these tinderboxes?
You can say after searching: Ok, that's weird!
You can say after searching: What the heck could he be planning with all these tinderboxes?
Examine: Filled to the brim with knowledge.

7. Three charts on the floor. Appears to have no use, but you can step on them.
Examine: Maybe it shows the location of buried treasure?
Examine: A map of some ancient land.
Examine: There are plenty of shelves - why's this on the floor?

8. You can climb this staircase to get upstairs.
Examine: I can climb up these stairs.

9. Appears to be a normal Study Desk that has no use.
Examine before Wise Old Man robs bank: Lots of hard study has been done here.
Examine after Wise Old Man robs bank: An elegant desk with a curious ornament on it.

Here is a picture of the object on the table, thanks to Anarki:

<image 6>

10. Appears to be a normal Chair.
Examine before Wise Old Man robs bank: The ideal thing to sit on.
Examine after Wise Old Man robs bank: A nicely carved wooden chair.

11. Some scrolls that apparently has no use.
Examine: Old songs, old stories...

Second Floor:
Before Wise Old Man robs the bank.

<image 7>

After Wise Old Man robs the bank.

<image 8>

12. Hanging Cape. Decorative and has no use, and cannot be seen from the point of the camera.
Examine: A cape from Saradomin, suitable for a battle-mage.

13. Suit of armour. Decorative and has no use.
Examine before Wise Old Man robs the bank: Armour of a Saradominist warrior. Decorative, but still effective.
Examine after Wise Old Man robs the bank: Someone's gold-trimmed this Saradomin armour!

14. Bath screen (before Wise Old Man robs the bank) or Gold Screen (after Wise Old Man robs the bank). Has no use.
Examine before Wise Old Man robs the bank: A privacy aid!
Examine after Wise Old Man robs the bank: An expensive privacy aid!

15. One of the four most interesting part of the house. It's a bed that you can kick! It will shake when you kick it, but occasionally it will shake too. The mysterious part is the thing hidden under the bed. You can see something that looks like a pair of legs from this point of camera.
Examine: It's a fairly ordinary bed, but...

Here's a picture of the thing under the bed attacking! Thanks to afiwarlord15

<image 9>

16. A telescope. We will look more into it later on this guide.
Examine before Wise Old Man robs the bank: Why has he pointed it at the bank?
Examine after Wise Old Man robs the bank: A telescope pointing southwards...

17. A staircase which you can use to go downstairs.
Examine: I can climb down these stairs.

18. A pirate map. Has no use.
Examine: X marks the spot.

19. Candelabrum. Has no use.
Examine: Some kind of jewellery is dangling from this ornament.

20. Landscape. Has no use.
Examine: I don't know much about art, but I like this.

21. Saradomin staff. Has no use.
Examine: A staff as used by Saradominist magi.

22. Golden lantern. Has no use.
Examine: Someone's showing off their wealth!

The Books:
Apparently, the Wise Old Man does not only store his knowledge in his brain, but in books as well. All around his small little house, you can see bookshelves. Search one of them, and you can get a book. At the moment, there are only two books. (Please inform me if there is more books on P2P. Thanks.)

<whatis image book of folklore><whatis image strange book>

The two books are, from the left, ‘Book of Folklore’ and ‘Strange Book’. You can read both books, and obviously, these two books have different content. Your character will flip to a random chapter everytime you read it, so you may not read the same thing.
Examine: A tatty old book belonging to the Wise Old Man of Draynor Village.

Following will be the contents of the book. Note that they are not in any order.

Book of Folklore:

The Myth of the Elder-Dragons.
Although the Elder-Dragons are generally considered to be a myth, stories tell of an ancient race that dwelt on Gielinor before any other. In some arcane way their lifeforce was linked to the life of the world itself; it is written that, as long as the Elder-Dragons continue to live, the world shall not end.
However, sceptics claim that the myth of the Elder-Dragons was invented to cast doubt on claims that this realm was lifeless until the gods first arrived.

Strange Book:

Perception and Reality.
...which leads us to the new definition of knowledge as a belief that is both reliably generated and true. Our senses tell us about the world, but to what extent are they reliable? One witness may perceive the weather to be hot, but another witness may consider it to be quite cold.
Perception of colour may be similarly affected, as the reader may demonstrate by staring at a piece of brightly-coloured paper. When the paper is removed, the reader may find that everything else appears to be a slightly different colour from normal.
We may conclude from this that, although we are sensing some intrinsic property of the object under examination, qualities such as colour and temperature are NOT intrinsic.
Henceforth we recommend that the reader consider them to be Secondary qualities. The quantity of caloric within the object that gives it this perceived temperature truly is intrinsic to the object, so this may be considered a Primary quality.
In the following chapter we will examine the implications of this distinction for the study of natural philosophy.

Certainty and Assumption.
In this chapter we aim to examine the extent to which our senses give us a reliable impression of the world in which we live.
Although we may believe that we are seeing and hearing things that exist, we may be deceived by our senses, as every keen drinker will have experienced! But if our senses may be deceived, what can we trust?
We may perhaps try to rely only on logical deductions and mathematical principles. Yet it is even possible that some fiend may have confused our mind to the extent that we are making false deductions without being aware of this.
We therefore present the following statement as the only piece of knowledge about which we cannot possible be deceived: 'I EXIST'
Although all information gained through use of our senses and minds may be distorted, no self-aware being can be led to believe that it does not exist. It may not be the man or woman it believes itself to be, but it can never question its own existence in some form.
In the following chapter we will discuss ways in which one may attempt to demonstrate the existence of a world outside of one's own consciousness.

Graphical solution of mathematical problems.
A simple graph containing an x-axis and a y-axis may be used to represent equations similar to the following: x + 3y = 5
For every 'x' and 'y' that satisfy the equation (such as x = 2, y = 1 or x = 5, y = 0 for the above example), the points 'x,y' may be plotted on the graph, and it will be found that they form a line.
If a second equation of this form is plotted on the same graph, the two lines may cross at some point.
Any point where the two lines cross will be given by some 'x' and 'y' that fits both equations.
Readers are invited to create two such equations and try it for themselves!

This page left blank for readers' comments. (Before Wise Old Man robs bank)
...and if enough people buy houses, house broker gets very rich -> buy nicer place than this shack!
Blasted bank doesn't seem to have any back door! Might need to try magical solution...
Short of bread. Again, I swear these people wandering around my house are just taking things, honestly, people these days...
Maybe tell dwarves there's some kind of monster living in their tunnels, get someone to pay for advice on killing it, make silly amulet to sell them!
Ah - try making little trinkets to sell, someone's bound to be gullible enough to buy them for millions even if they don't know what it's for...
Been ages since I wore my old rune armour with Saradomin trim, glory glory Saradomin! But everyone's digging up trimmed armour these days, bah!
Must think of something!

This page left blank for readers' comments. (After Wise Old Man robs bank)
...better now, walls look decent, nice and elegant. Those new lanterns were a rip-off, blasted dwarf craftsmen. Still, not a problem for me!
Even got my old Saradomin armour gilded, beautiful gold edges on it now. No-one else's going to have armour like that, that'll make them think, heh heh heh...
Lick of gold-leaf here and there, even my globe looks smarter now, maybe that bath screen was a bit much? No, I saw it, I wanted it, it's mine. Vidi, volui, mihi est!
Still don't know what that 'thing' is, but it looks nice on my desk. Probably some kind of transport? Must run off hot air or dragon flatulence?
Running a bit short of runes now. Those wizards over to the south always seem to have plenty, but will they spare me some? Bah! Not a chance, poxy mage scum!
Perhaps another little expedition is needed - they all look pretty weedy over there...

The Telescope:
(Before Wise Old Man robs the bank)
The telescope on the second floor is a strange and fun thing. When you observe it, you can look at players banking, woodcutting, fighting dark wizards, but most importantly, the bank records of the Draynor Bank! What is he up to? As a picture says a thousand words, I'll include screenshots of what you can see through the telescope instead of just writing descriptions to it.

<image 10>
<image 11>
<image 12>
<image 13>
<image 14>

Conversation after observing the telescope:
You: Why have you got your telescope pointing at the bank?
Wise Old Man: Hmmm? What's wrong with that?
You: Well, it's a little bit strange!
Wise Old Man: Deary me, what a suspicious mind you have!
Wise Old Man: I am simply studying... studying the...
Wise Old Man: I am simply studying the beautifully old-fashioned brickwork of the building.
You: And you wouldn't be - er - looking for a way into the back of the bank?
Wise Old Man: No, I wouldn't dream of doing anything like that!
You: Hmmm...

(After Wise Old Man robs the bank)
Now that the Wise Old Man had robbed the bank (although he still denies it), the telescope wouldn't be still facing the bank, but now his next target, the Wizard's Tower. As usual, you can see wizards and players walking around, fighting each other, or burning the place down! (There are three logs there, after all...) I'll include screenshots too.

<image 15>
<image 16>
<image 17>
<image 18>

Conversation after observing the telescope:
You: I see you've got your telescope pointing at the Wizards' Tower.
Wise Old Man: Oh, do I? Well, why does that interest you?
You: It just seems a bit odd.
Wise Old Man: Odd? There's nothing odd about a fascination with the magical arts. Besides, the architecture of that Tower is truly remarkable, for one who studies such things.
You: So you're not planning to attack the Tower?
Wise Old Man: No, I wouldn't dream of doing anything of the sort!
You: Hmmm...
The Bank Guard:

Now that the Wise Old Man robbed the bank, they hired a bank guard and sealed the broken wall by patching it up. Members can view a video of the Wise Old Man robbing the bank, but sadly, non-members cannot.

Here is a video of it, thanks to Bulker
Here is a lower-quality video of it, but it loads faster, thanks to Flaresix44.

Conversation for the First Time:
Bank Guard: Yes?

-Can I deposit my stuff here? (1.1)
-That wall doesn't look very good. (1.2)
-Sorry, I don't want anything. (1.3)

You: Hello. Can I deposit my stuff here?
Bank Guard: No. I'm a security guard, not a bank clerk.

-That wall doesn't look very good. (1.2)
-Alright, I'll stop bothering you now. (1.3)

You: That wall doesn't look very good.
Bank Guard: No, it doesn't.

-Are you going to tell me what happened? (1.2.1)
-Alright, I'll stop bothering you now. (1.3)

You: Are you going to tell me what happened?
Bank Guard: I could do.
You: Ok, go on!
Bank Guard: Someone smashed the wall when they were robbing the bank.
You: Someone's robbed the bank?
Bank Guard: Yes.
You: But... was anyone hurt? Did they get anything valuable?
Bank Guard: Yes, but we were able to get more staff and mend the wall easily enough.
Bank Guard: The Bank has already replaced all the stolen items that belonged to customers.
You: Oh, good... but the bank staff got hurt?
Bank Guard: Yes, but the new ones are just as good.
You: You're not very nice, are you?
Bank Guard: No-one's expecting me to be nice.
You: Anyway... So, someone's robbed the bank?
Bank Guard: Yes.
You: Do you know who did it?
Bank Guard: We are fairly sure we know who the robber was. The security recording was damaged in the attack, but it still shows his face clearly enough.
You: You've got a security recording?
Bank Guard: Yes. Our insurers insisted that we install a magical scrying orb.

-Can I see the recording? (
-So who was the robber? (
You: Can I see the recording?
Bank Guard: Sorry, the bank's magical playback device only operates on members' worlds.
You: Alright, I'll stop bothering you now.
Bank Guard: Good day, sir.
You: So who was the robber?
Bank Guard: I can't disclose that information.

