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 Post subject: construction training guide -exp for next to nothing!-
PostPosted: June 2nd, 2006, 8:35 am 
Priest of Saradomin
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That’s right! For all of you who like me feel construction is too expensive I have discovered a way to train it for next to nothing. This is not necessarily the fastest training method but certainly the cheapest. First you will need the following:

About 4000 gold
A pickaxe
A hammer and saw
A hatchet
2 buckets/jugs

Level 40 Crafting (access to the Crafting Guild)
Brown apron
Boots of Lightness
Agility level of 18 for south Falador shortcut
Varrok, House/Falador teleport runes

Ok! Now you got all that in your bank? Great!

1) Teleport/walk to Falador, Seers or Varrok, take out 2000gp and the various teleport runes from your bank and go to the estate agents located here:

In Varrock:
In Falador:
>Picture coming<

In Seers:
>Picture coming<

Buy a basic home for 1000 gold. Congratulations! You now have a house!

2) Your house will be in Rimmington:


So teleport or walk to Falador or your house. Once you’re there go into building mode and on any of the door hotspots build a second garden anywhere you like. You won't be using this just yet, but it will come in handy soon. This will cost you another 1000 gold. Now take your axe out of the bank and head to Varrok, cut down as many normal logs as you can fit into your inventory and take them to the sawmill operator here:


For 100 gold he will turn each of them into planks. Bank these. Alternatively you can go to the plank spawns by the barbarian outpost, on entrana, or in the wilderness by the giants, and collect planks for free there.

3) At the bank deposit everything except your Boots of Lightness (if you’re using them) and your pickaxe. Go and mine a full inventory of iron ore, smelt these into bars, and smith them into iron nails. Depending on how many bars you successfully smelted, you may need to do this twice. Bank the nails.

4) Take your nails, planks, hammer, and saw to your house. Make the crude wooden chairs until you reach level three. If you run out of any materials, repeat the steps above.

5) Great! You made it to level three! Now we’re done spending money on your levels! Now, if you have the right level to enter the crafting guild (40 crafting), go to the bank get out your brown apron, pickaxe, Boots of Lightness, hammer, saw, and two buckets. You may also want to keep some cash on you just in case.

If you can't enter the guild you won't need a brown apron. Instead, go and mine about one hundred clay at any mine you like and turn them into soft clay with your buckets at a fountain (the fountain by Falador's west bank is excellent for this) and bank them.

6) Now, if you can access the crafting guild, run between the guild and your house. At the guild, mine a full inventory of clay and use the buckets/jugs with the sink there to turn it into wet clay and then head back to your house.

If you banked some wet clay, run between Falador bank and your house. Use the east bank if you can't use the south Falador agility shortcut and the west one if you can. At your house make clay fireplaces in your parlour (construction mode on), then remove them and make another one. Do this until level 5. If you run out of clay, repeat step 5 as many times as needed.

7) Level 5! At level 5 you can make ornamental rocks from limestone bricks. These take 5 limestone bricks each and make 100exp per rock. We are done using clay so you won't need your buckets anymore. Limestone, believe it or not, can me mined! From the sawmill, head southeast past the altar to a gate in a fence. Go through here east until you see a path off the main one to the north. Up this path are the rag and bone man quest start and a limestone mine! Mine the limestone and use a chisel with the mined blocks to make usable bricks. Bank and mine as many of these as you like at varrock and turn them into ornamental rocks in your second garden. You should make 5 rocks each trip, which totals 500 exp. Keep this up until level 33.

8)Whey! At level 33 you can make limestone fireplaces. I recommend you replace any fireplaces in your house with limestone ones, to make your house look nice and for that extra experience.

9) At level 59 we're back at limestone (you're still going!?! Go you!) And limestone attack stones. an inventory of limestone will get the same exp from attack stones as from ornamental rocks, but you may want to switch as it is slightly faster to build one attack stone than 2 rocks. Just like before, keep going!

