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 Post subject: Melee Training and Making Ca$h At the Same Time(F2P) Version
PostPosted: May 15th, 2006, 6:08 pm 
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Priest of Saradomin
Priest of Saradomin
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Most warriors decide to dive right into slaying high level creatures but if all of y'all wanna gain lvls and make some money read ahead..............................
While on Tutorial Island(lvl3-5) wrote:
get all melee stats to 3 by killing those giant rats. *I believe u cant die on tutorial island. :shock:

At Lumbridge (lvl5-29) wrote:
Sell your stuff to the general store (you will get about 50gp). Go to zekes scimitar shop and buy your self a brnd new scimatar!Kill goblins at the back of the Lumbridge general store. They have a tendancy of dropping 5-10 coins at a time and some runes :wink:. Get your your def to 20, your attack to 25 and your strength to 30. Sell your runes from those poor goblins you slayed and your scimmy and then head back to al-kharid and get a better weapon..........
A mithril scimitar and maybe some black or mithril armour.But don't forget to bury every bone you get! [-X

lvl 30-49 wrote:
Stay at Al-kharid and start killing the warriors inside the palace. They have 20hp and when you attack 1 all of them they all attack you.(Note: If u dont feel brave just wait until somebody else attacks it then you attack it. The warrior wont attack you thats why.) If u get low on hp run out and go buy your self a kebab for 1gp. They heal between -5 and 10 if your lucky :D. After obtaining 40 attack, 45 strength, and 40 defence and burying a ton of bones hed over to the bank and buy rune skimmy and some addy armour or maybe stick with mith if your poor :(

lvl 50-69 wrote:
Head over to Edgeville and camp out in the dungeon killing hobgoblins (bring 10 salmon as food). They drop limpwurt roots pretty often and runes so you can make easy money selling them to P2P herblorists. after obtaining 50 attack, 60 strength, 50 defence buy a rune scimitar and some rune armour 8) .

lvl 70-126 wrote:
At lvl 70 you are obviously able to kill the imfamous lesser demon. They will drop about 120gp a kill so once you run outta food youll have at least 6k cash :shock:. You will also get death runes, assorted pieces of steel armour and if your lucky a rune medium helmet :D . But if you get bored training combat try focusing on a non-combat skill for a bit. Even if you get bored of lesser demons you kinda get the idea of what monsters to train on.

Thank you for reading!

:coke: ~Saraknight41~ :coke:

*Plz PM if you can confirm this thank you.

Special shout out too: Deathgate123, Mccourt145, Azn Purepk3, and King Gimli3

Added the last end of quote tag which you seem to have forgotten - Glodenox


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PostPosted: May 22nd, 2006, 9:49 pm 
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nice guide for us f2ps but im not a melee'er im more like a mager :D

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: May 23rd, 2006, 4:07 pm 
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Priest of Saradomin
Priest of Saradomin
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ty but its a melee guide, im currently working on a mage f2per guide :D


 Post subject:
PostPosted: May 31st, 2006, 6:23 pm 

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well im looking forward to it and if i could add somthing in your guide

Only go to the lesser demon in the wizards tower if you have your magic about 20
Because demons are resistent to magic most of the time
ive heard :D


 Post subject:
PostPosted: June 1st, 2006, 4:41 am 
just gui
Priest of Saradomin
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You can add 107-
Ice Warriors deep wilderness or other good spots in the wilderness.

perspicacious wrote:
Remember wherever you'll go I'll be there squatting in the closet of your mind naked and aroused.

1 man/7 women hot tub - $850/offer


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PostPosted: June 1st, 2006, 8:50 am 
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There are Ice Warriors in the blurite mines as well and Giants



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PostPosted: June 4th, 2006, 1:35 pm 
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Priest of Saradomin
Priest of Saradomin
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yep, and plus they are great for killing at any level :P

I removed the post of a guest posting 'test' below, seems like the test has succeeded :) - Glodenox

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