Free-to-Play and How It SucksOk, well I'm going to start off giving you some information on why I'm writing this article. Just about a month ago, I converted my main account to members status and started playing a lot more. But then my members ran out and I couldn't get it again do to a personal matter and was bored to death of playing XBox. So I went on f2p and walked around for a bit talking to people on my friends list. I had some very good conversations with them too. But then it hit me. All I'm doing is walking around talking to people. That's not what this game is all about. I logged off. The next day I came on again (forced on from boredom), and started talking to people again. Finally I got fed up and started fishing. That was fun... There were about 50 lvl 3-4 autoers at the dock... But I managed to pull myself together and stay there for one load of lobsters! I came back to the bank just to find out that I couldn't fit any more things in! I was like "Whoa, I paid the $7.30 (using pay-by-phone). They should at least give me a little more space." I'm sure other old P2P players think the same thing too.. The next day, I was in Varrock and I said to myself "I've got an idea!" and went to the bank. I fetched my rune axe and my tinderbox and headed for the back of the Varrock palace to chop yews and make fires with them. BIG MISTAKE! Another 50 autoers level 3-4 chopping yews! I got so mad, I logged off. I returned to my computer with a drink about ten minutes later and sat there staring. I came out of my daze and clicked the "existing user" button on the RuneScape home page and logged in. Since I was still at the yew trees and saw those autoers again, I decided to do something! I reported every single one of them! And I hope they got banned for ruining the game for the people who are too poor to pay 7 bucks! Then I was thinking to myself on the morning of the day I was going to get members back, "No I'm NOT going to be bored for another whole month!" But then the worst.. My mom came in. "Sweety (), you can't get your little game thingy until Wednesday the 21st next month, ok?" I was crushed and yelled at my mom: "FREE-TO-PLAY SUCKS!!!!!!" She just looked at me with a look of fear. Now you should know! If you ever get stuck in F2P, add as many people as you know from RV and anyone you meet to talk to, because you never know when your going to get members back! Written By: Nemesis305 Edited By: Knil Coded By: J@nr0k |