10) After this there are no more clay or limestone things you can make. Unfortunately, at the moment these are the only materials you can obtain yourself for free. You can keep making attack stones for a while but it will inevitably become very slow after a while.

alternate methods:
You also have the option to use steel bars, which if you mine the ore can be made yourself for free. Steel items offer the same exp as limestone items (i.e. 1 limestone brick and 1 steel bar give 20 exp each in all items)

Pump and drain: level 7, 5 steel bars
Small oven: level 24, 4 steel bars
Pump and tub: level 27, 10 steel bars
Large oven: level 29, 5 steel bars
Iron range: level 34, 6 steel bars
Fancy range: level 42, 8 steel bars
Sink: level 47, 15 steel bars

NOTE: this guide is only intended to take you up to a level somewhere around 60 at a rough estimate. After that you have two options. Keep going like this as high as you need until you go insane (after level 60 i imagine it will become impossibly slow) but keep it cheap, or go for other options such as hiring a servant and making oak larders (thanks tennis ace!). Simply put after this it’s slow or expensive. Another option is to make armour stands, from oak logs build one destroy it. You only ever need one set of armour, and get slightly more exp per oak plank.

If anyone has any images that I don't, or that might be useful please send them to me so i can put them up (and give you credit :) )

Credits: axel slice (me!) for most of the work, Jagex for the images, tennis ace for the tip on oak larders, warteen2003 for reminding me about plank re-spawns, snake626 for info on the entrana plank spawns, littlealigator for prompting me to modify it, and the armour stand tip. Thanks to all of you!


cha0s_49 wrote:
You too? I am also a baby-wielding, maniac-killing chainsaw.

Last edited by axel slice on June 5th, 2006, 9:16 am, edited 8 times in total.

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PostPosted: June 2nd, 2006, 9:33 am 

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it's a good strategy for lower levels, but after level 30 or 40 you will go insane training with clay.

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: June 2nd, 2006, 9:43 am 
Sorceror of Saradomin
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Ooh ooh ah ah!

Last edited by Tennis Ace on November 2nd, 2007, 5:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: June 2nd, 2006, 9:48 am 
Priest of Saradomin
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Tennis Ace wrote:
Servant+Oak Larders=Good Experience :wink:

servant+ oak larders= expensive :shock: what level are oak larders anyway?

also i finished typing the second half of the guide. it'll be up in a second. still need images!


cha0s_49 wrote:
You too? I am also a baby-wielding, maniac-killing chainsaw.


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PostPosted: June 2nd, 2006, 9:49 am 
Sorceror of Saradomin
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Ooh ooh ah ah!

Last edited by Tennis Ace on November 2nd, 2007, 5:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: June 2nd, 2006, 9:52 am 
Priest of Saradomin
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oh ok. and i'd prefer to have mine in releka, teleport wise. taverly and rimmington arn't far from falador etc... and i can't fish shark so can't use the lyre teleport.


cha0s_49 wrote:
You too? I am also a baby-wielding, maniac-killing chainsaw.


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PostPosted: June 2nd, 2006, 10:43 am 
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axel slice wrote:
oh ok. and i'd prefer to have mine in releka, teleport wise. taverly and rimmington arn't far from falador etc... and i can't fish shark so can't use the lyre teleport.

Amen to that!



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PostPosted: June 2nd, 2006, 11:31 am 
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I've been using from lv 19 to 40, makeing oak chairs. I think thats preety good, and it costs about 100k gp to get it there.





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PostPosted: June 2nd, 2006, 11:32 am 
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with raw bass and ring of charos you can fool the spirit into thinking its a shark ;)

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PostPosted: June 2nd, 2006, 12:36 pm 
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Freakindon wrote:
with raw bass and ring of charos you can fool the spirit into thinking its a shark ;)

um sweet! also just realised you can make clay and limestone attack pillars in your games room! time to add to the guide.


cha0s_49 wrote:
You too? I am also a baby-wielding, maniac-killing chainsaw.