-Can I see the recording? (
-Alright, I'll stop bothering you now. (1.4)

You: Sorry, I don't want anything.
Bank Guard: Ok.

You: Alright, I'll stop bothering you now.
Bank Guard: Good day, sir.

Conversation for the second time:
Bank Guard: Yes?
You: Do you have any idea who robbed the bank yet?
Bank Guard: We are fairly sure we know who the robber was. The security recording was damaged in the attack, but it still shows his face clearly enough.
You: You've got a security recording?
Bank Guard: Yes. Our insurers insisted that we install a magical scrying orb.

-Can I see the recording? (2.1)
-So who was the robber? (2.2)

You: Can I see the recording?
Bank Guard: Sorry, the bank's magical playback device only operates on members' worlds.
You: Alright, I'll stop bothering you now.
Bank Guard: Good day, sir.

You: So who was the robber?
Bank Guard: I can't disclose that information.

-Can I see the recording? (2.1)
-Alright, I'll stop bothering you now. (2.2.1)

You: Alright, I'll stop bothering you now.
Bank Guard: Good day, sir.

<image 19>

An image of my Iron Pure, the Bank Guard and the patched wall. (The words are fake, thanks to Ross78656's guide on fake pics)

<please turn the image into a table according to our RV standards :) >

Sometimes the Wise Old Man sends you on an errand to fetch some items for him. I believe that the items he wants and the reward he will give you is random. Following is a table of possible items and rewards. These errands are only for members. If you're a member, please contribute to this. Thanks!

Great thanks to Eirestra and King Gimli

And if you do a lot of errands for him, he will give you a letter to deliver to Abbot Langley at the Monastery. Thanks to Eirestra

<image 20>

He can also give you a letter to deliver to Thurgo (remember the dwarf who loves pies?). Thanks to Brainheart

<image 21>

Please feel free to give me some comments and opinions, and also feel free to correct me if I make any mistakes. Thanks.

Eirestra: For giving me information about what the Wise Old Man wants for his errands and what he will reward you
King Gimli: For giving me information about what the Wise Old Man wants for his errands and what he will reward you
Jaron: For helping greatly in the conversation with the Wise Old Man
Andrey: For helping greatly in the conversation with the Wise Old Man
Boa1891: For helping in the converstaion with the Wise Old Man
Brainheart: For giving me the letter that the Wise Old Man sends to Thurgo
Afiwarlord15: For the picture of the thing under the bed
Novium: For giving me information about the thing under the bed
Leonard Washington: For giving me information about the thing under the bed
Billiebrain: For informing me about the Wise Old Man robbing the bank when I'm at Karamja for several weeks
Cheesedude: For the screenshots of the video
Killa Kiaba: For the screenshots of the video
Bulker: For the video of the Wise Old Man robbing the bank
Flaresix44: For the video of the Wise Old Man robbing the bank
Anarki: For the picture of the object on the Wise Old Man's desk
Ross78656: For the RuneScape font in his guide on fake pics

I'm sure you originally said not to bother with the pics as you had some to add. Anyway, make your amendments and then I'll have another quick look. If you do want me to do the pictures, I can, just let me know.

I did some changes, like making the quote work and adding the places where the images should be put. For editors, it also works well if you just put something like this: <image 1> where image 1 should be placed. The coder will be able to add the code that way.
Shorter said: notes for coders can be put between these brackets <>, editors may ignore them...
- Glodenox

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: October 1st, 2005, 9:38 am 
Champion of Saradomin
Champion of Saradomin
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Joined: July 12th, 2005, 1:20 am
Posts: 7,703
Location: Varrock
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I suggest you magnify my name to 100 times bigger, read it letter by letter, pixel by pixel, and get it correct. I'm sick of prople mispelling it.

BlitzAceSamy wrote:
Wise Old Man Guide.

Written By: BlitzAceSamy.
Edited By: Dara Harkki
Coded By:

The Wise Old Man before he steals from the bank:

<image 1>

The Wise Old Man after he steals from the bank:

<image 2>

The Wise Old Man, as his name suggests, is a knowledgeable sage. He has travelled around a lot and now resides in Draynor Village, where he is happy to share his knowledge with players of RuneScape.

The Wise Old Man lives in a house in Draynor Village, north of the Draynor Bank.

<image 3>

NOTE: His house is the one circled in red.


What he says:
Since the Wise Old Man likes to share his knowledge, you will find that he talks a lot and gives you a variety of choices when talking to him. To make it easier, below is everything that he will say. (Note: The conversation below is from a F2P server. If it differs from P2P server, please inform me, thank you. Each option is numbered accordingly in brackets, simply refer to that number later in the guide to follow the conversation.)

Wise Old Man: Greetings, <Your Name>.

-Is there anything I can do for you? (1.1)
-Could you check my bank for junk please? (1.2)
-I've got something I'd like you to look at. (1.3)
-I'd just like to ask you something. (1.4)

You: Is there anything I can do for you?
Wise Old Man: Thanks, but I don't have anything I need doing on non-members' worlds.

You: Could you check my bank for junk please?
Wise Old Man: Certainly, but I should warn you that I can only look for items from non-members' quests.
The Wise Old Man concentrates for a moment.
The Wise Old Man will then tell you about items from quests in your bank

You: I've got something I'd like you to look at.
Wise Old Man: Jolly good. Give it to me, and I'll tell you anything I know about it.

You: I'd just like to ask you something.
Wise Old Man: Please do!

-Distant lands (1.4.1)
-Strange beasts (1.4.2)
-Days gone by (1.4.3)
-Gods and demons (1.4.4)
-Your hat! (1.4.5) (Only after the Wise Old Man robs the bank).

-The Wilderness (
-Misty jungles (
-Underground domains (
-Mystical realms (
You: Could you tell me about the Wilderness please?
Wise Old Man: If Entrana is a land dedicated to the glory of Saradomin, the Wilderness is surely the land of Zamorak.
Wise Old Man: It's a dangerous place, where adventurers such as yourself may attack each other, using all their combat skills in the struggle for survival.
Wise Old Man: The Wilderness has different levels. In a low level area, you can only fight adventurers whose combat level is close to yours.
Wise Old Man: But if you venture into the high level areas in the far north, you can be attacked by adventurers who are significantly stronger than you.
Wise Old Man: Of course, you'd be able to attack considerably weaker people too, so it can be worth the risk.
Wise Old Man: If you dare to go to the far north-west of the Wilderness, there's a building called the Mage Arena where you can learn to summon the power of Saradomin himself!
Wise Old Man: Is there anything else you'd like to ask?

-Yes please. (2)
-Thanks, maybe some other time. (3)
You: What can you tell me about jungles?
Wise Old Man: If it's a jungle you want, look no further than the southern regions of Karamja.
Wise Old Man: Once you get south of Brimhaven, the whole island is pretty much covered in exotic trees, creepers and shrubs.
Wise Old Man: There's a small settlement called Tai Bwo Wannai Village in the middle of the island. It's a funny place; the chieftain's an unfriendly chap and his sons are barking mad.
Wise Old Man: Honestly, one of them asked me to stuff a dead monkey with seaweed so he could EAT it!
Wise Old Man: Further south you'll find Shilo Village. It's been under attack by terrifying zombies in recent months, if my sources are correct.
Wise Old Man: The jungle's filled with nasty creatures. There are vicious spiders that you can hardly see before they try to bite your legs off, and great big jungle ogres.
Wise Old Man: Is there anything else you'd like to ask?

-Yes please. (2)
-Thanks, maybe some other time. (3)
You: Tell me about what's underground.
Wise Old Man: Oh, the Dwarven realms?
Wise Old Man: Yes, there was a time, back in the Fourth Age, when we humans wouldn't have been able to venture underground. That was before we had magic; the dwarves were quite a threat.
Wise Old Man: Still, it's much more friendly now. You can visit the vast Dwarven mine if you like; the entrance is on the mountain North of Falador.
Wise Old Man: If you go further West you may be able to visit the Dwarven city of Keldagrim. But they were a bit cautious about letting humans in, last time I asked.
Wise Old Man: On the other hand, if you go west of Brimhaven, you'll find a huge underground labyrinth full of giants, demons, dogs and dragons to fight. It's even bigger than the caves under Taverly, although the Taverly
Wise Old Man: dungeon's pretty good for training your combat skills.
Wise Old Man: Is there anything else you'd like to ask?

-Yes please. (2)
-Thanks, maybe some other time. (3)
You: What mystical realms can I visit?
Wise Old Man: The fabled Lost City of Zanaris has an entrance somewhere near here. Perhaps some day you'll go there.
Wise Old Man: Also, in my research I came across ancient references to some kind of Abyss. Demons from the Abyss have already escaped into this land; Saradomin be thanked that they are rare!
Wise Old Man: Is there anything else you'd like to ask?

-Yes please. (2)
-Thanks, maybe some other time. (3)

-Biggest & Baddest (
-Poison and how to survive it (
-Wealth through slaughter (
-Random events (
You: What's the biggest monster in the world?
Wise Old Man: There's a mighty fire-breathing dragon living underground in the deep Wilderness, known as the King Black Dragon. It's a fearsome beast, with a breath that can poison you, freeze you to the ground or
Wise Old Man: incinerate you where you stand.
Wise Old Man: But even more deadly is the Queen of the Kalphites. As if her giant mandibles of death were not enough, she also throws her spines at her foes with deadly force. She can even cast rudimentary spells.
Wise Old Man: Some dark god must be protecting her, for she can block attacks using prayer just as humans do.
Wise Old Man: Another beast that's worthy of a special mention is the Shaikahan. It dwells in the eastern reaches of Karamja, and is almost impossible to kill except with specially prepared weapons.
Wise Old Man: Is there anything else you'd like to ask?

-Yes please. (2)
-Thanks, maybe some other time. (3)
You: What does poison do?
Wise Old Man: Many monsters use poison against their foes. If you get poisoned, you will not feel it at the time, but later you will begin to suffer its effects, and your life will drain slowly from you.
Wise Old Man: Over time the effects dwindle to nothing, but if you had already been wounded you might die before they wear off completely.
Wise Old Man: Fortunately, followers of Guthix have devised potions that can cure the poison or even give immunity to it.
Wise Old Man: Should you wish to use poison against your own enemies and those of our Lord Saradomin, there is a potion that you can smear on your daggers, arrows, spears, javelins and throwing knives.
Wise Old Man: Is there anything else you'd like to ask?

-Yes please. (2)
-Thanks, maybe some other time. (3)
You: What monsters drop good items?
Wise Old Man: As a general rule, tougher monsters drop more valuable items. But even a lowly hobgoblin can drop valuable gems; it just does this extremely rarely.
Wise Old Man: If you can persuade the Slayer Masters to train you as a Slayer, you will be able to fight certain monsters that drop valuable items far more often.
Wise Old Man: You might care to invest in an enchanted Dragonstone ring. These are said to make a monster drop its most valuable items a little more often.
Wise Old Man: Is there anything else you'd like to ask?

-Yes please. (2)
-Thanks, maybe some other time. (3)
You: What are these strange monsters that keep appearing out of nowhere and attacking me when I'm training?
Wise Old Man: Ah, I imagine you see a lot of those.
Wise Old Man: Creatures such as a rock golem, river troll and tree spirit dwell in places where adventures frequently go to train their skills. While you're training you will often disturb one by accident. It will then get angry and
Wise Old Man: attack you. The safest way to deal with them is to run away immediately, but they sometimes drop valuable items if you kill them.
Wise Old Man: Is there anything else you'd like to ask?

