
Usually when I walk into a movie theater to watch a movie based on the greatest superhero ever to grace the big screens (besides Chuck Norris), I am expecting to see 2½ hours of the good guy demolishing hordes of evil doers. While there are quite a bit of action packed parts in this film, overall this is not the case. You may want to invest in a large bag of popcorn because this movie is quite lengthy.

But don’t get me wrong, just because this movie doesn’t make you want to fly around the world and fight evil, it does do a fairly decent job in the romance department. I was actually surprised how well Kate Bosworth (Lois Lane) portrayed a star reporter that is struggling to decide whom she really loves. The romantic turns in this movie do a great job of filling in between the action that everyone was looking for. So, if you are looking for a movie to bring your special someone to and you are tired of all of the so called "chick flicks", Superman is worth a shot.

Now on to the big debate…is Brandon Routh going to portray Superman in a way that makes us wish for yet another sequel to this movie? I say move over Christopher Reeve there is a new Man of Steel in town. Mr. Routh did a stunning job in playing the shy and somewhat awkward Clark Kent (which provides the necessary comic relief), and he also did a job in playing the straight faced hero that we have all come to love (although he did lack some emotion as Superman). Mr. Routh has really mastered the art of playing two completely different characters in the same movie.

When it comes to miscasts in this movie, there are virtually none to be found. All of the new actors seem to fit the mold perfectly that was made decades ago in the first Superman. Although Kent is portrayed as a little less flashy and Ms. Lane is portrayed as a sexier modern 21st century version, these changes were necessary in bringing back this movie. Lex Luther (Kevin Spacey) is also somewhat modernized. No longer does he play around with catchy one liners, he gets straight to the cruelty that we all expected from this super villain.

Another positive aspect of this movie that is worth pointing out is the sound/special effects that were involved. When I first saw and heard some of the action on screen, I thought for a second that there must have been a wreck outside the theater. The special effects do a magnificent job of combining a comic book and real life. Some parts to look out for are the bullet Superman takes in the eye, and also when he helps the space shuttle launch. Both of these parts are amazingly drawn out and make you think that they could really happen. The sound effects were also something to brag about. From the very beginning to the end you actually thought that you were right beside Superman as he saved the world once again. Composer John Ottman made a smart choice in using John Williams' original music from Superman 1 and 2. I’d keep my eyes open for an Oscar in the sounds department.

It has been 19 years since we last saw Superman, and you can tell by how many tickets the box office sold on opening day. I think we should all expect a sequel to this movie seeing as how its popularity has gone through the roof. Although some die hard fans may be disappointed, I think the average person is going to be quite content with this much anticipated sequel. Overall I give this movie 7 stars out of 10. It’s a Bird, it’s a Plane, no it’s just another great movie.

Written By: bloof.
Edited By: Zilla
Coded By: Whydidijoin