A Giant Hole in the GroundYou are going through your bank in Draynor. You see a chisel, some guam leaves, an uncut sapphire, and some logs. You decide to drop them seeing that they are of no use to you. You go off and cut a few willows. When you get back to your bank, the items are still laying on the ground. "Hey, get back over here! Someone is getting owned by a tree spirit!" your friend shouts. "OK!" you yell. You make your way back to the willow trees and cut another load while you watch someone die from a tree spirit. As you head back to the bank you notice your items are no longer on the ground and you think nothing of it. After cutting another few loads of willows you stop and think "I wonder where items go after they are left lying around. Do they get picked up by someone? Do they fall into a giant hole? Do they get stored in some kind of database?" This is an adventure of a curious knight who decides he wants to figure out just what happens to everyone's dropped items. This curious knight (now refered to as Frostblade) set out on his journey to Falador to get the opinion of everyone. Most people responded "You stupid noob, everyone knows they go into the Jagex database!" Frost wondered what had instilled this thought into their minds. His next stop was Varrock. Once again, most peopled believed there is a giant database in which Jagex stores these items. "There has got to be SOME way to find out where everything goes." Frost thought. Frost COULD just send a message to Mr. Gower, but that is too easy. On the way to Lumbridge, Evil Bob appeared and teleported him to his prison in ScapeRune. He told him that he would be stuck there with Pete for the rest of eternity. Then he pranced away to drink some milk and resume his nap. What he didn't know was that after years of being imprisoned, Pete had figured out that the little balloon animals that frolic around contain keys needed to escape from the prison. There was a giant lever needing to be pulled. It took all the strength Pete and Frost had, but they managed to pull it. It showed them the animal they needed to pop to find the correct key for the doors. The first one looked like a cat, and after being imprisoned by one, Frost was more then happy to squash a few cats. He finally found the key and Pete tried it out. Success! The first door was open. They pulled the mighty lever again, and this time the picture looked like a pig. Frost ran around trying to catch and stomp all the pigs he could find, the whole time becoming more and more hungry for some bacon. He found the second key. Pete tried it out, but to no avail. He squashed a few more pigs and found the correct key for the second door. They pull the mighty lever for the third and final time. It looked like a goat. To Frost's amazement, he got a key on the first step. He gave it to Pete and both of them anxiously stared at eachother for a few seconds. Pete tried the key, but alas, it was the wrong one. Frost stomped every goat shaped balloon he could find, and none of them gave him the correct keys. Little did Frost know, there was one more sitting in the corner. Would this goat hold the key to Frost and Pete's escape? I guess you will just have to wait until next month to find out...` ![]() Written By: Salazarskater Edited By: Knil Coded By: J@nr0k |