-Yes please. (2)
-Thanks, maybe some other time. (3)

1.4.3 (If you're not a member):
You: I suppose you'd know about the history of today's cities?
Wise Old Man: Yes, there are fairly good records of the formation of the cities from primitive settlements.
Wise Old Man: In the early part of the Fourth Age, of course, there were no permanent settlements. Tribes wandered the lands, staying where they could until the resources were exhausted.
Wise Old Man: This changed as people learnt to grow crops and breed animals, and now there are very few of the old nomadic tribes. There's at least one tribe roaming between the Troll Stronghold and Rellekka, though.
Wise Old Man: One settlement was Avarrocka, a popular trading centre.
Wise Old Man: In the west, Ardougne gradually formed under the leadership of the Carnillean family, despite the threat of the Mahjarrat warlord Hazeel who dwelt in that area until his downfall.
Wise Old Man: Is there anything else you'd like to ask?

-Yes please. (2)
-Thanks, maybe some other time. (3)

1.4.3 (If you're a member and done some member quests. Which specific quests are not confirmed. Thanks to Jaron):
-Heroic figures (
-The origin of magic (
-Settlements (
-The Wise Old Man of Draynor Village (
You: Tell me about valiant heroes!
Wise Old Man: Ha ha ha... There are plenty of heroes. Always have been, always will be, until the fall of the world.
(It is as yet unconfirmed, but believed that the bracketed sentence below requires a certain number of quest points. Thanks to Jaron)
(Wise Old Man: You're quite a noted adventurer yourself!)
Wise Old Man: But I suppose I could tell you of a couple...
Wise Old Man: Yes, there was a man named Arrav. No-one knew where he came from, but he was a fearsome fighter, a skillful hunter and a remarkable farmer. He lived in the ancient settlement of Avarrocka, defending it from
Wise Old Man: goblins, until he went forth in search of some strange artifact long desired by the dreaded Mahjarrat.
Wise Old Man: Perhaps some day I shall be able to tell you what became of him.
(It is as yet unconfirmed, but believed that the bracketed sentences below requires the completion of the Regicide quest. Thanks to Jaron)
(Wise Old Man: But do not let your head be turned by heroics. Randas was another great man, but he let himself be beguiled into turning to serve Zamorak, and they say he is now a mindless creature deep in the Underground Pass that
Wise Old Man: leads to Isafdar.)
Wise Old Man: Is there anything else you'd like to ask?

-Yes please. (2)
-Thanks, maybe some other time. (3)
You: Where did humans learn to use magic?
Wise Old Man: Ah, that was quite a discovery! It revolutionised our way of life and jolted us into the Fifth Age of the world.
Wise Old Man: They say a traveller in the north discovered the key, although no records state exactly what he found. From this he was able to summon the magic of four elements, using magic as a tool and a weapon. He and
Wise Old Man: his followers learnt how to bind the power into little stones so that others could use it.
Wise Old Man: In the land south of here they constructed an immense tower where the power could be studied, but followers of Zamorak destroyed it with fire many years ago, and most of the knowledge was lost.
(It is as yet unconfirmed, but believed that the bracketed sentences below requires the completion of the Rune Mysteries quest. Thanks to Jaron)
(Wise Old Man: I hear you've been very helpful to the wizards who are working on the mysteries of the rune stones.
You: Well, I didn't do much...)
Wise Old Man: Is there anything else you'd like to ask?

-Yes please. (2)
-Thanks, maybe some other time. (3)
You: I suppose you'd know about the history of today's cities?
Wise Old Man: Yes, there are fairly good records of the formation of the cities from primitive settlements.
Wise Old Man: In the early part of the Fourth Age, of course, there were no permanent settlements. Tribes wandered the lands, staying where they could until the resources were exhausted.
Wise Old Man: This changed as people learnt to grow crops and breed animals, and now there are very few of the old nomadic tribes. There's at least one tribe roaming between the Troll Stronghold and Rellekka, though.
Wise Old Man: One settlement was Avarrocka, a popular trading centre.
Wise Old Man: In the west, Ardougne gradually formed under the leadership of the Carnillean family, despite the threat of the Mahjarrat warlord Hazeel who dwelt in that area until his downfall.
(Words in brackets only appear if you complete the Hazeel's Cult quest and aided Hazeel, thanks to Jaron)
(You: He'll be back, just you wait!)
(Wise Old Man: Oh dear, I hope you haven't done anything rash!)
Wise Old Man: Is there anything else you'd like to ask?

-Yes please. (2)
-Thanks, maybe some other time. (3)
You: Tell me about yourself, old man.
Wise Old Man: Ah, so you want to know about me, eh?
Wise Old Man: Mmm...what could I say about myself? Let's see what I've done...
Wise Old Man: I've delved into the dungeon west of Brimhaven and heard the terrifying CRASH of the steel dragons battling each other for territory.
Wise Old Man: I spent some years on Entrana, where I learnt the techniques of pure meditation.
Wise Old Man: I've wandered through the vast desert that lies south of Al Kharid and seen the great walls of Menaphos and Sophanem.
Wise Old Man: Apart from all that, I've spent many a happy hour in dusty libraries, searching through ancient scrolls and texts for the wisdom of those who have passed on.
Wise Old Man: Plus plenty of other adventures, quests, journeys...Is there anything else you'd like to know?

-Yes please. (2)
-Thanks, maybe some other time. (3)

-Three gods? (
-The wars of the gods (
-The Mahjarrat (
-Wielding the power of the gods (
You: I heard that RuneScape has three gods.
Wise Old Man: Indeed. This is correct: Saradomin, Guthix and Zamorak.
Wise Old Man: Saradomin, the great and glorious, gives life to this world.
Wise Old Man: Zamorak craves only death and destruction.
Wise Old Man: Guthix, calling itself a god of 'balance', holds no allegiance, but simply aids whatever cause suits its shifting purpose.
(Words in brackets only appear if you complete the Digsite quest, thanks to Jaron)
(You: So who's Zaros?)
(Wise Old Man: What did you say?)
(You: I discovered a buried altar to a god called Zaros.)
(Wise Old Man: Please, do not speak further of this. No good can come of meddling in such things.)
(You: So Zaros is real?)
(Wise Old Man: Adventurer, my patience is limited. Speak to me no further of this - this - this foolishness.)
(The bracketed sentences below requires the completion of Icthlarin's little helper. Thanks to Andrey and Boa1891)
(You: How about Tumeken, Elindis, Icthlarin and the Devourer?)
(Wise Old Man: What names are these?)
(You: Down in Sophanem, they've got a chief god named Tumeken, plus a fertility goddess named Elindis. Icthlarin is their god of the dead and the Devourer...)
(Wise Old Man: Adventurer, what folly leads you to believe these - things, exist?)
(You: But I've met Icthlarin! He's got a jackal's head!)
(Wise Old Man: It is hot in that land, and the heat can affect an adventurer in strange ways. Tell me when you met 'Icthlarin' were you feeling at all unwell?)
(You: Well now you mention it I'd been hypnotised by a weird woman in the desert.)
(Wise Old Man: A strange woman interfered with your mind then you met a man with a jackal's head and decided he must be a god!)
(You: Umm...)
(Wise Old Man: Make sure you don’t get hypnotised by weird women in the desert and I'm sure you wont meet anymore jackal headed fanatics claiming to be Icthlarins, gods of the dead!)
Wise Old Man: Is there anything else you'd like to ask?

-Yes please. (2)
-Thanks, maybe some other time. (3)
You: I wanna know about the war of the gods!
Wise Old Man: Ah, that was a terrible time. The armies of Saradomin fought gloriously against the minions of Zamorak, but many brave warriors and noble cities were overthrown and destroyed utterly.
You: How did it all end?
Wise Old Man: Before the Zamorakian forces could be utterly routed, Lord Saradomin took pity on them and the battle-scarred world, and allowed a truce.
Wise Old Man: Is there anything else you'd like to ask?

-Yes please. (2)
-Thanks, maybe some other time. (3)
You: What are the Mahjarrat?
Wise Old Man: Very little is written about the tribe of the Mahjarrat. They are believed to be from the realm of Freneskae or Frenaskrae - the spelling in this tongue is only approximate.
Wise Old Man: One of them, the foul Zamorak, has achieved godhood, although none knows how this came about.
Wise Old Man: Other Mahjarrat who have been particularly active upon this plane are Hazeel, Lucien, Azzanadra and Zemouregal.
(Words in brackets only appear if you complete the Hazeel's Cult quest and aided Hazeel, thanks to Jaron)
(You: Hazeel will rise again, you'll see!)
(Wise Old Man: Adventurer, your actions fill me with concern!)
Wise Old Man: Is there anything else you'd like to ask?

-Yes please. (2)
-Thanks, maybe some other time. (3)
You: Can I wield the power of Saradomin myself?
Wise Old Man: If you travel to the Mage Arena in the north-west reaches of the Wilderness, the battle mage Kolodion may be willing to let you learn to summon the power of Saradomin, should you be able to pass his test.
Wise Old Man: Is there anything else you'd like to ask?

-Yes please. (2)
-Thanks, maybe some other time. (3)

You: I want to ask about your hat.
Wise Old Man: Why, thank you! I rather like it myself.

-Did you steal it from the bank? (
-How can I get a hat like that? (
You: Did you steal it from the bank?
Wise Old Man: Me? Steal from the bank? Whatever do you mean?
You: There's been a break-in at Draynor Bank, and I bet you did it.
Wise Old Man: Oh my goodness, what in the world could make you think I did such a thing?
You: Well, you've been sitting here looking at the bank ever since you moved into this house. Now someone's robbed the bank, and suddenly your house is full of expensive stuff!
Wise Old Man: Oh dear, oh dear...
Wise Old Man: So what do you think I did? March across the street, smash the bank wall, knock out the bankers and steal all the money?
Wise Old Man: I'm an old man! I walk with a stick! How could I possibly have done that?
You: So you didn't rob the bank?
Wise Old Man: Just run along now, be a good lad, and don't worry yourself about me or my finances!
You: Hmmm...But I'll be keeping an eye on you.
Wise Old Man: Now you've got that off your chest, would you like to ask me about anything else?

-How can I get a hat like that? (
-Yes please. (2)
-Thanks, maybe some other time. (3)
You: How can I get a hat like that?
Wise Old Man: Ahh, sadly these hats are now very rare. Maybe some player would be willing to sell you theirs, but it would be incredibly expensive.
You: Can I buy your hat?
Wise Old Man: Ohhh no, I don't intend to part with this. Would you like to ask me something else?

-Did you steal it from the bank? (
-Yes please. (2)
-Thanks, maybe some other time. (3)

You: Yes please.

-Distant lands (1.4.1)
-Strange beasts (1.4.2)
-Days gone by (1.4.3)
-Gods and demons (1.4.4)

You: Thanks, maybe some other time.
Wise Old Man: As you wish. Farewell, <Your Name>.


His House:
The Wise Old Man, such a clever sage, cannot possibly have a house that is so empty it only contains tables and chairs. Like his brain, his house is also filled with knowledge. We shall now examine each and every detail of the house.

First Floor:
Before Wise Old Man robs the bank.

<image 4>

After Wise Old Man robs the bank.

<image 5>

1. The Wise Old Man himself.
Examine before Wise Old Man robs bank: A venerable sage.
Examine after Wise Old Man robs bank: A venerable and rich sage

2. A globe of Gielinor. Appears to have no use at the moment.
Examine: 'You are here.'

3. Old Bookshelves. You can get a book by searching them.
Search: The bookshelf contains lots of antiquarian books.
Examine: Filled to the brim with knowledge.

