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 Post subject: Lunar Spell Guide
PostPosted: July 24th, 2006, 7:46 pm 
The Half-Witted Moose
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As many know the newly released quest contains a new Spell Book for people to use although this does not contain any attack spells, it does include many useful skills for a healing, and hose who don't like trips to the bank :P Here is a guide on them

Healing Spells:
ImageCure other
Level required: 68
Runes Required: 1xAstral 1xLaw, 10xEarth
Effect: Cures Targetted player of poison
Exp Gained: 48

ImageCure me
Level required: 71
Runes Required: 2xAstral 1xLaw, 2xCosmic
Effect: Cures your player of poison
Exp Gained: 46

ImageCure group
Level required: 74
Runes Required: 2xAstral, 2xLaw, 2xCosmic
Effect: Cure all surrounding Players and yourself of Poison.
Exp Gained: 59

ImageHeal other
Level required: 92
Runes Required: 3xAstral, 3Law, 1xBlood
Effect: Transfer some of your HP to the target other Player
Exp Gained: 86

ImageHeal Group
Level required: 95
Runes Required: 4xAstral, 6xLaw, 3xBlood
Effect: Transfer some of your HP to surrounding Players
Exp Gained: 124

Support and Skill related Spells:
ImageBake Pie
Level required: 65
Runes Required: 1xAstral, 5xfire, 4xwater
Effect: Bake a pie in inventory without of use of a stove
Exp Gained: 26 + appropriate cooking exp

ImageCure Plant
Level required: 66
Runes Required: 1xAstral 8xEarth
Effect: Cure a plant patch of disease
Exp Gained: 26

ImageNPC Contact
Level required: 67
Runes Required: 1xAstral, 1xCosmic, 2xAir
Effect: Used to contact an certain NPC's (I.e. Slayer Master's, guides etc)
Exp Gained: 30

ImageSuperglass Make
Level required: 77
Runes Required: 2xAstral, 6xFire, 10xAir
Effect: Produce Molten Glass without the use of a Furnace (Soda Ash/Seaweed and Sand are required)
Exp Gained: 41 + 10 Crafting exp

ImageString Jewellery
Level required: 80
Runes Required: 2xAstral, 10xEarth, 5xWater
Effect: String a piece of jewellery without the need of a ball of wool.
Exp Gained: 44 + 4 crafting exp

ImageStat Restore Potion Share
Level required: 81
Runes Required: 2xAstral, 10xEarth, 10xWater
Effect: Shares the effect of Restoration potions with up to 4 other players when cast on a restoration potion.
Exp Gained: 49

ImageMagic Imbue
Level required: 82
Runes Required: 2xAstral, 7xFire, 7xWater
Effect: Grants you the poewr to combine runes for a period of time.
Exp Gained: 51

ImageFertile Soil
Level required: 82
Runes Required: 3xAstral, 15xEarth, 2xNature
Effect: Fertilises a farming patch with supercompost
Exp Gained: 61 + 18 farming exp

ImageBoost Potion Share
Level required: 84
Runes Required: 3xAstral, 12xEarth, 10xWater
Effect: Shares the effect of a Boost stat potion with up to 4 other players.
Exp Gained: 62

ImageEnergy Transfer
Level required: 91
Runes Required: 3xAstral, 2xLaw 1xNature
Effect: Transfer run and weapon energy to target player, however you will suffer a small amount of damage.
Exp Gained: 68

ImageVengeance Other
Level required: 93
Runes Required: 3xAstral 10xEarth, 2xDeath
Effect: Cast Vengence on another player. When this player is subsequently attacked next, their opponent will suffer a large percentage of the damage.
Exp Gained: 73

Level required: 94
Runes Required: 4xAstral, 10xEarth, 2xDeat
Effect: When you are attacked next, your opponent will suffer a large percentage of the damage.
Exp Gained: 75

Teleportation Spells
ImageMoonclan Teleport
Level required: 69
Runes Required: 2xAstral, 1xLaw, 2xEarth
Effect: Teleport to Moonclan
Exp Gained: 50

ImageMoonclan Group Teleport
Level required: 70
Runes Required: 2xAstral, 1xLaw, 4xEarth
Effect: Teleport yourself and anyone within one square of your player to Moonclan who have accept aid on.
Exp Gained: 51

ImageWaterbirth Teleport
Level required: 72
Runes Required: 2xAstral, 1xLaw, 1xWater
Effect: Teleport to Waterbirth Island
Exp Gained: 51

ImageWaterbirth Group Teleport
Level required: 73
Runes Required: 2xAstral, 1xLaw, 5xWater
Effect: Teleport yourself and anyone within one square of your player to Waterbirth Island who have accept aid on.
Exp Gained:53

ImageBarbarian Teleport
Level required: 75
Runes Required: 2xAstral, 2xLaw, 2xFire
Effect: Teleport to the Barbarian Village
Exp Gained: 53

ImageBarbarian Group Teleport
Level required: 75
Runes Required: 2xAstral, 2xLaw, 6xFire
Effect: Teleport yourself and anyone within one square of your player to the Barbarian Village who have accept aid on.
Exp Gained: 55

ImageKhazard Teleport
Level required: 78
Runes Required: 2xAstral, 2xLaw, 4xWater
Effect: Teleport to the Khazard battlefield.
Exp Gained: 54

ImageKhazard Group Teleport
Level required: 79
Runes Required: 2xAstral, 2xLaw, 8xWater
Effect: Teleport yourself and anyone within one square of your player to the Khzard battlefield who have accept aid on.
Exp Gained: 56

