Whats Annoying Us This Month?
By: The Villager Staff
Richboi - I am annoyed at the current economic situation of my country, where oil and petrol prices have caused a rise in almost all sectors of supply and retail, merged with a drop in overtime hours at work.
Donut Juice - As annoying as oil prices are here, I can't complain due to their prices in Europe. The heat is somewhat annoying here, it makes for great beach weather, but rain comes seldom this Summer, which kills the lawns. It could be worse though, you know life isn't that bad when the only thing you can complain about is sunny weather!
Joe - Sunny weather <3 Whats annoying me most is the fact I wont have enough money to buy my first car when i'm 17. I need about 4 grand to pay for the insurance and eveything >_<
Dark Paladin - My twin-brother cut his hand and won't be able to go swimming, play tennis or wind-surf with me for the rest of the vacation + I hate the fact that I sleep too long and miss half of the day! Next please
Topsummoner - I hate that I CAN'T sleep too long because I have to newspapers in the morning. I also hate that, try as I will, I can barely ever get to sleep before 11 or later.
Gamestar - The weather in England. Like my dad always said, it's like Muslims in Mecca; either Sunni or Shiite.
Hoof Hearted - lol'd at Gamestar. Oh, and uh, annoyances? Hmmm...Nails scraping on chalkboard. Yes.
Tornado Lava - The fact that school has started.
KAMIKAZE! - what really grinds my gears is that this summer has been RAINY!!! i wouldn't mind some of donub's weather right about now >.< also i really dispise that no-one will hire a 14 year old! *shakes fist angrily* i need money too you know >_>
Toa - Bugs, especially those tiny fruit flys.