4. An Old Bookshelf with a toy horse. You can get neither any books nor a toy horse.
Search: The bookshelf contains lots of antiquarian books, and a little toy horsie.
Examine: Filled to the brim with knowledge.

5. An Old Bookshelf with a statue of a cat. You can get a book, but not the statue.
Search: The bookshelf contains lots of antiquarian books, and a curious feline statue.
Examine: Filled to the brim with knowledge.

6. An Old Bookshelf with a tinderbox. You can get a tinderbox, but not any books.
Search: The bookshelf contains lots of antiquarian books, and also a few tinderboxes.
You can say after searching: Is it really safe to keep these here?
You can say after searching: Why does he want all these tinderboxes?
You can say after searching: Ok, that's weird!
You can say after searching: What the heck could he be planning with all these tinderboxes?
Examine: Filled to the brim with knowledge.

7. Three charts on the floor. Appears to have no use, but you can step on them.
Examine: Maybe it shows the location of buried treasure?
Examine: A map of some ancient land.
Examine: There are plenty of shelves - why's this on the floor?

8. You can climb this staircase to get upstairs.
Examine: I can climb up these stairs.

9. Appears to be a normal Study Desk that has no use.
Examine before Wise Old Man robs bank: Lots of hard study has been done here.
Examine after Wise Old Man robs bank: An elegant desk with a curious ornament on it.

Here is a picture of the object on the table, thanks to Anarki:

<image 6>

10. Appears to be a normal Chair.
Examine before Wise Old Man robs bank: The ideal thing to sit on.
Examine after Wise Old Man robs bank: A nicely carved wooden chair.

11. Some scrolls that apparently has no use.
Examine: Old songs, old stories...

Second Floor:
Before Wise Old Man robs the bank.

<image 7>

After Wise Old Man robs the bank.

<image 8>

12. Hanging Cape. Decorative and has no use, and cannot be seen from the point of the camera.
Examine: A cape from Saradomin, suitable for a battle-mage.

13. Suit of armour. Decorative and has no use.
Examine before Wise Old Man robs the bank: Armour of a Saradominist warrior. Decorative, but still effective.
Examine after Wise Old Man robs the bank: Someone's gold-trimmed this Saradomin armour!

14. Bath screen (before Wise Old Man robs the bank) or Gold Screen (after Wise Old Man robs the bank). Has no use.
Examine before Wise Old Man robs the bank: A privacy aid!
Examine after Wise Old Man robs the bank: An expensive privacy aid!

15. One of the four most interesting part of the house. It's a bed that you can kick! It will shake when you kick it, but occasionally it will shake too. The mysterious part is the thing hidden under the bed. You can see something that looks like a pair of legs from this point of camera.
Examine: It's a fairly ordinary bed, but...

Here's a picture of the thing under the bed attacking! Thanks to afiwarlord15

<image 9>

16. A telescope. We will look more into it later on this guide.
Examine before Wise Old Man robs the bank: Why has he pointed it at the bank?
Examine after Wise Old Man robs the bank: A telescope pointing southwards...

17. A staircase which you can use to go downstairs.
Examine: I can climb down these stairs.

18. A pirate map. Has no use.
Examine: X marks the spot.

19. Candelabrum. Has no use.
Examine: Some kind of jewellery is dangling from this ornament.

20. Landscape. Has no use.
Examine: I don't know much about art, but I like this.

21. Saradomin staff. Has no use.
Examine: A staff as used by Saradominist magi.

22. Golden lantern. Has no use.
Examine: Someone's showing off their wealth!

The Books:
Apparently, the Wise Old Man does not only store his knowledge in his brain, but in books as well. All around his small little house, you can see bookshelves. Search one of them, and you can get a book. At the moment, there are only two books. (Please inform me if there is more books on P2P. Thanks.)

<whatis image book of folklore><whatis image strange book>

The two books are, from the left, ‘Book of Folklore’ and ‘Strange Book’. You can read both books, and obviously, these two books have different content. Your character will flip to a random chapter everytime you read it, so you may not read the same thing.
Examine: A tatty old book belonging to the Wise Old Man of Draynor Village.

Following will be the contents of the book. Note that they are not in any order.

Book of Folklore:

The Myth of the Elder-Dragons.
Although the Elder-Dragons are generally considered to be a myth, stories tell of an ancient race that dwelt on Gielinor before any other. In some arcane way their lifeforce was linked to the life of the world itself; it is written that, as long as the Elder-Dragons continue to live, the world shall not end.
However, sceptics claim that the myth of the Elder-Dragons was invented to cast doubt on claims that this realm was lifeless until the gods first arrived.

Strange Book:

Perception and Reality.
...which leads us to the new definition of knowledge as a belief that is both reliably generated and true. Our senses tell us about the world, but to what extent are they reliable? One witness may perceive the weather to be hot, but another witness may consider it to be quite cold.
Perception of colour may be similarly affected, as the reader may demonstrate by staring at a piece of brightly-coloured paper. When the paper is removed, the reader may find that everything else appears to be a slightly different colour from normal.
We may conclude from this that, although we are sensing some intrinsic property of the object under examination, qualities such as colour and temperature are NOT intrinsic.
Henceforth we recommend that the reader consider them to be Secondary qualities. The quantity of caloric within the object that gives it this perceived temperature truly is intrinsic to the object, so this may be considered a Primary quality.
In the following chapter we will examine the implications of this distinction for the study of natural philosophy.

Certainty and Assumption.
In this chapter we aim to examine the extent to which our senses give us a reliable impression of the world in which we live.
Although we may believe that we are seeing and hearing things that exist, we may be deceived by our senses, as every keen drinker will have experienced! But if our senses may be deceived, what can we trust?
We may perhaps try to rely only on logical deductions and mathematical principles. Yet it is even possible that some fiend may have confused our mind to the extent that we are making false deductions without being aware of this.
We therefore present the following statement as the only piece of knowledge about which we cannot possible be deceived: 'I EXIST'
Although all information gained through use of our senses and minds may be distorted, no self-aware being can be led to believe that it does not exist. It may not be the man or woman it believes itself to be, but it can never question its own existence in some form.
In the following chapter we will discuss ways in which one may attempt to demonstrate the existence of a world outside of one's own consciousness.

Graphical solution of mathematical problems.
A simple graph containing an x-axis and a y-axis may be used to represent equations similar to the following: x + 3y = 5
For every 'x' and 'y' that satisfy the equation (such as x = 2, y = 1 or x = 5, y = 0 for the above example), the points 'x,y' may be plotted on the graph, and it will be found that they form a line.
If a second equation of this form is plotted on the same graph, the two lines may cross at some point.
Any point where the two lines cross will be given by some 'x' and 'y' that fits both equations.
Readers are invited to create two such equations and try it for themselves!

This page left blank for readers' comments. (Before Wise Old Man robs bank)
...and if enough people buy houses, house broker gets very rich -> buy nicer place than this shack!
Blasted bank doesn't seem to have any back door! Might need to try magical solution...
Short of bread. Again, I swear these people wandering around my house are just taking things, honestly, people these days...
Maybe tell dwarves there's some kind of monster living in their tunnels, get someone to pay for advice on killing it, make silly amulet to sell them!
Ah - try making little trinkets to sell, someone's bound to be gullible enough to buy them for millions even if they don't know what it's for...
Been ages since I wore my old rune armour with Saradomin trim, glory glory Saradomin! But everyone's digging up trimmed armour these days, bah!
Must think of something!

This page left blank for readers' comments. (After Wise Old Man robs bank)
...better now, walls look decent, nice and elegant. Those new lanterns were a rip-off, blasted dwarf craftsmen. Still, not a problem for me!
Even got my old Saradomin armour gilded, beautiful gold edges on it now. No-one else's going to have armour like that, that'll make them think, heh heh heh...
Lick of gold-leaf here and there, even my globe looks smarter now, maybe that bath screen was a bit much? No, I saw it, I wanted it, it's mine. Vidi, volui, mihi est!
Still don't know what that 'thing' is, but it looks nice on my desk. Probably some kind of transport? Must run off hot air or dragon flatulence?
Running a bit short of runes now. Those wizards over to the south always seem to have plenty, but will they spare me some? Bah! Not a chance, poxy mage scum!
Perhaps another little expedition is needed - they all look pretty weedy over there...

The Telescope:
(Before Wise Old Man robs the bank)
The telescope on the second floor is a strange and fun thing. When you observe it, you can look at players banking, woodcutting, fighting dark wizards, but most importantly, the bank records of the Draynor Bank! What is he up to? As a picture says a thousand words, I'll include screenshots of what you can see through the telescope instead of just writing descriptions to it.

<image 10>
<image 11>
<image 12>
<image 13>
<image 14>

Conversation after observing the telescope:
You: Why have you got your telescope pointing at the bank?
Wise Old Man: Hmmm? What's wrong with that?
You: Well, it's a little bit strange!
Wise Old Man: Deary me, what a suspicious mind you have!
Wise Old Man: I am simply studying... studying the...
Wise Old Man: I am simply studying the beautifully old-fashioned brickwork of the building.
You: And you wouldn't be - er - looking for a way into the back of the bank?
Wise Old Man: No, I wouldn't dream of doing anything like that!
You: Hmmm...

(After Wise Old Man robs the bank)
Now that the Wise Old Man had robbed the bank (although he still denies it), the telescope wouldn't be still facing the bank, but now his next target, the Wizard's Tower. As usual, you can see wizards and players walking around, fighting each other, or burning the place down! (There are three logs there, after all...) I'll include screenshots too.

<image 15>
<image 16>
<image 17>
<image 18>

Conversation after observing the telescope:
You: I see you've got your telescope pointing at the Wizards' Tower.
Wise Old Man: Oh, do I? Well, why does that interest you?
You: It just seems a bit odd.
Wise Old Man: Odd? There's nothing odd about a fascination with the magical arts. Besides, the architecture of that Tower is truly remarkable, for one who studies such things.
You: So you're not planning to attack the Tower?
Wise Old Man: No, I wouldn't dream of doing anything of the sort!
You: Hmmm...
The Bank Guard:

Now that the Wise Old Man robbed the bank, they hired a bank guard and sealed the broken wall by patching it up. Members can view a video of the Wise Old Man robbing the bank, but sadly, non-members cannot.

Here is a video of it, thanks to Bulker
Here is a lower-quality video of it, but it loads faster, thanks to Flaresix44.

Conversation for the First Time:
Bank Guard: Yes?

-Can I deposit my stuff here? (1.1)
-That wall doesn't look very good. (1.2)
-Sorry, I don't want anything. (1.3)

You: Hello. Can I deposit my stuff here?
Bank Guard: No. I'm a security guard, not a bank clerk.

-That wall doesn't look very good. (1.2)
-Alright, I'll stop bothering you now. (1.3)

You: That wall doesn't look very good.
Bank Guard: No, it doesn't.

