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>> After the water clears out from the well, search the mud for any hidden objects, like imaginary lines.
Good idea! The water has since all drained out of the ground, so you search through the MUD for any hidden objects. Unfortunately, you don't find any. It seems the only thing the WELL was good for was hiding a SECRET PASSAGE.
IMAGINARY LINES are another matter. Why would you need to search for them?
>> attempt to raise Trent on WALKIE TALKIE
You pull out your WALKIE TALKIE and try to contact TRENT. Sadly, nary a sound greets you in reply.
And really, what were you expecting? It's tough, but the conclusion is inevitable, surely...TRENT is long gone, and APEX is to blame.
>> discard LOCKER KEY
HAX's MANAGERIAL LOCKER KEY? Discard? Without opening? Are you crazy?
>> Go through yellow door
With your business in BURAM seemingly complete, you make the long trek back through the SOUTHWESTERN FOREST, up the MOUNTAIN, and scale the CLIFF using the ROPE tied to a ROCK you left when you first enterred BURAM. You swipe your RED KEYCARD and return to the 13TH FLOOR of the APEX MICROCHIPS BUILDING.

Whoa, what happened here? Given the scorch burn marks on the DOOR and CHAIR, you figure all the damage you see is the direct result of HAX's ROCKET LAUNCHER GUN as well as his UNFORGIVING FLARING TEMPER. The good news is, they probably assume he killed you. The bad news is you're not actually dead. Well, that's bad news for them, anyway. Not you. Being alive is probably a good thing.
You swipe the APEX YELLOW KEYCARD that TRENT threw to you, and the YELLOW DOOR slides open. You go through it...

...and end up in a hallway. Oh snap! There's a guy right here! To your extreme nervousness, he approaches you immediately!
Oh, hey there! I knew we were getting a new employee, but I thought it was going to be later in the day! You sure showed up early. Welcome to Resandeve!
◄ Chapter 14, Page 4 | Chapter 14, Page 5 | Chapter 14, Page 6 ► |