Of course, although TAoJ met an untimely end, I did have a few overarching plans for it. Some people asked questions about certain aspects
of the adventure and what would have been in store for us in the near future, and here's a list of my replies along with other random trivia!
- Behind the "Accessible only to the Administration" panel in the elevator was either a button that took you to the roof or a button that took you to the basement. If it was the former, Jimmy probably would have met the character on the far right in the Finale animation. If it was the latter, I probably would've turned the basement into a giant Final Fantasy 8 reference.
- The Green Apex Keycard was in Hax's Managerial Locker, which Jimmy had the key for. It was a unique keycard in that there was actually a button on it, which, when pressed, made a door pop out of thin air and attach to the nearest surface. The green door on Floor 13, therefore, was actually a system not unlike Portal. The plan for the current puzzle was for Jimmy to press the button near the hole in the wall on Resandeve, which would make a door appear on the other side of the hole, then go back through the yellow door to Floor 13, then through the green door to access that super-secret area.
- Resandeve's name actually came from it's entire purpose for existence: Research and Development.
- At the end of the Resandeve arc, Guitierrez would've found a way to use Jaitia in microchips. Although Jeffrey from Resandeve was told that using Jaitia in microchips would allow them to reach insane computing speeds, it would do nothing of the sort. (Remember the Act II intro? "Not even those on the project know that they are helping us to take over the world!") Instead, Jaitia reacted with a certain amount of electricity, hence all the resistors/converters in Buram Castle to turn the pure 1.21 gigawatts of lightning into whatever exact amount was needed to make the Jaitia react. When it did, it basically had the same effect as a Subspace Bomb in The Subspace Emissary in Super Smash Brothers Brawl. Using Jaitia in microchips would allow Guitierrez to warp thousands of homes into this "subspace" all at once, and for some reason that I don't think I ever pinned down, this would help him take over the world.
- This means that yep, Trent's alive and well, just in a floating castle in the middle of nowhere. Jimmy probably might've realized this the first time he noticed their Magic bars were still synced. By the time they found each other again, Trent would've discovered the secret basement of Buram Castle that was accessible only from Buram Village's well. (But since the subspace cut off the rest of the well, all of the water flowed out, revealing a tunnel, the second half of which Jimmy took back to the village.)
- Guitierrez's other henchman, in the blue trenchcoat, was a guy by the name of Dmitrii. He had like everything in existence inside his coat. It would've been an entirely crazy and wacky boss battle encounter. I was going to use the song "Dance of Sadness" from Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin for his introduction music, and had lyrics planned for it and everything.
- The Blue Apex Keycard, held by Dmitrii, went to Lucerne Tower, which is the location of dataDyne Corporation in Perfect Dark for the Nintendo 64. They have a giant research and development area in their basement, too. Jimmy would've had to destroy it all to stop the manufacturing of as many microchips as possible.
- Although it wouldn't have been revealed until the Lucerne Tower arc, Jaitia is pronounced "Jay-sha", which sounds extremely similar to "spatial", because it had spatial-warping properties.
- At the end of the Lucerne Tower arc, Guitierrez would've succeeded anyway and warped tons of homes into subspace via newly Jaitia-powered computers. Jimmy would've gained the Purple Keycard, which would lead to something just like SSBB's The Great Maze, made up of not only Buram Castle, but probably many other homes as well, and possibly even the Apex Microchips building and/or Lucerne Tower.
- Jimmy's Chimeran skill was intentionally vague because of how powerful the skill truly was. I don't recall how exactly I came to it (probably in some very small way due to SSBB) but Dictionary.com lists synonyms of chimera as "dream, fantasy, delusion". The skill was basically the act of making imaginary objects real. The biggest hints I ever gave were that whenever someone tried to gain Chimeran experience, the reply would often be to "think about it".