-Are you going to tell me what happened? (1.2.1)
-Alright, I'll stop bothering you now. (1.3)

You: Are you going to tell me what happened?
Bank Guard: I could do.
You: Ok, go on!
Bank Guard: Someone smashed the wall when they were robbing the bank.
You: Someone's robbed the bank?
Bank Guard: Yes.
You: But... was anyone hurt? Did they get anything valuable?
Bank Guard: Yes, but we were able to get more staff and mend the wall easily enough.
Bank Guard: The Bank has already replaced all the stolen items that belonged to customers.
You: Oh, good... but the bank staff got hurt?
Bank Guard: Yes, but the new ones are just as good.
You: You're not very nice, are you?
Bank Guard: No-one's expecting me to be nice.
You: Anyway... So, someone's robbed the bank?
Bank Guard: Yes.
You: Do you know who did it?
Bank Guard: We are fairly sure we know who the robber was. The security recording was damaged in the attack, but it still shows his face clearly enough.
You: You've got a security recording?
Bank Guard: Yes. Our insurers insisted that we install a magical scrying orb.

-Can I see the recording? (
-So who was the robber? (
You: Can I see the recording?
Bank Guard: Sorry, the bank's magical playback device only operates on members' worlds.
You: Alright, I'll stop bothering you now.
Bank Guard: Good day, sir.
You: So who was the robber?
Bank Guard: I can't disclose that information.

-Can I see the recording? (
-Alright, I'll stop bothering you now. (1.4)

You: Sorry, I don't want anything.
Bank Guard: Ok.

You: Alright, I'll stop bothering you now.
Bank Guard: Good day, sir.

Conversation for the second time:
Bank Guard: Yes?
You: Do you have any idea who robbed the bank yet?
Bank Guard: We are fairly sure we know who the robber was. The security recording was damaged in the attack, but it still shows his face clearly enough.
You: You've got a security recording?
Bank Guard: Yes. Our insurers insisted that we install a magical scrying orb.

-Can I see the recording? (2.1)
-So who was the robber? (2.2)

You: Can I see the recording?
Bank Guard: Sorry, the bank's magical playback device only operates on members' worlds.
You: Alright, I'll stop bothering you now.
Bank Guard: Good day, sir.

You: So who was the robber?
Bank Guard: I can't disclose that information.

-Can I see the recording? (2.1)
-Alright, I'll stop bothering you now. (2.2.1)

You: Alright, I'll stop bothering you now.
Bank Guard: Good day, sir.

<image 19>

An image of my Iron Pure, the Bank Guard and the patched wall. (The words are fake, thanks to Ross78656's guide on fake pics)

<please turn the image into a table according to our RV standards :) >

Sometimes the Wise Old Man sends you on an errand to fetch some items for him. I believe that the items he wants and the reward he will give you is random. Following is a table of possible items and rewards. These errands are only for members. If you're a member, please contribute to this. Thanks!

Great thanks to Eirestra and King Gimli

And if you do a lot of errands for him, he will give you a letter to deliver to Abbot Langley at the Monastery. Thanks to Eirestra

<image 20>

He can also give you a letter to deliver to Thurgo (remember the dwarf who loves pies?). Thanks to Brainheart

<image 21>

Please feel free to give me some comments and opinions, and also feel free to correct me if I make any mistakes. Thanks.

Eirestra: For giving me information about what the Wise Old Man wants for his errands and what he will reward you
King Gimli: For giving me information about what the Wise Old Man wants for his errands and what he will reward you
Jaron: For helping greatly in the conversation with the Wise Old Man
Andrey: For helping greatly in the conversation with the Wise Old Man
Boa1891: For helping in the converstaion with the Wise Old Man
Brainheart: For giving me the letter that the Wise Old Man sends to Thurgo
Afiwarlord15: For the picture of the thing under the bed
Novium: For giving me information about the thing under the bed
Leonard Washington: For giving me information about the thing under the bed
Billiebrain: For informing me about the Wise Old Man robbing the bank when I'm at Karamja for several weeks
Cheesedude: For the screenshots of the video
Killa Kiaba: For the screenshots of the video
Bulker: For the video of the Wise Old Man robbing the bank
Flaresix44: For the video of the Wise Old Man robbing the bank
Anarki: For the picture of the object on the Wise Old Man's desk
Ross78656: For the RuneScape font in his guide on fake pics

But... if the seal should be broken and, despite all the time that had passed,
it wasn't enough, and you were without a heart,
if you continued to be only a created thing who acted wildly and forcefully,
I would... eliminate you! Raitei Shourai!

Support me on my goals? :D

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: October 1st, 2005, 1:37 pm 

Joined: June 4th, 2005, 4:23 pm
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BlitzAceSamy wrote:
I suggest you magnify my name to 100 times bigger, read it letter by letter, pixel by pixel, and get it correct. I'm sick of prople mispelling it.

'You spelt my name wrong' would have sufficed.

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: October 2nd, 2005, 5:00 am 
Tweaking all the time
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BlitzAceSamy, I often get called Goldenox... But do I care? No. As long as we know about who we're talking.

However, in a guide, that's different indeed. I changed it everywhere that I could find it.

- Greetz Glodenox :cheese:

XML, SOAP, XSLT, JavaScript, SQL, Java, CSS, PHP, Scheme, JSP, C#, ASP.NET, VB.NET, PL/SQL, Visual Basic 6.0, C/AL and C (sorted well to less known).