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PostPosted: June 2nd, 2006, 1:29 pm 
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Tennis Ace wrote:
Level 33. And I *think* Taverly is the best place for a house. Well it's a good teleport spot at least :D

That's what I've been doing all along. :wink:

Best method regarding cost per xp that I've found so far. :D

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: June 2nd, 2006, 2:11 pm 
Priest of Saradomin
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hmm. this has got me thinking, where to have your house... fastest banking, taverly, most usefull telport definately releka(sp?) best for making mass clay things is rimmington (closness to the crafting guild) although not sure how close guild is to taverly portal...


cha0s_49 wrote:
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PostPosted: June 2nd, 2006, 8:55 pm 

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Thanks for making this i had given up until a guide came out for poor people :) . Poor 4 life

thanks Zeek

Last edited by Zeek1640 on June 2nd, 2006, 9:43 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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PostPosted: June 2nd, 2006, 9:01 pm 

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best place is yanelle its about 100 steps to a bank itself tho it req 50 construction


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PostPosted: June 3rd, 2006, 5:08 am 
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Zeek1640 wrote:
Thanks for making this i had given up until a guide came out for poor people :) . Poor 4 life

thanks Zeek

no problem :) it just occured to me that i don't want to payout of my nose to train the most fun skill (IMHO) in runescape, so when i was selling my mined limestone bricks 1k each to fund it it occured to me. still been expensive building things for my house though. ( i wuv my boxing ring :D )


cha0s_49 wrote:
You too? I am also a baby-wielding, maniac-killing chainsaw.


 Post subject: construction training guide -exp for next to nothing!-
PostPosted: June 3rd, 2006, 8:52 am 
Priest of Saradomin
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Sorry, but I HAVE to do this... Grammer sucks (no offense)

axel slice wrote:
That’s right! For all of you who like me feel construction is too expensive I have discovered a way to train it for next to nothing. This is not necessarily the fastest training method but certainly the cheapest. First you will need the following:

About 4000 gold
A pickaxe
A hammer and saw
A hatchet
2 buckets/jugs

Level 40 Crafting (access to the Crafting Guild)
Brown apron
Boots of Lightness
Agility level of 18 for south Falador shortcut
Varrok, House/Falador teleport runes

Ok! Now you got all that in your bank? Great!

1) Teleport/walk to Falador, Seers or Varrok, take out 2000gp and the various teleport runes from your bank and go to the estate agents located here:

In Varrock:

In Falador:
>Picture coming<

In Seers:
>Picture coming<

Buy a basic home for 1000 gold. Congratulations! You now have a house!

2) Your house will be in Rimmington:


So teleport or walk to Falador or your house. Once you’re there go into building mode and on any of the door hotspots build a second garden anywhere you like. You won't be using this just yet, but it will come in handy soon. This will cost you another 1000 gold. Now take your axe out of the bank and head to Varrok, cut down as many normal logs as you can fit into your inventory and take them to the sawmill operator here:


For 100 gold he will turn each of them into planks. Bank these.

3) At the bank deposit everything except your Boots of Lightness (if you’re using them) and your pickaxe. Go and mine a full inventory of iron ore, smelt these into bars, and smith them into iron nails. Depending on how many bars you successfully smelted, you may need to do this twice. Bank the nails.

4) Take your nails, planks, hammer, and saw to your house. Make the crude wooden chairs until you reach level three. If you run out of any materials, repeat the steps above.

5) Great! You made it to level three! Now we’re done spending money on your levels! Now, if you have the right level to enter the crafting guild (40 crafting), go to the bank get out your brown apron, pickaxe, Boots of Lightness, hammer, saw, and two buckets. You may also want to keep some cash on you just in case.

If you can't enter the guild you won't need a brown apron. Instead, go and mine about one hundred clay at any mine you like and turn them into soft clay with your buckets at a fountain (the fountain by Falador's west bank is excellent for this) and bank them.

6) Now, if you can access the mining guild, run between the guild and your house. At the guild, mine a full inventory of clay and use the buckets/jugs with the sink there to turn it into wet clay and then head back to your house.

