Halo 2 v.s. RuneScape2>
Section: 1 of 3 (Runescape)

Since the day RuneScape was made there have been many people quitting the games they normally play to start
playing RuneScape. Since RuneScape Classic was once a popular game everyone desired to play it. JAGeX, the
United Kingdom company that created RuneScape, figured out that more and more people were joining RuneScape
so, they decided to make a member system where you pay five dollars a month to get privileges in the game. This
game is a RPG (Role Playing Game), which means that you have an "avatar" that you control. This game consisted
of Mages, Fighters, and Archers. The game was purposely made to make a sample of classic life as a peasant,
merchant, or a poor man on the corner of the street. You needed to find out how to learn more spells, more
attacks, get more weapons and armor, go fishing, and more. The people who played it had to train their stats
to help them proceed. Once they get to different points where their levelsgot better they would be able to do
better things and use better equipment.
Section 2 of 3 (Halo)

Halo was made years after RuneScape. It was a very popular game that people from runescape dove right into. Halo
was one of the first X-Box games that everyone wanted to have. Many people wanted to own it. Many times it would
sell out. The game made Halo 2 and it grew even more famous. Soon, runescape was starting to clear up and JAGeX
saw that they were all leaving. JAGeX made even more updates in attempts to bring back a few people but it didnt
work. As people were starting to get Halo, Halo 2, and the X-Box Runescape became less popular.
Section 3 of 3 (Both)
Both Games have been a success and have been a blast to play. But only one can win. Which one? We don't know. All we know is that both games have made diffrent versions of the game (RuneScape2 and Halo 2) to improve the overall gameplay and that the tension is high. With more and more updates on games they fight for positions on a high topped chart. Ask yourself, where would you rather be?
Written by - Zone Ant
Proofread by - Poison333
Coded by - Poison333