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: March 2nd, 2006, 7:46 am 
*crinkles eyes*
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<div align="center"><br><br>
<table width = 770 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0>
<td align="center" class="header">Guide to the Wise Old Man <br>
<b>By:</b> BlitzAceSamy<br>
<b>Edited By:</b> Dara Harkki<br>
<b>Coded By:</b> Tweedy<br>
<b>Special Thanks To:</b> Jaron, Andrey, Boa1891, Anarki, Afiwarlord15, Eirestra, King Gimli, Brainheart, Novium, LenW, Billiebrain<br>
<div align="left">
<td align="left">
The Wise Old Man before he steals from the bank:<br>
<img src="images/rs2SpecialReports/rsWiseoldman1.gif" border="0"><br>
The Wise Old Man after he steals from the bank:<br>
<img src="images/rs2SpecialReports/rsWiseoldman2.gif" border="0"><br>
The Wise Old Man, as his name suggests, is a knowledgeable sage.  He has travelled around a lot and now resides in Draynor Village, where he is happy to share his knowledge with the players of RuneScape.<br>
The Wise Old Man lives in a house in Draynor Village, north of the Draynor Bank. <br>
<img src="images/rs2SpecialReports/rsWiseoldman3.gif" border="0"><br>
<b>Note:</b> His house is the one circled in red.<br>
<b>What he says:</b>
Since the Wise Old Man likes to share his knowledge, you will find that he talks a lot and gives you a variety of choices when talking to him.  To make it easier, below is everything that he will say. (Note: Each option is numbered accordingly in brackets, simply refer to that number later in the guide to follow the conversation.)<br>
Wise Old Man:  Greetings, <Your Name>.<br>
-Is there anything I can do for you? (1.1)<br>
-Could you check my bank for junk please? (1.2)<br>
-I've got something I'd like you to look at. (1.3)<br>
-I'd just like to ask you something. (1.4) <br>
You:  Is there anything I can do for you? <br>
Wise Old Man:  Thanks, but I don't have anything I need doing on non-members' worlds. <br>
You:  Could you check my bank for junk please? <br>
Wise Old Man:  Certainly, but I should warn you that I can only look for items from non-members' quests. <br>
The Wise Old Man concentrates for a moment. <br>
The Wise Old Man will then tell you about items from quests in your bank<br>
You:  I've got something I'd like you to look at. <br>
Wise Old Man: Jolly good. Give it to me, and I'll tell you anything I know about it. <br>
You:  I'd just like to ask you something. <br>
Wise Old Man:  Please do! <br>
-Distant lands (1.4.1) <br>
-Strange beasts (1.4.2) <br>
-Days gone by (1.4.3) <br>
-Gods and demons (1.4.4) <br>
-Your hat! (1.4.5) (Only after the Wise Old Man robs the bank).<br>
-The Wilderness ( <br>
-Misty jungles ( <br>
-Underground domains ( <br>
-Mystical realms ( <br>
You:  Could you tell me about the Wilderness please? <br>
Wise Old Man:  If Entrana is a land dedicated to the glory of Saradomin, the Wilderness is surely the land of Zamorak. <br>
Wise Old Man:  It's a dangerous place, where adventurers such as yourself may attack each other, using all their combat skills in the struggle for survival. <br>
Wise Old Man:  The Wilderness has different levels. In a low level area, you can only fight adventurers whose combat level is close to yours. <br>
Wise Old Man:  But if you venture into the high level areas in the far north, you can be attacked by adventurers who are significantly stronger than you.<br>
Wise Old Man:  Of course, you'd be able to attack considerably weaker people too, so it can be worth the risk. <br>
Wise Old Man:  If you dare to go to the far north-west of the Wilderness, there's a building called the Mage Arena where you can learn to summon the power of Saradomin himself! <br>
Wise Old Man:  Is there anything else you'd like to ask? <br>
-Yes please. (2)<br>
-Thanks, maybe some other time. (3) <br>
You:  What can you tell me about jungles? <br>
Wise Old Man:  If it's a jungle you want, look no further than the southern regions of Karamja. <br>
Wise Old Man:  Once you get south of Brimhaven, the whole island is pretty much covered in exotic trees, creepers and shrubs. <br>
Wise Old Man:  There's a small settlement called Tai Bwo Wannai Village in the middle of the island.  It's a funny place; the chieftain's an unfriendly chap and his sons are barking mad. <br>
Wise Old Man:  Honestly, one of them asked me to stuff a dead monkey with seaweed so he could EAT it! <br>
Wise Old Man:  Further south you'll find Shilo Village.  It's been under attack by terrifying zombies in recent months, if my sources are correct. <br>
Wise Old Man:  The jungle's filled with nasty creatures.  There are vicious spiders that you can hardly see before they try to bite your legs off, and great big jungle ogres. <br>
Wise Old Man:  Is there anything else you'd like to ask? <br>
-Yes please. (2) <br>
-Thanks, maybe some other time. (3)<br>
You:  Tell me about what's underground. <br>
Wise Old Man:  Oh, the Dwarven realms? <br>
Wise Old Man:  Yes, there was a time, back in the Fourth Age, when we humans wouldn't have been able to venture underground.  That was before we had magic; the dwarves were quite a threat. <br>
Wise Old Man:  Still, it's much more friendly now.  You can visit the vast Dwarven mine if you like; the entrance is on the mountain North of Falador. <br>
Wise Old Man:  If you go further West you may be able to visit the Dwarven city of Keldagrim.  But they were a bit cautious about letting humans in, last time I asked.<br>
Wise Old Man:  On the other hand, if you go west of Brimhaven, you'll find a huge underground labyrinth full of giants, demons, dogs and dragons to fight.  It's even bigger than the caves under Taverly, although the Taverly <br>
Wise Old Man:  dungeon's pretty good for training your combat skills. <br>
Wise Old Man:  Is there anything else you'd like to ask? <br>
-Yes please. (2) <br>
-Thanks, maybe some other time. (3) <br>
You:  What mystical realms can I visit? <br>
Wise Old Man:  The fabled Lost City of Zanaris has an entrance somewhere near here.  Perhaps some day you'll go there. <br>
Wise Old Man:  Also, in my research I came across ancient references to some kind of Abyss.  Demons from the Abyss have already escaped into this land; Saradomin be thanked that they are rare! <br>
Wise Old Man:  Is there anything else you'd like to ask? <br>
-Yes please. (2) <br>
-Thanks, maybe some other time. (3) <br>
-Biggest & Baddest ( <br>
-Poison and how to survive it (<br>
-Wealth through slaughter ( <br>
-Random events ( <br>
You:  What's the biggest monster in the world? <br>
Wise Old Man:  There's a mighty fire-breathing dragon living underground in the deep Wilderness, known as the King Black Dragon.  It's a fearsome beast, with a breath that can poison you, freeze you to the ground or <br>
Wise Old Man:  incinerate you where you stand. <br>
Wise Old Man:  But even more deadly is the Queen of the Kalphites. As if her giant mandibles of death were not enough, she also throws her spines at her foes with deadly force.  She can even cast rudimentary spells. <br>
Wise Old Man:  Some dark god must be protecting her, for she can block attacks using prayer just as humans do. <br>
Wise Old Man:  Another beast that's worthy of a special mention is the Shaikahan.  It dwells in the eastern reaches of Karamja, and is almost impossible to kill except with specially prepared weapons. <br>
Wise Old Man:  Is there anything else you'd like to ask? <br>
-Yes please. (2)<br>
-Thanks, maybe some other time. (3) <br>
You:  What does poison do?<br>
Wise Old Man:  Many monsters use poison against their foes.  If you get poisoned, you will not feel it at the time, but later you will begin to suffer its effects, and your life will drain slowly from you.<br>
Wise Old Man:  Over time the effects dwindle to nothing, but if you had already been wounded you might die before they wear off completely. <br>
Wise Old Man:  Fortunately, followers of Guthix have devised potions that can cure the poison or even give immunity to it. <br>
Wise Old Man:  Should you wish to use poison against your own enemies and those of our Lord Saradomin, there is a potion that you can smear on your daggers, arrows, spears, javelins and throwing knives. <br>
Wise Old Man:  Is there anything else you'd like to ask? <br>
-Yes please. (2)<br>
-Thanks, maybe some other time. (3) <br>
You:  What monsters drop good items? <br>
Wise Old Man:  As a general rule, tougher monsters drop more valuable items.  But even a lowly hobgoblin can drop valuable gems; it just does this extremely rarely. <br>
Wise Old Man:  If you can persuade the Slayer Masters to train you as a Slayer, you will be able to fight certain monsters that drop valuable items far more often. <br>
Wise Old Man:  You might care to invest in an enchanted Dragonstone ring.  These are said to make a monster drop its most valuable items a little more often. <br>
Wise Old Man:  Is there anything else you'd like to ask? <br>
-Yes please. (2)<br>
-Thanks, maybe some other time. (3)<br>
You:  What are these strange monsters that keep appearing out of nowhere and attacking me when I'm training? <br>
Wise Old Man:  Ah, I imagine you see a lot of those. <br>
Wise Old Man:  Creatures such as a rock golem, river troll and tree spirit dwell in places where adventures frequently go to train their skills.  While you're training you will often disturb one by accident.  It will then get angry and <br>
Wise Old Man:  attack you.  The safest way to deal with them is to run away immediately, but they sometimes drop valuable items if you kill them. <br>
Wise Old Man:  Is there anything else you'd like to ask? <br>
-Yes please. (2)<br>
-Thanks, maybe some other time. (3)<br>
<b>1.4.3 (If you're not a member):</b><br>
You:  I suppose you'd know about the history of today's cities? <br>
Wise Old Man:  Yes, there are fairly good records of the formation of the cities from primitive settlements. <br>
Wise Old Man:  In the early part of the Fourth Age, of course, there were no permanent settlements. Tribes wandered the lands, staying where they could until the resources were exhausted. <br>
Wise Old Man: This changed as people learnt to grow crops and breed animals, and now there are very few of the old nomadic tribes. There's at least one tribe roaming between the Troll Stronghold and Rellekka, though. <br>
Wise Old Man:  One settlement was Avarrocka, a popular trading centre. <br>
Wise Old Man:  In the west, Ardougne gradually formed under the leadership of the Carnillean family, despite the threat of the Mahjarrat warlord Hazeel who dwelt in that area until his downfall. <br>
Wise Old Man:  Is there anything else you'd like to ask? <br>
-Yes please. (2)<br>
-Thanks, maybe some other time. (3)<br>
<b>1.4.3 (If you're a member and have done some member quests. Which specific quests are not confirmed.):</b><br>
-Heroic figures ( <br>
-The origin of magic (<br>
-Settlements ( <br>
-The Wise Old Man of Draynor Village ( <br>
You: Tell me about valiant heroes!<br>
Wise Old Man:  Ha ha ha... There are plenty of heroes. Always have been, always will be, until the fall of the world. <br>
(It is as yet unconfirmed, but believed that the bracketed sentence below requires a certain number of quest points.)<br>
(Wise Old Man:  You're quite a noted adventurer yourself!) <br>
Wise Old Man:  But I suppose I could tell you of a couple... <br>
Wise Old Man:  Yes, there was a man named Arrav.  No-one knew where he came from, but he was a fearsome fighter, a skillful hunter and a remarkable farmer.  He lived in the ancient settlement of Avarrocka, defending it from <br>
Wise Old Man:  goblins, until he went forth in search of some strange artifact long desired by the dreaded Mahjarrat. <br>
Wise Old Man:  Perhaps some day I shall be able to tell you what became of him. <br>
(It is as yet unconfirmed, but believed that the bracketed sentences below requires the completion of the Regicide quest.) <br>
(Wise Old Man:  But do not let your head be turned by heroics. Randas was another great man, but he let himself be beguiled into turning to serve Zamorak, and they say he is now a mindless creature deep in the Underground Pass that <br>
Wise Old Man:  leads to Isafdar.) <br>
Wise Old Man:  Is there anything else you'd like to ask? <br>
-Yes please. (2)<br>
-Thanks, maybe some other time. (3) <br>
You:  Where did humans learn to use magic? <br>
Wise Old Man:  Ah, that was quite a discovery!  It revolutionised our way of life and jolted us into the Fifth Age of the world. <br>
Wise Old Man:  They say a traveller in the north discovered the key, although no records state exactly what he found.  From this he was able to summon the magic of four elements, using magic as a tool and a weapon. He and<br>
Wise Old Man:  his followers learnt how to bind the power into little stones so that others could use it. <br>
Wise Old Man:  In the land south of here they constructed an immense tower where the power could be studied, but followers of Zamorak destroyed it with fire many years ago, and most of the knowledge was lost. <br>
(It is as yet unconfirmed, but believed that the bracketed sentences below requires the completion of the Rune Mysteries quest.) <br>
(Wise Old Man:  I hear you've been very helpful to the wizards who are working on the mysteries of the rune stones. <br>
You:  Well, I didn't do much...) <br>
Wise Old Man:  Is there anything else you'd like to ask? <br>
-Yes please. (2)<br>
-Thanks, maybe some other time. (3)<br>
You:  I suppose you'd know about the history of today's cities? <br>
Wise Old Man:  Yes, there are fairly good records of the formation of the cities from primitive settlements. <br>
Wise Old Man:  In the early part of the Fourth Age, of course, there were no permanent settlements.  Tribes wandered the lands, staying where they could until the resources were exhausted. <br>
Wise Old Man:  This changed as people learnt to grow crops and breed animals, and now there are very few of the old nomadic tribes.  There's at least one tribe roaming between the Troll Stronghold and Rellekka, though. <br>
Wise Old Man:  One settlement was Avarrocka, a popular trading centre. <br>
Wise Old Man:  In the west, Ardougne gradually formed under the leadership of the Carnillean family, despite the threat of the Mahjarrat warlord Hazeel who dwelt in that area until his downfall. <br>
(Words in brackets only appear if you complete the Hazeel's Cult quest and aided Hazeel) <br>
(You:  He'll be back, just you wait!) <br>
(Wise Old Man:  Oh dear, I hope you haven't done anything rash!) <br>
Wise Old Man:  Is there anything else you'd like to ask? <br>
-Yes please. (2) <br>
-Thanks, maybe some other time. (3) <br>
You:  Tell me about yourself, old man. <br>
Wise Old Man:  Ah, so you want to know about me, eh?<br>
Wise Old Man:  Mmm...what could I say about myself?  Let's see what I've done... <br>
Wise Old Man:  I've delved into the dungeon west of Brimhaven and heard the terrifying CRASH of the steel dragons battling each other for territory. <br>
Wise Old Man:  I spent some years on Entrana, where I learnt the techniques of pure meditation. <br>
Wise Old Man:  I've wandered through the vast desert that lies south of Al Kharid and seen the great walls of Menaphos and Sophanem. <br>
Wise Old Man:  Apart from all that, I've spent many a happy hour in dusty libraries, searching through ancient scrolls and texts for the wisdom of those who have passed on. <br>
Wise Old Man:  Plus plenty of other adventures, quests, journeys...Is there anything else you'd like to know? <br>
-Yes please. (2)<br>
-Thanks, maybe some other time. (3) <br>
-Three gods? (<br>
-The wars of the gods (<br>
-The Mahjarrat ( <br>
-Wielding the power of the gods (<br>
You:  I heard that RuneScape has three gods. <br>
Wise Old Man:  Indeed.  This is correct:  Saradomin, Guthix and Zamorak. <br>
Wise Old Man:  Saradomin, the great and glorious, gives life to this world. <br>
Wise Old Man:  Zamorak craves only death and destruction. <br>
Wise Old Man:  Guthix, calling itself a god of 'balance', holds no allegiance, but simply aids whatever cause suits its shifting purpose. <br>
(Words in brackets only appear if you complete the Digsite quest)<br>
(You:  So who's Zaros?) <br>
(Wise Old Man:  What did you say?)<br>
(You:  I discovered a buried altar to a god called Zaros.) <br>
(Wise Old Man:  Please, do not speak further of this.  No good can come of meddling in such things.) <br>
(You:  So Zaros is real?) <Br>
(Wise Old Man:  Adventurer, my patience is limited.  Speak to me no further of this - this - this foolishness.) <br>
(The bracketed sentences below requires the completion of Icthlarin's little helper.)<br>
(You:  How about Tumeken, Elindis, Icthlarin and the Devourer?) <br>
(Wise Old Man:  What names are these?) <br>
(You:  Down in Sophanem, they've got a chief god named Tumeken, plus a fertility goddess named Elindis.  Icthlarin is their god of the dead and the Devourer...) <br>
(Wise Old Man:  Adventurer, what folly leads you to believe these - things, exist?) <br>
(You:  But I've met Icthlarin! He's got a jackal's head!) <br>
(Wise Old Man:  It is hot in that land, and the heat can affect an adventurer in strange ways.  Tell me when you met 'Icthlarin' were you feeling at all unwell?) <br>
(You:  Well now you mention it I'd been hypnotised by a weird woman in the desert.) <br>
(Wise Old Man:  A strange woman interfered with your mind then you met a man with a jackal's head and decided he must be a god!) <br>
(You:  Umm...) <br>
(Wise Old Man:  Make sure you don’t get hypnotised by weird women in the desert and I'm sure you wont meet anymore jackal headed fanatics claiming to be Icthlarins, gods of the dead!) <br>
Wise Old Man:  Is there anything else you'd like to ask? <br>
-Yes please. (2) <br>
-Thanks, maybe some other time. (3) <br>
You:  I wanna know about the war of the gods! <br>
Wise Old Man:  Ah, that was a terrible time.  The armies of Saradomin fought gloriously against the minions of Zamorak, but many brave warriors and noble cities were overthrown and destroyed utterly. <br>
You:  How did it all end? <br>
Wise Old Man:  Before the Zamorakian forces could be utterly routed, Lord Saradomin took pity on them and the battle-scarred world, and allowed a truce. <br>
Wise Old Man:  Is there anything else you'd like to ask? <br>
-Yes please. (2) <br>
-Thanks, maybe some other time. (3)<br>
You:  What are the Mahjarrat? <br>
Wise Old Man:  Very little is written about the tribe of the Mahjarrat.  They are believed to be from the realm of Freneskae or Frenaskrae - the spelling in this tongue is only approximate. <br>
Wise Old Man:  One of them, the foul Zamorak, has achieved godhood, although none knows how this came about. <br>
Wise Old Man:  Other Mahjarrat who have been particularly active upon this plane are Hazeel, Lucien, Azzanadra and Zemouregal. <br>
(Words in brackets only appear if you complete the Hazeel's Cult quest and aided Hazeel)<br>
(You:  Hazeel will rise again, you'll see!) <br>
(Wise Old Man:  Adventurer, your actions fill me with concern!) <br>
Wise Old Man:  Is there anything else you'd like to ask? <br>
-Yes please. (2)<br>
-Thanks, maybe some other time. (3) <br>
You:  Can I wield the power of Saradomin myself? <br>
Wise Old Man:  If you travel to the Mage Arena in the north-west reaches of the Wilderness, the battle mage Kolodion may be willing to let you learn to summon the power of Saradomin, should you be able to pass his test. <br>
Wise Old Man:  Is there anything else you'd like to ask? <br>
-Yes please. (2) <br>
-Thanks, maybe some other time. (3) <br>
<b>1.4.5:</b> <br>
You:  I want to ask about your hat. <br>
Wise Old Man:  Why, thank you! I rather like it myself. <br>
-Did you steal it from the bank? ( <br>
-How can I get a hat like that? ( <br>
You:  Did you steal it from the bank? <br>
Wise Old Man:  Me?  Steal from the bank?  Whatever do you mean? <br>
You:  There's been a break-in at Draynor Bank, and I bet you did it. <br>
