What made me buy my DS?
Well, firstly, if you didn’t know, I own a Nintendo DS. I bought it on its release, and since then I haven’t looked back, and I've enjoyed my time using it. I have some games such as Polarium, Mario Kart DS, Metroid Prime: Hunters and Super Mario 64 DS. I enjoy all these games and would never think of selling them.
- The first and foremost reason I bought a DS was that I already had a GBA. As the DS has backwards compatibility it only seemed natural to buy it so that I could play my old GBA games. Also, the old games looked even better than before, changing mediocre graphics into vibrant colours like a pot that has been fired in a kiln. It's like activating secret, hidden ingredients to improve the graphics tenfold.
- Another reason I got a DS is simply the innovation the DS offers. There are many games that are only possible to create on the DS, as well as other games that are enhanced. Some developers take these new features and say "we must use them!" These often turn out to be bad games, which makes the DS's strongest point its weakest as well Although I say this, there are a lot of good games that use the touch screen and the microphone to good effect.
- Possibly the greatest reason is the two screens. The old saying here that four eyes are better than two gets ported a new saying: two screens are better than one. Again the two screens are better for flexibility, meaning new ways to play games like puzzlers, which are constantly spread over the screens.
So, those are the 3 main reasons I bought a Nintendo DS. Of course, there were other reasons as well, such as that it was the first next-generation handheld avaiable, the price (only £100) and even now, the sleek DS lite. So what’s stopping
Written By: Blaze1200
Edited By: Jaron
Coded By: Whydidijoin