0.0 Intro
Lumbridge would have to be the newbie capital, the dead and people fresh off of Tutorial Island. There is a swamp to the south and a desert to the west. There is a general store, ax shop and many other shops/features.
1.0 The Castle Courtyard
The castle courtyard is a very pretty place to be. There are two fountains and many nice shrubs lining the area. Hans maintains this area, he works for the duke of lumbridge. The two statues (or one if you have finished Garden of Tranquilty) are of the King and Queen of Misthalin.
2.0 The Graveyard and Church
The castle graveyard/church is home to an altar, a prayer tutor and a yew tree. The prayer tutor gives more information about prayers and their different uses. The beautiful yew tree in the grave yard is sadly victim to macroers looking to cheat. The altar gives no extra prayer points but is the only one in that area.
2.1 The Cooking Tutor
This tutor will give advice on the many aspects of the cooking skill. There is also a range in his house.
2.2 Bob's Brilliant Axes
Bob sells a few hatchets and battle axes. He also sells bronze pickaxes for 1gp each encase you lost yours after tutorial island. His wares and prices are listed below for further notation.
3.0 The General Store
The Lumbridge general store is one of many that sell security manuals and newcomer maps. They also sell a variety of other cheap necessities. It is pretty busy on f2p worlds.
3.1 The Goblins
Behind that general store is a bunch of low level (level 2) goblins just waiting to be killed. They are probably the best training for new players. Their drops are usually sold to the general store.
3.2 The Woodcut Tutor
In front of the store is a lumberjack wear a 99 woodcutting cape. You can buy your own from him once you make that great achievement. He gives great advice about all aspects of woodcutting and has an awesome axe.
3.3 Combat Tutors
To the south of the store are 3 combat tutors. They teach about the three combat styles, ranged, magic and melee. They hand out training supplies such as low level runes, training bows and arrows and training swords and shields. You can choose between the low level runes (30 airs and 30 minds) or 25 training arrows and a training bow. The training items are not trade able.
3.4 The Furnace
In Lumbridge, there is one furnace. Yet there are no anvils. This is a good spot to make bronze bars, not effective but good when you just got off of tutorial island. There is also a tutor in there to tell you about smelting, half of the smithing skill.
4.0 The Lumbridge Mine
This new mine just contains 5 copper and tin. There is a tutor (what a suprise) to teach about the skill of mining.
4.1 The Fishing Spot
These new fishing spots in the swamps only contain shrimps, anchovies, and bait fishes. There are two small fishing net respawns beside the spots. The tutor gives away small fishing nets and advice on the fishing skill.
5.0 The Other Fishing Spot
This fishing spot is the only other F2P fly fishing spot. It is not bad for training medium level fishing. Not a good spot to bank the fish but you could power fish and it is a decent distance from chickens for extra feathers.
5.1 The Goblin House
This house is full of goblins and has a spit roast. There is part of the wall missing so it is perfect for ranging from a safe distance.
5.2 The Canoe Station
In Lumbridge there is one of three stations up the River Lum. You must have a minimum of 12 woodcutting to use it. Higher woodcutting to go farther up the river.
6.0 The Cow Pasture
Here are cows, they moo and give milk. They also provide hides for crafting and money. They are the best way for low levels to make money and get combat experience.
6.1 The Chicken Coop
The chickens in this coop are great for low level ranged training and magic. They drop feathers which can be sold or used for fly fishing.
7.0 Lumbridge Castle
Of course its nice to end the tour of a city with the best part of it, the castle! On the bottom floor are respawns for mind runes and bronze arrows. There is also the cook which is the start and finish for Cooks Assitant and a major npc in Recipe for Disaster.
7.1 Lumbridge Castle (1st Floor)
On this floor is the duke of Lumbridge. You talk to him to start Rune Mysteries and talk to his assistant, Sigmund to start the Lost Tribe and Death to Dogreshuun. The second room has a spinning wheel and a bronze dagger respawn. This spinning is the closest to a bank. Inside there is a crafting tutor to tell you about the crafting skill.
7.2 Lumbridge Castle (2nd Floor)
On this floor is the bank and log respawn. There is a bank tutor to teach about banking skills.
8.0 Bits About Lumbridge
If you die and don't have the gaze of saradomin or you are F2P, you wind up in Lumbridge when you get killed any where in Runescape.