Wise Old Man:  Oh my goodness, what in the world could make you think I did such a thing? <br>
You:  Well, you've been sitting here looking at the bank ever since you moved into this house.  Now someone's robbed the bank, and suddenly your house is full of expensive stuff! <br>
Wise Old Man:  Oh dear, oh dear... <br>
Wise Old Man:  So what do you think I did?  March across the street, smash the bank wall, knock out the bankers and steal all the money? <br>
Wise Old Man:  I'm an old man! I walk with a stick!  How could I possibly have done that? <br>
You:  So you didn't rob the bank? <br>
Wise Old Man:  Just run along now, be a good lad, and don't worry yourself about me or my finances! <br>
You:  Hmmm...But I'll be keeping an eye on you. <br>
Wise Old Man:  Now you've got that off your chest, would you like to ask me about anything else? <br>
-How can I get a hat like that? ( <br>
-Yes please. (2) <br>
-Thanks, maybe some other time. (3) <br>
You:  How can I get a hat like that? <br>
Wise Old Man:  Ahh, sadly these hats are now very rare. Maybe some player would be willing to sell you theirs, but it would be incredibly expensive. <br>
You:  Can I buy your hat? <br>
Wise Old Man:  Ohhh no, I don't intend to part with this. Would you like to ask me something else? <br>
-Did you steal it from the bank? ( <br>
-Yes please. (2) <br>
-Thanks, maybe some other time. (3) <br>
<b>2:</b> <br>
You:  Yes please. <br>
-Distant lands (1.4.1) <br>
-Strange beasts (1.4.2) <br>
-Days gone by (1.4.3) <br>
-Gods and demons (1.4.4) <br>
You:  Thanks, maybe some other time. <br>
Wise  Old Man: As you wish. Farewell, <Your Name>. <br>
<b>His House:</b><br>
The Wise Old Man, such a clever sage, cannot possibly have a house that is so empty it only contains tables and chairs. Like his brain, his house is also filled with knowledge. We shall now examine each and every detail of the house. <br>
<b>First Floor:</b><br>
Before the Wise Old Man robs the bank.<br>
<img src="images/rs2SpecialReports/rsWiseoldman4.gif" border="0"><br>
After the Wise Old Man robs the bank.<br>
<img src="images/rs2SpecialReports/rsWiseoldman5.gif" border="0"><br>
1.  The Wise Old Man himself. <br>
Examine before Wise Old Man robs bank:  A venerable sage. <br>
Examine after Wise Old Man robs bank:  A venerable and rich sage.<br>
2.  A globe of Gielinor.  Appears to have no use at the moment. <br>
Examine:  'You are here.' <br>
3.  Old Bookshelves.  You can get a book by searching them. <br>
Search:  The bookshelf contains lots of antiquarian books. <br>
Examine:  Filled to the brim with knowledge. <br>
4.  An Old Bookshelf with a toy horse. You can get neither any books nor a toy horse. <br>
Search:  The bookshelf contains lots of antiquarian books, and a little toy horsie. <br>
Examine:  Filled to the brim with knowledge. <br>
5.  An Old Bookshelf with a statue of a cat.  You can get a book, but not the statue. <br>
Search:  The bookshelf contains lots of antiquarian books, and a curious feline statue. <br>
Examine:  Filled to the brim with knowledge. <br>
6.  An Old Bookshelf with a tinderbox.  You can get a tinderbox, but not any books. <br>
Search:  The bookshelf contains lots of antiquarian books, and also a few tinderboxes. <br>
You can say after searching:  Is it really safe to keep these here? <br>
You can say after searching:  Why does he want all these tinderboxes? <br>
You can say after searching:  Ok, that's weird! <br>
You can say after searching:  What the heck could he be planning with all these tinderboxes? <br>
Examine:  Filled to the brim with knowledge. <br>
7.  Three charts on the floor.  Appears to have no use, but you can step on them.  <br>
Examine:  Maybe it shows the location of buried treasure? <br>
Examine:  A map of some ancient land. <br>
Examine:  There are plenty of shelves - why's this on the floor? <br>
8.  You can climb this staircase to get upstairs. <br>
Examine:  I can climb up these stairs. <br>
9.  Appears to be a normal Study Desk that has no use. <br>
Examine before Wise Old Man robs bank:  Lots of hard study has been done here. <br>
Examine after Wise Old Man robs bank:  An elegant desk with a curious ornament on it. <br>
Here is a picture of the object on the table: <br>
<img src="images/rs2SpecialReports/rsWiseoldman6.gif" border="0"><br>
10.  Appears to be a normal Chair. <br>
Examine before Wise Old Man robs bank:  The ideal thing to sit on. <br>
Examine after Wise Old Man robs bank:  A nicely carved wooden chair. <br>
11.  Some scrolls that apparently has no use. <br>
Examine:  Old songs, old stories... <br>
<b>Second Floor:</b><br>
Before Wise Old Man robs the bank. <br>
<img src="images/rs2SpecialReports/rsWiseoldman7.gif" border="0"><br>
After Wise Old Man robs the bank. <br>
<img src="images/rs2SpecialReports/rsWiseoldman8.gif" border="0"><br>
12.  Hanging Cape.  Decorative and has no use, and cannot be seen from the point of the camera. <br>
Examine:  A cape from Saradomin, suitable for a battle-mage. <br>
13.  Suit of armour.  Decorative and has no use. <br>
Examine before Wise Old Man robs the bank:  Armour of a Saradominist warrior.  Decorative, but still effective. <br>
Examine after Wise Old Man robs the bank:  Someone's gold-trimmed this Saradomin armour! <br>
14.  Bath screen (before Wise Old Man robs the bank) or Gold Screen (after Wise Old Man robs the bank).  Has no use. <br>
Examine before Wise Old Man robs the bank:  A privacy aid! <br>
Examine after Wise Old Man robs the bank:  An expensive privacy aid!<br>
15.  One of the four most interesting part of the house.  It's a bed that you can kick! It will shake when you kick it, but occasionally it will shake too.  The mysterious part is the thing hidden under the bed.  You can see something that looks like a pair of legs from this point of camera. <br>
Examine:  It's a fairly ordinary bed, but... <br>
<img src="images/rs2SpecialReports/rsWiseoldman9.gif" border="0"><br>
Here's a picture of the thing under the bed attacking!<br>
<img src="images/rs2SpecialReports/rsWiseoldman10.gif" border="0"><br>
16.  A telescope.  We will look more into it later on this guide. <br>
Examine before Wise Old Man robs the bank:  Why has he pointed it at the bank?<br>
Examine after Wise Old Man robs the bank:  A telescope pointing southwards... <br>
17.  A staircase which you can use to go downstairs. <br>
Examine:  I can climb down these stairs. <br>
18.  A pirate map.  Has no use. <br>
Examine:  X marks the spot. <br>
19.  Candelabrum.  Has no use. <br>
Examine:  Some kind of jewellery is dangling from this ornament. <br>
20.  Landscape.  Has no use. <br>
Examine:  I don't know much about art, but I like this. <br>
21.  Saradomin staff.  Has no use. <br>
Examine:  A staff as used by Saradominist magi. <br>
22.  Golden lantern.  Has no use. <br>
Examine:  Someone's showing off their wealth!<br>
<b>The Books: </b><br>
Apparently, the Wise Old Man does not only store his knowledge in his brain, but in books as well.  All around his small little house, you can see bookshelves.  Search one of them, and you can get a book.  At the moment, there are only two books.<br>
<b>Insert whatis image book of folklore + insert whatis image strange book</b><br>
The two books are, from the left, ‘Book of Folklore’ and ‘Strange Book’.  You can read both books, and obviously, these two books have different content.  Your character will flip to a random chapter everytime you read it, so you may not read the same thing.<br>
Examine:  A tatty old book belonging to the Wise Old Man of Draynor Village. <br>
Following will be the contents of the book.  Note that they are not in any order. <br>
<b>Book of Folklore:</b><br>
The Myth of the Elder-Dragons. <br>
Although the Elder-Dragons are generally considered to be a myth, stories tell of an ancient race that dwelt on Gielinor before any other.  In some arcane way their lifeforce was linked to the life of the world itself; it is written that, as long as the Elder-Dragons continue to live, the world shall not end. <br>
However, sceptics claim that the myth of the Elder-Dragons was invented to cast doubt on claims that this realm was lifeless until the gods first arrived. <br>
<b>Strange Book:</b><br>
Perception and Reality. <br>
...which leads us to the new definition of knowledge as a belief that is both reliably generated and true.  Our senses tell us about the world, but to what extent are they reliable?  One witness may perceive the weather to be hot, but another witness may consider it to be quite cold. <br>
Perception of colour may be similarly affected, as the reader may demonstrate by staring at a piece of brightly-coloured paper.  When the paper is removed, the reader may find that everything else appears to be a slightly different colour from normal. <br>
We may conclude from this that, although we are sensing some intrinsic property of the object under examination, qualities such as colour and temperature are NOT intrinsic. <br>
Henceforth we recommend that the reader consider them to be Secondary qualities.  The quantity of caloric within the object that gives it this perceived temperature truly is intrinsic to the object, so this may be considered a Primary quality. <br>
In the following chapter we will examine the implications of this distinction for the study of natural philosophy. <br>
Certainty and Assumption. <br>
In this chapter we aim to examine the extent to which our senses give us a reliable impression of the world in which we live. <br>
Although we may believe that we are seeing and hearing things that exist, we may be deceived by our senses, as every keen drinker will have experienced!  But if our senses may be deceived, what can we trust? <br>
We may perhaps try to rely only on logical deductions and mathematical principles.  Yet it is even possible that some fiend may have confused our mind to the extent that we are making false deductions without being aware of this. <br>
We therefore present the following statement as the only piece of knowledge about which we cannot possible be deceived:  'I EXIST' <br>
Although all information gained through use of our senses and minds may be distorted, no self-aware being can be led to believe that it does not exist.  It may not be the man or woman it believes itself to be, but it can never question its own existence in some form.<br>
In the following chapter we will discuss ways in which one may attempt to demonstrate the existence of a world outside of one's own consciousness. <br>
Graphical solution of mathematical problems. <br>
A simple graph containing an x-axis and a y-axis may be used to represent equations similar to the following:  x + 3y = 5 <br>
For every 'x' and 'y' that satisfy the equation (such as x = 2, y = 1 or x = 5, y = 0 for the above example), the points 'x, y' may be plotted on the graph, and it will be found that they form a line. <br>
If a second equation of this form is plotted on the same graph, the two lines may cross at some point. <br>
Any point where the two lines cross will be given by some 'x' and 'y' that fits both equations. <br>
Readers are invited to create two such equations and try it for themselves! <br>
This page left blank for readers' comments.  (Before Wise Old Man robs bank) <br>
...and if enough people buy houses, house broker gets very rich -> buy nicer place than this shack! <br>
Blasted bank doesn't seem to have any back door! Might need to try magical solution... <br>
Short of bread.  Again, I swear these people wandering around my house are just taking things, honestly, people these days... <br>
Maybe tell dwarves there's some kind of monster living in their tunnels, get someone to pay for advice on killing it, make silly amulet to sell them! <br>
Ah - try making little trinkets to sell, someone's bound to be gullible enough to buy them for millions even if they don't know what it's for... <br>
Been ages since I wore my old rune armour with Saradomin trim, glory glory Saradomin!  But everyone's digging up trimmed armour these days, bah! <br>
Must think of something! <br>
This page left blank for readers' comments.  (After Wise Old Man robs bank) <br>
...better now, walls look decent, nice and elegant.  Those new lanterns were a rip-off, blasted dwarf craftsmen.  Still, not a problem for me! <br>
Even got my old Saradomin armour gilded, beautiful gold edges on it now.  No-one else's going to have armour like that, that'll make them think, heh heh heh... <br>
Lick of gold-leaf here and there, even my globe looks smarter now, maybe that bath screen was a bit much?  No, I saw it, I wanted it, it's mine.  Vidi, volui, mihi est! <br>
Still don't know what that 'thing' is, but it looks nice on my desk.  Probably some kind of transport?  Must run off hot air or dragon flatulence? <br>
Running a bit short of runes now.  Those wizards over to the south always seem to have plenty, but will they spare me some?  Bah!  Not a chance, poxy mage scum! <br>
Perhaps another little expedition is needed - they all look pretty weedy over there... <br>
<b>The Telescope:</b><br>
(Before Wise Old Man robs the bank) <br>
The telescope on the second floor is a strange and fun thing. When you observe it, you can look at players banking, woodcutting, fighting dark wizards, but most importantly, the bank records of the Draynor Bank!    What is he up to?  As a picture says a thousand words, I'll include screenshots of what you can see through the telescope instead of just writing descriptions to it. <br>
<img src="images/rs2SpecialReports/rsWiseoldman11.gif" border="0"><br>
<img src="images/rs2SpecialReports/rsWiseoldman12.gif" border="0"><br>
<img src="images/rs2SpecialReports/rsWiseoldman13.gif" border="0"><br>
<img src="images/rs2SpecialReports/rsWiseoldman14.gif" border="0"><br>
<img src="images/rs2SpecialReports/rsWiseoldman15.gif" border="0"><br>
Conversation after observing the telescope: <br>
You:  Why have you got your telescope pointing at the bank?<br>
Wise Old Man:  Hmmm?  What's wrong with that? <br>
You:  Well, it's a little bit strange! <br>
Wise Old Man:  Deary me, what a suspicious mind you have! <br>
Wise Old Man:  I am simply studying... studying the... <br>
Wise Old Man:  I am simply studying the beautifully old-fashioned brickwork of the building. <br>
You:  And you wouldn't be - er - looking for a way into the back of the bank? <br>
Wise Old Man:  No, I wouldn't dream of doing anything like that! <br>
You:  Hmmm... <br>
(After Wise Old Man robs the bank) <br>
Now that the Wise Old Man has robbed the bank (although he still denies it), the telescope wouldn't be still facing the bank, but now his next target, the Wizard's Tower.  As usual, you can see wizards and players walking around, fighting each other, or burning the place down!  (There are three logs there, after all...)  I'll include screenshots too. <br>
<img src="images/rs2SpecialReports/rsWiseoldman16.gif" border="0"><br>
<img src="images/rs2SpecialReports/rsWiseoldman17.gif" border="0"><br>
<img src="images/rs2SpecialReports/rsWiseoldman18.gif" border="0"><br>
<img src="images/rs2SpecialReports/rsWiseoldman19.gif" border="0"><br>
Conversation after observing the telescope: <br>
You:  I see you've got your telescope pointing at the Wizards' Tower. <br>
Wise Old Man:  Oh, do I? Well, why does that interest you? <br>
You:  It just seems a bit odd. <br>
Wise Old Man:  Odd?  There's nothing odd about a fascination with the magical arts.  Besides, the architecture of that Tower is truly remarkable, for one who studies such things. <br>
You:  So you're not planning to attack the Tower? <br>
Wise Old Man:  No, I wouldn't dream of doing anything of the sort! <br>
You:  Hmmm... <br>
<b>The Bank Guard:</b><br>
Now that the Wise Old Man robbed the bank, they hired a bank guard and sealed the broken wall by patching it up. Members can view a video of the Wise Old Man robbing the bank, but sadly, non-members cannot. <br>
Conversation for the First Time: <br>
Bank Guard:  Yes? <br>
-Can I deposit my stuff here? (1.1) <br>
-That wall doesn't look very good. (1.2)<br>
-Sorry, I don't want anything. (1.3) <br>
You:  Hello.  Can I deposit my stuff here? <br>
Bank Guard:  No. I'm a security guard, not a bank clerk. <br>
-That wall doesn't look very good. (1.2) <br>
-Alright, I'll stop bothering you now. (1.3) <br>
You:  That wall doesn't look very good. <br>
Bank Guard:  No, it doesn't. <br>
-Are you going to tell me what happened? (1.2.1) <br>
-Alright, I'll stop bothering you now. (1.3) <br>
You:  Are you going to tell me what happened? <br>
Bank Guard:  I could do. <br>
You:  Ok, go on! <br>
Bank Guard:  Someone smashed the wall when they were robbing the bank. <br>
You:  Someone's robbed the bank? <br>
Bank Guard:  Yes. <br>
You:  But... was anyone hurt?  Did they get anything valuable? <br>
Bank Guard:  Yes, but we were able to get more staff and mend the wall easily enough. <br>
Bank Guard:  The Bank has already replaced all the stolen items that belonged to customers.<br>
You:  Oh, good... but the bank staff got hurt? <br>
Bank Guard:  Yes, but the new ones are just as good.<br>
You:  You're not very nice, are you? <br>
Bank Guard:  No-one's expecting me to be nice.<br>
You:  Anyway... So, someone's robbed the bank? <br>
Bank Guard:  Yes. <br>
You:  Do you know who did it?<br>
Bank Guard:  We are fairly sure we know who the robber was.  The security recording was damaged in the attack, but it still shows his face clearly enough. <br>
You:  You've got a security recording? <br>
Bank Guard:  Yes.  Our insurers insisted that we install a magical scrying orb. <br>
-Can I see the recording? ( <br>
-So who was the robber? ( <br>
You:  Can I see the recording? <br>
Bank Guard:  Sorry, the bank's magical playback device only operates on members' worlds. <br>
You:  Alright, I'll stop bothering you now. <br>
Bank Guard:  Good day, sir. <br>
You:  So who was the robber?<br>
Bank Guard:  I can't disclose that information. <br>
-Can I see the recording? ( <br>
-Alright, I'll stop bothering you now. (1.4)<br>
You:  Sorry, I don't want anything. <br>
Bank Guard:  Ok. <br>
You:  Alright, I'll stop bothering you now. <br>
Bank Guard:  Good day, sir. <br>
Conversation for the second time: <br>
Bank Guard:  Yes? <br>
You:  Do you have any idea who robbed the bank yet? <br>
Bank Guard:  We are fairly sure we know who the robber was.  The security recording was damaged in the attack, but it still shows his face clearly enough. <br>
You:  You've got a security recording? <br>
Bank Guard:  Yes.  Our insurers insisted that we install a magical scrying orb. <br>
-Can I see the recording? (2.1) <br>
-So who was the robber? (2.2) <br>
You:  Can I see the recording? <br>
Bank Guard:  Sorry, the bank's magical playback device only operates on members' worlds. <br>
You:  Alright, I'll stop bothering you now. <br>
Bank Guard:  Good day, sir. <br>
You:  So who was the robber? <br>
Bank Guard:  I can't disclose that information. <br>
-Can I see the recording? (2.1) <br>
-Alright, I'll stop bothering you now. (2.2.1) <br>
You:  Alright, I'll stop bothering you now. <br>
Bank Guard:  Good day, sir.<br>
<img src="images/rs2SpecialReports/rsWiseoldman20.gif" border="0"><br>
An image of my Iron Pure, the Bank Guard and the patched wall. <br>
<b>Please turn the image into a table according to our RV standards :)</b><br>
Sometimes the Wise Old Man sends you on an errand to fetch some items for him. I believe that the items he wants and the reward he will give you is random.  Following is a table of possible items and rewards.  These errands are only for members. If you're a member, please contribute to this. Thanks!  <br>
And if you do a lot of errands for him, he will give you a letter to deliver to Abbot Langley at the Monastery. <br>
<img src="images/rs2SpecialReports/rsWiseoldman21.gif" border="0"><br>
He can also give you a letter to deliver to Thurgo (remember the dwarf who loves pies?).<br>
<img src="images/rs2SpecialReports/rsWiseoldman22.gif" border="0"><br>
<?php include("footer.tpl"); ?>