If you banked some wet clay, run between Falador bank and your house. Use the east bank if you can't use the south Falador agility shortcut and the west one if you can. At your house make clay fireplaces in your parlour (construction mode on), then remove them and make another one. Do this until level 10. If you run out of clay, repeat step 5 as many times as needed.

7) Level 10! Great! Now keep doing the same except use your clay in the ‘centre piece’ hotspot and make ponds. Each of these gives you a whopping 100 experience. Also, if you have all the stuff you need and some gold, you will be making 23 or 25 (depending on whether or not you need buckets), so you should be able to make 2 ponds and a fireplace each trip. That’s 230 exp a trip, which is very fast using the guild. Keep this up until level 33.

8)Whey! At level 33 you can make limestone fireplaces. Limestones, believe it or not, can me mined! From the sawmill, head southeast past the altar to a gate in a fence. Go through here east until you see a path off the main one to the north. Up this path are the rag and bone man quest start and a limestone mine! Mine the limestone and use a chisel with the mined blocks to make usable bricks. Bank and mine as many of these as you like at falador and make them into fireplaces. Remove the fireplaces and build new ones as you have been doing. Keep this up until level 39.

9) At level 39 if you have a games room you can build a clay attack stone. These each use 10 clay. Same principal as before, crafting guild/bank to your house and back. Keep going until level 59.

10) At level 59 we're back at limestone (you're still going!?! Go you!) and limestone attack stones. Just like before, keep going!

After this there are no more clay or limestone things you can make. Unfortunately, at the moment these are the only materials you can obtain yourself for free. You can keep making attack stones for a while but it will inevitably become very slow after a while.

alternate methods:
The method described above is the simplest way of using these materials. You can collect limestone as early as level 5 because at level 5 you can use your garden centrepiece space for making decorative rocks which offer fairly good experience for the level. Also you can use this space at level 15 to make imp statues. However, these use 5 clay and 5 limestone, meaning you will be going to the bank. If you would use the guild then imps are not recommended. However, if you would bank anyway this may be faster. In the end it is up to you to decide!

NOTE: this guide is only intended to take you up to a level somewhere around 65-70 at a rough estimate. After that you have two options. Keep going like this as high as you need until you go insane (after level 70 i imagine it will become impossibly slow) but keep it cheap, or go for other options such as hiring a servant and making oak larders (thanks tennis ace!). Simply put after this it’s slow or expensive.

If anyone has any images that I don't, or that might be useful please send them to me so i can put them up (and give you credit :) )

Credits: axel slice (me!) for most of the work, Jagex for the images, tennis ace for the tip on oak larders.

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 Post subject: construction training guide -exp for next to nothing!-
PostPosted: June 3rd, 2006, 9:11 am 
Priest of Saradomin
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um... thanks for that *edits guide*


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You too? I am also a baby-wielding, maniac-killing chainsaw.


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PostPosted: June 3rd, 2006, 11:00 am 
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Ok so I read your guide and got some ideas from it but I didn’t think it helps build most of the cool stuff.

I myself am only level 15 but I have built everything I have without spending much money.

First i gathered all my planks in the wilderness (there is 5 respawns). Then I banked them.

I sold some of them to get money and now I have more money then I started with before construction was released.

The rest I used on my house.


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 Post subject:
PostPosted: June 3rd, 2006, 11:11 am 
Priest of Saradomin
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o o. i forgot about plank re-spawns. (yay!) i'll add that to the guide. thanks.

and i know it won't help making the coolest stuff but that's going to be expensive anyway. this way you get the levels to make the cool stuff easier meaning you have more cash to make it wen you get the level. your geting put in the credits :)

also i'm going to look into steel stuff, and posibly add some things about that in there to. edit time!


cha0s_49 wrote:
You too? I am also a baby-wielding, maniac-killing chainsaw.


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PostPosted: June 3rd, 2006, 4:10 pm 

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you forgot the new plank respawn on entrana

If only there was more evil........... then there would be more good guys :)
Watch out for evil dave he's soooo evil he might tickle you with a feather duster :shock:


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