Hey Sirangetta, good to see you again! Hope you're doing well. :) I appreciate the thought you put into your post, and I want to reply detail as well.
Sirangetta wrote:
I think maybe there should be a memorial for RV as a main page. And on that page should be member stories of how they came across RV and maybe a little bit about their life now, their journey through Runescape at the time etc kinda like a profile page with their Runescape names, their role on Runescape, their role on RV etc. Maybe a few screenshots, perhaps dig up the forums and get an archived copy going from particular dates back in time and extract posts to help to bring the past to life.
Honestly, the hard parts of this plan would be the same as any other: It's hard to get in contact with our friends of yesteryear, and it would be a lot of effort for something almost no one would see. But if you have screenshots or stories,
please feel free to post them on the forums! We do read those, and I'll absolutely respond. :)
Sirangetta wrote:
There could be a section to thank those who have continued to run the forums to this day and who were the last to maintain a functional Runevillage before it was reduced down to what it is now. It especially would be good to get some of the old mods and admins on board and get their accounts of running RV in its prime to give perspective from the day to day maintaining of what was once one of the best Runescape fansites on the internet seeing that was what held this place up for all of us.
I think
The Elder List was the original plan to thank those who have served RV in some way over the years. If I had to guess, I think mods/admins giving perspective on the day-to-day maintenance of RV would usually boil down to three things:
1) We were literally trying to impose order on a site with thousand(s) of teenagers. It was typically a thankless job, because people don't care if the rules are clear and there for a reason, they want to see how far they can push them, and they don't want others telling them what to do. I learned a surprisingly high number of life lessons simply from the multitude of grief that people would give me for other reason than that I was an admin, lol.
2) When the team worked together, we were able to make a lot happen, and as you said, became one of the best RuneScape fansites in the world. I remember Jackstick, Tweedy and I had very similar senses of humor and of right and wrong, and that always made it a pleasure to work with them.
3) A lot of things that people hated mods/admins for weren't our fault. (Not to speak ill of the dead, but) hiker imposed a lot of rules that simply didn't make sense at the time (he liked to give second chances that weren't deserved, which skewed how far people felt they could push the rules without getting in trouble), and Henner often imposed changes that either didn't take into account everyone else's viewpoints or outright ignored them. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Apple was probably the best red-named admin we had, and if you need any more proof of that, he's still practically here daily. Anyway, my point is that people making stories of the day-to-day maintenance on RV would probably include a lot of venting, lol.
Sirangetta wrote:
Bringing back RV to it's former glory even if it means it's not an actual functional Runescape fansite would be amazing. Get the original site back up or at least modify it to reflect a different time ie now (which also might be a different time if you're now reading this well into the future - spooky!) and give RV a resting place it really deserves.
There's no audience for it, unfortunately, and all of the people that, growing up, had the free time to devote to such a project, no longer do. Game-based Wikis are the norm now. And no offense, but by posting on this topic
seven years late, you perfectly illustrated what's going to happen if the site changes. :) Not enough people would notice, and it wouldn't actually serve any purpose. That's just how it is.
RV has a resting place it deserves, IMO, and it's sitting in it.
Sirangetta wrote:
I think something should be done because right now the forum is fading away. Do we even have TLS/SSL? I'm using an unencrypted session on my end (which is so 1999). When was the forum last updated? Are there backups if something happens? How do you know the forum isn't completely vulnerable and potentially compromised? Are we running outdated phpBB?
From a standpoint of preservation something should be done to keep RV safe from fading away completely, even if it's on an administration level and organizing everything so in the future RV still exists beyond just the forum. I believe the time to start preparing for the future of RV probably should have been a while ago and for that to include doing everything necessary to preserve everything and think about ways to give those who keep coming back somewhere to come back to.
The sad-but-true fact is that RV
is fading away. As time passes, auto-upgrades to certain parts of the server make everything more and more unstable. You might notice that you can't log out manually. RV also went completely down on July 19th, 2020, and although I tried to figure out what was wrong, I couldn't. It then randomly came back 8 days later on July 27th, also not my doing. Someday, it's going to happen again and that'll probably just be the end of it. I've said before that I'm afraid to perform any updates because I honestly think the whole thing will come crashing down when I do, and I won't be able to bring it back.