Guide coded.

HOWEVER please do not move to Uploaders yet, as the guide needs to be updated with recent updates. I have PMed Svstoned about it, and he has said he will try and see to it until then this is on hold. :)

Faint as a will o' the wisp
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 Post subject: Still on hold?
PostPosted: March 28th, 2006, 6:11 am 
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This has been here way to long.

Let's get it updated or move on with it please.

--Zonking Out


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 Post subject:
PostPosted: March 28th, 2006, 7:46 am 
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King Zonk - ... 93#2751793

I have requested someone to go over it and find any missing components to it. :)

Faint as a will o' the wisp
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 Post subject: Yahoo!
PostPosted: April 2nd, 2006, 10:10 pm 
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--Zonking Out


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 Post subject:
PostPosted: May 5th, 2006, 9:56 am 
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Well it has been getting no response in the Submissions forum, any editor willing to take on the task of adding in the new updates to this guide?

Faint as a will o' the wisp
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 Post subject:
PostPosted: May 14th, 2007, 7:14 pm 
A5chow, yo.
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This is moved back because it's extremely outdated. Please feel free to update! :D


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PostPosted: May 14th, 2007, 8:13 pm 
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I coulda sworn I helped update this guide a long while ago...


The Idiot Has Been Here

This space left blank intentionally.


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PostPosted: May 14th, 2007, 8:15 pm 
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TheAmericanIdiot wrote:
I coulda sworn I helped update this guide a long while ago...


The Idiot Has Been Here

Yea, I helped too :?

It was sitting in coders for like 10 months, since no one knew how to code that funky table :-s

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