[font=Century Gothic]Anti hacking, scamming[/font]
Rewritten by Ltfairy
Originally Written By KorbUzam
Originally Edited By Cave Dogg
Originally Coded By Baconmasta
Ever been scammed out of your valuables? Ever lost your account to a nasty hacker? This guide here will tell you all the ways that you can do to prevent and protect yourself from being hacked or scammed. It is best that you read the guide completely, and perhaps remind yourself of the tips in it whenever you are playing Runescape. I strongly believe that if every player of Runescape are clever and well-prepared enough not to get scammed or hacked, it will greatly reduce the bad elements in Runescape and discourage them from carrying out their attempts at ruining the game.
1. What is scamming?
-Common scams
-Things mistaken as scams
-What to do when scammed
-Extra tips
2. What is hacking?
-Ways players can get hacked
-Things to avoid
-What to do when hacked
-Extra tips
1. What is scamming?
Scamming is to deceive or trick another player for one's own personal gain. Deliberately lying to others about how much an item is worth and the rarity of an item is considered a scam. A trade that seems too good is most likely a scam and thus you should be extra careful when you are trading. Remember that Jagex cannot and will not return any lost or stolen items, so it will most likely be your fault if you get scammed. Also, lying to players to gain account information is also considered password scamming and should be reported instantly.
Common scams
Item scams
Lying about an item
This includes claiming an unrare item rare, or insisting that an item is worth a certain amount when it is far from it. It also includes claiming an item's ability to do something that the item cannot do.
Tricking a player to give an item away
Asking a player to drop an item and press alt+F4 is a scam as pressing the keys closes the Runescape window, allowing the scammer to take your items away.
Trust game/trade
This is almost always a scam, as the scammer will ask you to give something to him and promising to give it back. Remember that trades aren't reversible, and you may never get back your items! Always report such instances and never engage in a trade like this.
Item switching
This happens when the scammer switches his items without you noticing. To avoid this, be careful to check the second trade screen and make sure you are getting what you deserve.
Trimming/Upgrading armour
Remember that no one (not even members) can upgrade or trim armour for you. The (t) and (g) armours you see in game are all gotten from Treasure Trails, a mini game for members. Do report all instances where a player offers to trim or upgrade your items.
Duplicating items
Just like the scam above, there is absolutely *no* way anyone can duplicate your items. Be careful and report when you see anyone offering to do that.
Impersonating Jagex to gain items
All Jagex mods have a gold crown next to their name. (In private message as well) In addition, their names always start with a "Mod". (with the exception of Andrew and Paul) Remember never to believe in people claiming to be Jagex in order to gain your items, they are most likely scamming and you should report them under "Item Scamming".
Follow to win
Even though it may not always be a scam, most of it usually turns out to be trust game/trades. So do be careful and report immediately when it turns out to be scams.
Team scamming
Be careful of players selling strange items for high prices. You may see that a player is selling at a certain price and another player buying the same item at a higher price. Be very careful of such scams, and make sure you know the item well before buying it.
Be careful of all luring scams, as the scammer may attempt to get you killed (either by NPCs or by other players) to gain your items. Kindly decline if you know what the player is offering you to do is dangerous, it's not worth to show off and lose your items as a result.
Password Scams
Claiming Jagex blocks passwords
From time to time, you may see players claiming that Jagex blocks passwords from showing in the chat window. Be aware that it is totally *not* true! Never attempt to type your password out unless you want your account stolen. If anyone claims that Jagex blocks passwords, report him or her for "pass scamming".
Recovery questions scamming
Sometimes, players can ask you questions that are part of the recovery questions, be careful when answering them so as to keep your recovery questions and answers safe from scammers.
Bank pin scamming
Remember *never ever* give out your bank pin to anyone! No matter what the scammer might say, it is all a scam to get into your bank and take away your items! If anyone asks for your bank pin, report them under "pass scamming".
Things mistaken as scams
While it is not good to manipulate prices, selling an item for a high price or low price is not necessarily a scam. If you want to be secure, just check a price guide and you will find the correct price to an item.
Free gem cutting
It might not be very secure, but such services are not always scams. If you are feeling insecure, just look at the hiscores to see if the player have the necessary skills before trading. Or you can ask him to trade another item for your item, so ask to make sure. If the player insists on not wanting to trade an item in return, it's best to not trade with him.