I still do back up the entire forums every month (see "The Story of Burks and David" global). RV is
huge, though. The site has almost gotten shut down a couple times just because my hosting provider is like "wtf mate". The bigger or more complex something gets, the more risks you run when you try to change a part of it. There just aren't a lot of options (or, at least, options that are worth the time sink.)
Sirangetta wrote:
It's a tough one though because this format is growing increasingly uncommon. Most people communicate on social media and most platforms have made a homogenous gloop that has changed the way people use the internet to the point where the demand for bulletin boards are going extinct, at least from my perspective anyway. There doesn't seem to be separate worlds for gaming communities anymore with their own ecosystems. It's all generic. So the question arises - how would you keep RV going without losing what made RV what it was (the forums mainly) while also seeking to preserve the history of RV in a way that doesn't take the forums away? To me anyway coming back to the forums is like stepping back in time when the world was pretty different to it is now and so it's a privilege to have access to something that is slowly becoming an obsolete platform. It feels RV is really holding on to something todays generation hasn't got the same understanding of. Aren't we preserving a niche moment in time as well as RV? In 5, 10, 20 years how many communities like this will still be maintained and how many will have been lost with only weak Wayback Machine crawled copies available that don't let you go beyond the surface?
You hit the nail on the head. 20 years ago, forums were
the way to communicate on the internet. Chat rooms were radical, and the fact we had a custom one was so cool. Computer Science wasn't taught as much in schools, and you didn't have as many kids learning coding from a young age as you do now. But now, forums are practically snail mail. You have no way of knowing if the person you're trying to speak with will ever come back to see your message. I just spent 45 minutes writing this post, knowing full well that you
may not ever read it.
does feel like RV is holding onto something today's generation has no understanding of, I agree. And it's pretty cool that we're able to come back and view it. But if you want to get in contact with RVers using today's generation's tools, we
have a Discord server for that. :)
Sirangetta wrote:
When you also think about it in another way, here is many peoples childhoods stored in digital form in the profiles they had, the avatars, the signatures, the forum content, their relationship with others, their memories, their connection to the world of Runescape. That's pretty damned valuable even if many don't come back to seek it out. If it's still there for people that would be great.
"If it's still there for people that would be great" are 100% my thoughts exactly. That's why the site is still here at all. We still get people coming back every so often to say hi (like you!), and I'm glad that keeping the site up can facilitate that.
Sirangetta wrote:
One thing I'm pretty sure we can all agree on - losing RV for good is not something we want ie for RV to be taken offline completely and any attempt at preserving it's history left to whatever remains of the fragments all over the internet, which will be nothing compared to the actual treasure trove that is RV itself. Memory holing RV, something in this modern disposable and expendable culture is unfortunately all too common, should not happen, in my opinion.
I don't think we really get a choice, tbh. Time marches on, the world continues to spin, yada yada yada. RV will never reach the heights that it once did, because the internet has changed too much. Keeping it here, for as long as I can, is the best I can do.
Phat Hobo wrote:
Personally, I think it’s best to leave everything the way it is. The resources to do any of what was suggested isn’t worth it IMO. Realistically, who is going to see any of that? Hardly anyone comes around here anymore and I don’t think an update will change that. I also don’t expect anyone to devote time with updating this place. The very fact this place is still here is good enough for me (thanks Jaron!).
I’ve just grown to accept that if this site ever breaks down or disappears, I will lose whatever contact I have left with this place for good.. and to be completely honest, if and when that day does happen, I think I’ll spend a few seconds reflecting on it and how it’s drawn to a final close and then move on with my day. I expect the majority of people to react the same way more or less.
Just my opinion on the matter.
Thanks Phat, that echoes my thoughts pretty exactly. With one addition: When that day happens, if you're in the
RuneVillage Discord, you'll at least be able to say hi to people you once knew. ;)