On June 30th, the Texas Rangers Starting Pitcher Kenny Rodgers a few hours before game time during warmups as camera crew was filming it. Making on his way to the field he shoved the camera man assualting him then throwing the camera on the ground and kicking. Was that enough for Mr. Rodgers? No, he also approached other photographers that were there and threatened to break more cameras. Kenny was then escorted back into the club house as he said "I'll break every one them."
Now, lets take second here imagine you're at the park wanting to film your children what their doing like playing on the swings or play ball something that. Kenny Rodgers happens to be at the park and you get part of him on camera and he spots your camera. We can only imagine what would happen next..he is like a bull and the color red. Now its just no fun with Kenny Rodgers around is it?
On July 1st, 2005 Major League Baseball suspends Kenny for 20 games and fined $ 50,000. Personally, I think he such have been suspended longer than this but that is just me. A few days later, Kenny Rodgers issued a "apologee" about the inncident and said "He learned his lesson".
July 18th, just when Kenny Rodgers was being charged with the assault he had on the camerman last month as another cameraman was filming him getting finger printed Kenny Rogers quote "Your getting to close..You hear me?". The Cameraman replied back "Just doing my job". Kenny then said "You must be pretty proud of yourself".
Despite his actions 2 weeks ago he still allowed to participate in the leagues All Star Game. The crowd in Detroit booted Kenny as Kenny also gave up a home run. If Kenny is convicted he could face up to a year in jail.
If I were to be talking to Ken right now, I would suggest one of these places....
Written by: EaglesFan
Proofread by: Cubanasso
Coded by: Poison333