Interview with Fox Red

Fox is one of the most well known pixel artists at Runevillage. He has a passion for creating pixel
signatures and has gained huge amounts of money on Runescape during the forum�s pixel sig craze.

Here are a few examples of his brilliant work.


So here�s an interview, you may learn some of his secrets!

Insomniac: What inspired you start making pixels signatures?

Fox: Well... Multiple things... I saw some stuff on RV, which kind of sucked...
So I wanted to show them how it should be done.

Insomniac: Hehe, you sure did.

Fox: And I wanted to do something I actually would be good at.
Fox: As you see... I'm full of confidence.

Insomniac: There�s nothing wrong with that!

Next question: who is your favourite pixel artist, from any RS forum?

Fox: Hmm... Well... I�ll stick to RV.
Fox: And the best... (I suppose I can't pick myself?)

Insomniac: Anyone you like.

Fox: Hmm... I'd have to take a good look first. Lemme check.
Fox: I like Bronze Gal's recent ones.
Fox: Wait!
Fox: I�m forgetting the Number One!
Fox: You!

Insomniac: Lol, thank you.

Fox: You�re simply the best.

Insomniac: No really, I�m nowhere near as good as you.

Which artist inspired you the most?

Fox: I think Lethal Axe... Everyone said he was the best when I started...
I wanted to show villagers that I could do better.
Fox: The best on RV... Hadn�t heard of The Jeppoz and Misterxman then.

Insomniac: You're also a great sig maker in other areas like animation, would you say that helped you
become as good as you are now?

Fox: hmm... Well animation is the only other thing that I'm *good* at.
Fox: Well... Maybe drawing to!
Fox: My drawing skills certainly helped me... Pixel sigs are a lot like a drawing.

Insomniac: Do you use a Wacom tablet to draw characters?

Fox: I�ve got one, but I never use it for pixels.

Insomniac: Okay, which sig that you've created is your favourite,
I've got to say mine's your very first, for x paco x.

Fox: My favourite. Hmm...
Fox: I don't really have favourites... I do have ones I hate...

Insomniac: Which ones?

Fox: The ones I don't hate include... x paco x one, and Hadarrim...
From top of my head that is...
Fox: I hate the Epyon one, the Failed Time one...

Insomniac: They're all amazing in my opinion.

Fox: The shark one for Penguin.

Insomniac: Would you say that being in the Pro Sig Maker's Guild and Pixel Haven forum groups has
helped you improve by letting fellow sig makers rate your work?

Fox: The Pixel Haven forum is as good as dead...
Though I didn�t get much support from there when it was still *active*.

Insomniac: True.

Fox: The PSMG... Well... it's my home on RV...
Fox: Not very pixel loving... But it�s a nice place for hot discussions.
Fox: Very hot.. Flaming discussions to be honest.

Insomniac: Indeed, better not talk about grunge arguments though! Next question...
Insomniac: Your tutorial on pixel sigs is proving very popular.
Do you think a lot will copy your style now?

Fox: Well... I'm not to worried about that... Though I do see a lot of the exact design.
Especially foregrounds as used in the tutorial.

Insomniac: Are you glad it's so popular?

Fox: Meh... I don't really care.
Fox: At least it's a sticky!

Insomniac: you should be proud of it, its a very good guide.

Fox: yes... I hope people learn from it.
Fox: And also don't read over the important rules in it.

Insomniac: Which program do you use to make pixel sigs?

Fox: Adobe Photoshop 7.0... Sometimes I use Imageready too.

Insomniac: Not paint? A lot think Photoshop is a cheater's way of making pixels.
Do you agree?

Fox: No I don't. Paint is just the long... Hard... And *stupid* way to do it.
Photoshop is handier... Some say the shortcuts make it lame.
But if you use to many 'shortcuts' the sigs get very ugly...
I speak from experience.
Fox: And besides... I can't find Paint on my Mac G5!
And... Pixel sigs are about displaying a scene. Why would one be interested in what program it is made?

Insomniac: Exactly.
Insomniac: Thank you, Fox Red, that's all for now.
Look out for yourself in the next villager and keep pixelling.

Fox: Thank you Insomniac.

Written by - Insomniac
Proofread by - Pyro3000
Coded by - Poison333