ImageFishing Guild Teleport
Level required: 85
Runes Required: 3xAstral, 3xLaw, 10xWater
Effect: Teleport to the Fishing Guild
Exp Gained: 65

ImageFishing Guild Group Teleport
Level required: 86
Runes Required: 3xAstral, 3xLaw, 14xWater
Effect: Teleport yourself and anyone within one square of your player to the Fishing Guild who have accept aid on.
Exp Gained: 70

ImageCatherby Teleport
Level required: 87
Runes Required: 3xAstral, 3xLaw, 10xWater
Effect: Teleport to
Exp Gained: 78

ImageCatherby Group Teleport
Level required: 88
Runes Required: 3xAstral, 3xLaw, 15xWater
Effect: Teleport yourself and anyone within one square of your player to Catherby who have accept aid on.
Exp Gained: 80

ImageIce Plateau Teleport
Level required: 89
Runes Required: 3xAstral, 3xLaw, 8xWater
Effect: Teleport to the Ice Plateau
Exp Gained: 96

ImageIce Plateau Group Teleport
Level required: 90
Runes Required: 3xAstral, 3xLaw, 16xWater
Effect: Teleport yourself and anyone within one square of your player to the Ice Plateau who have accept aid on.
Exp Gained: 99

OK, well that's about it if anyone see's anything needed to be fixed or changed, please reply to this and tell me, I haven't played Runescape in 21 Months so I don't actually know what half these places are and i needed something to do at 02:30 lol, and i hadn;t done a guild in ages either, anyways hope you enjoyed!

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Last edited by Mogo on July 25th, 2006, 9:59 am, edited 1 time in total.
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 Post subject:
PostPosted: July 24th, 2006, 7:59 pm 
Minor King
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Good job. It is nice and neat, etc.

~Mini Dragon123


 Post subject:
PostPosted: July 24th, 2006, 8:01 pm 
The Half-Witted Moose
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I wanted to use tables, but we can't on the forums, so i layed it out like that :P, hopefully I'll get to code it myself instead :P

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PostPosted: July 24th, 2006, 8:03 pm 
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*punches* O-(°.°Q)
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 Post subject:
PostPosted: July 24th, 2006, 9:00 pm 
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Effect: Grants you the poewr to combine runes for a period of time.

How does Magic Imbue actually work?
Can you stand in the bank making combined runes or does it just allow combination without a talisman.

I still say combination runes are useless, but this might make them less useless.

....also you spelled power wrong.


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PostPosted: July 24th, 2006, 9:19 pm 
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NPC contact NPCs:

All Slayer Masters (5)
Murphy - Lets you know about Trawler Minigame people ready and boat leaving time
Lanthus - Tells you how many minutes till the next Castlewars games and how many people are in each room
Honest Jimmy - same as Lanthus except for Trouble Brewing
Advisor Ghrim - Lets you manage your kingdom
Bert the Sandman - You can collect your sand


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 Post subject: Nice guide....
PostPosted: July 25th, 2006, 2:37 am 
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but too bad that the pics dont show... :(

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: July 25th, 2006, 5:01 am 
The Half-Witted Moose
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lizzy b wrote:
[How does Magic Imbue actually work?

I don't know, I'm basing all this information on what you can get from Runescape at the moment. Hence why i asked if anyone has extra information.

Zimm wrote:
but too bad that the pics dont show... :(

Yes they do.

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: July 25th, 2006, 5:11 am 
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Nice guide, but I also can't see the pictures :cry:

Image 77/99 - Image 45/94 - Image 40/99 - Image 10/75
3K/50K Chin's - 0/80K Nature Runes - 0/80K Yews - 0/80K Flax

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: July 25th, 2006, 5:15 am 
The Half-Witted Moose
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They're loaded from somewhat strange to say the least... Maybe I'll upload them onto my site.

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: July 25th, 2006, 6:00 am 
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mogomongoose wrote:
lizzy b wrote:
[How does Magic Imbue actually work?

I don't know, I'm basing all this information on what you can get from Runescape at the moment. Hence why i asked if anyone has extra information.

As far as I know, it allows you to combine the elemental runes without losing your tally doing so.

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PostPosted: July 25th, 2006, 9:53 am 
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mogomongoose wrote:
They're loaded from somewhat strange to say the least... Maybe I'll upload them onto my site.

Runescape website usually block uploaded image from their website for certain person, i don't see image either.


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 Post subject:
PostPosted: July 25th, 2006, 9:59 am 
The Half-Witted Moose
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OK, that should fix the images.

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: July 25th, 2006, 1:06 pm 
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i guess Magic Imbue allows you too craft combination runes 100% of the time. like a timed binding necklace i suppose. (if you didn't realise, combination runes can be failed to craft.)

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: July 25th, 2006, 1:46 pm 

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I think if you want to make mud runes, you go into the water temple with pure ess and some earth runes. You cast the spell then use earth runes on the water altar and you'll have mud runes. Not tested though.


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 Post subject:
PostPosted: July 29th, 2006, 1:32 pm 

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i could just go to the knowledge base.


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 Post subject:
PostPosted: July 30th, 2006, 8:42 pm 
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I like this guide, taught me alot about the lunar spells ^_^


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 Post subject:
PostPosted: July 31st, 2006, 5:10 am 
Rogue of Void
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Hopefully, people don't fall for anyone using ice plateau group teleport to scam. :roll:



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PostPosted: August 22nd, 2006, 2:29 pm 
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so do the spells like vengeance other also work out of the wilderness when your friend is fighting npc's?

Something has crashed on my pc. I blame /usr/bin/laden

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: September 8th, 2006, 11:49 pm 

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Nice job, not that i really needed a guide for it.......

Well nice job. :)

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