What to do when scammed
If you got item scammed, the most logical thing to do is to report the scammer under "Item scamming". Be more careful next time and not make the same mistakes again.
If you got pass scammed, report the pass scammer under "Pass scamming". Immediately change your password (before the scammer does so), and perhaps change your recovery questions. (or set new recovery questions if you have not done so)
Extra tips
-Never ever engage in trust trades
-Always check the second trade screen carefully
-Never ever give out your password or account details
-Make sure your password is complicated enough (a mixture of letters and numbers) but can be memorised
-Always set recovery questions and bank pin so as to keep your account more secure
I accidentally fall for a password scam, and now my password is changed. What do I do?
Go to RS frontpage, click on the link that says "Recover a lost password" under Account management section. Type in your RS name and select the option "Someone else has changed my password". Fill in as much details as possible and check twice before submitting the form. Wait patiently while Jagex recovers your account.
My recovery questions are changed by a scammer! What do I do?
In such case, the scammer might already know your password. Immediately change your password before the scammer does! Go to RS frontpage, click on "Recover a lost password" under Account management section. Enter your RS name and select type of query as "Someone else knows my recovery answers" and fill in as much info as possible. Wait patiently for Jagex's reply. If you find that the scammer have already changed your password, do this instead:
Go to RS frontpage, click on the link that says "Recover a lost password" under Account management section. Type in your RS name and select the option "Someone else has changed my password". Fill in as much details as possible and check twice before submitting the form. Wait patiently while Jagex recovers your account.
Someone is holding a drop party, but he didn't drop anything. Is that a scam?
Nope, it isn't. Scamming involves taking a person's item. In this case, he didn't take anyone's item but just merely played a joke on everyone.
2. What is hacking?
Hacking is the stealing of personal information such as passwords. The hacker will attempt to install a keylogger or trojan on your computer to harvest your passwords and other personal information. Many sites can contain keyloggers and it is best that you do not visit such sites. Also, be careful of any applications that strangers send to you as some of these programs can contain nasty things that hack into your computer.
Ways players can get hacked
MSN/Yahoo Messenger
Sometimes, a window may appear on your screen when you log in, and a link is there for you to click. Remember never to click these links as they are often viruses or keyloggers which have been sent through the messaging system. Also, never download any programs from MSN as they can contain trojan and other viruses.
Visiting websites offering Runescape benefits
Many of these sites that offers to do such things often contain trojan or keyloggers that steals your password. Believe me, there are no such thing as "free lunches", all these benefits are fake and they are there to attract you to the sites.
Email attachments/links
There have been many cases when players receive emails offering them Player Moderator status and free items. Do *not* visit the links inside the emails as they may contain keyloggers. Neither should you download anything in such emails. Remember that Jagex will *never* contact you through email, and in no way will they offer you anything through emails.
Downloading third party software
Many of these programs (autotypers, autominers etc) contain trojan and keyloggers which are there to steal your pass, so you actually risk your account by downloading them. Also, downloading such programs is in breach of Runescape rules of conduct (Rule 7). So think thrice before you download any of these software.
Easy passwords
This is the least possible way that anyone can get hacked, unless your pass is too easy. Hackers may try to guess your passwords, and if they are lucky, they may just get it right and hack into your account. However, if you have a pretty good password, this is highly unlikely to happen.
Things to avoid
-Suspicious attachments (don't ever download them)
-Third party programs (don't use them)
-Emails with links/attachments (don't click/download anything in them)
-Websites offering Runescape benefits (don't enter your RS pass there and don't visit them)
-Entering your RS password on other sites (never do that, only enter it on Runescape.com)
What to do when hacked
If you have been hacked, the best way is to do a virus scan and recover your account. Install a good anti-spyware software and have a good firewall as well.
Extra tips
-Make your password as complicated as possible
-Make sure your password isn't related to you in any way
-Set good recovery questions
-Visit the Security of Stronghold
-Never give out your password to anyone
-Never enter your password on any site other than Runescape.com
-Set a good bank pin (make sure it's not something related to you)
I think my computer just caught a keylogger, what do I do?
Do something! Scan your computer fully and remove these harmful elements. Then change your RS password immediately, perhaps with your recovery questions. Make sure you have a good firewall as well.
I just visited a site offering Runescape benefits. Is there anything I should do?
Yes, you should definitely scan your computer for keyloggers and trojan. If you find that you have caught one of these things, remove them and change your RS pass. Get a good firewall too.