Villager Gods
Everyone (most) here at the villager decided to have a contest to see who could make the best god.
We were SUPPOSED TO follow this format:
- Name of god
- Pictures
- What he/she's the god of
- Followers
- A brief description
- Strength through...
Penguinamin is the god of unbalance, and all things unnatural. His followers are chickens, cows, penguins,
arctic creatures, and ducks. His archenemy is Guthix, and they have been fighting since the begining of time.
Guthix vs Penguinamin:
God of balance/ God of unbalance
Bad name/cool name
gnomes as followers/chickens as followers
tries to make peace/owns all with fiery beak of doom
strength through balance/strength through unbalance
Penguinamin goes up there with the most powerful Gods.
These were the candidates
Note that they don't follow the format.

"Life through cardboard" -Transiex
Feel the wrath of Jargellis! God of Bones and Noobs!


Canard, God of Duckys.
Ducks belong to the ultimate god Canard!!! We shall conquer your puny chickens and such.
Everyone knows ducks are stronger than chickens on Runescape.
"Power in Duckys" - Canard
monk basher

The winner was steve-loser... which struck me as odd, i kinda wanted Dustin to win. Second was a tie between
Dustin and Hawaiigopher. Congrats to the winners.
Written by - mr penguin12
Proofread by - Poison333
Coded by - Poison333