Let’s see… ahh, here it is! General Chat! I wonder what freakishly amazing topics await me today!
Hmm… Henner’s nose blew up the world… Skater Girl posted her real life picture again and got 500 replies in 1 day… Ozzie Bond has given up on RSC… BAH! These topics are all so boring! Maybe one of the numerous stickies can assist me in finding an interesting discussion to take place in.
THAT’S IT! I SEE THE PERFECT TOPIC! It’s called “Depressed? Help is at hand.” Seems interesting, maybe I should go and check it out.
HUH? This isn’t what I expected. All there is here is a guy who is going on and on about his other lifetime… and there’s a discussion on Jolt Cola! And what do you know? On page 32! Someone wrote, “IM A SAD PANDA ='(.“ Now that is very odd!
Now let’s see… the guy who wrote that has 22 posts and 2 warnings. That’s 1 warning for every 11 posts. So at that rate, he will be permanently banned before he gets the chance to become a squire. And I liked being a squire. I wish I could be a squire again.
Well, it doesn’t look like these people are getting much help with their problems. If only there were a large number of people out there who were willing to help!
So in conclusion, I’ve realized that this topic isn’t very useful to those in need, and really needs to be cleaned up a bit by either a mod or an admin. I wish there was a mod or an admin who could clean it up for the good of the Village.
Review by: Bartoron
Proofed by: dr henry
Coded by: Gamestar