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>> Pick up a rock nearby, if any
>> Throw into the distance.

You find a SMALL ROCK on the ground nearby and toss it into the distance. It ends up hitting a TREE (which was probably a given anyway, since there are so darn many of them.) But this place definitely seems real!
>> Break the fourth wall and congratulate us on our escape of APEX's mad CEO and security.

Break the whatnow?
>> Name the new land "Blue's Land".
You consider naming the expanse BLUE'S LAND, or RED LAND, or one of many other silly names that come to mind. One thing bothers you, though; where there's HOUSES, there's probably PEOPLE, and if there's PEOPLE, then they probably have their own name for the land. (If they don't, though, you can totally make something up!)
>> Hum the music from "The Great Escape" to yourself in honour of escaping those guards.
You try to hum the music from "THE GREAT ESCAPE", but the only tune in your head, for some reason or other, seems to be this one. You couldn't imagine why, but it's just catchy and lively enough that you forget all about THE GREAT ESCAPE entirely.
>> Check inventory and status.
An excellent notion; you feel like it's been a month or two since you last checked what you were carrying. What a strange feeling.

On your STATS TAB, you see that your status icon has changed to ADVENTUROUS MOOD. You also notice that several other things have vanished entirely for whatever reason, including the EXP, EXP TO NEXT LEVEL, and "(Healthy Status)" labels.

Your INVENTORY TAB is mostly how you left it. You currently have your MAGIC 8-BALL, and EMPTY PINK STAPLER, and $6.45. In addition, the WEAPON and SHIELD slots have been replaced by three slots for EQUIPMENT, or EQUIPPED ITEMS.

The MAGIC TAB remains untouched.
>> Examine surroundings
>> Try to see if you can get to the village or forest without jumping off the cliff.
You remember seeing a PATH towards the VILLAGE from your present location, and look out over the VALLEY once more.

Yep, there it is, on the left! Now, how to get there...?

You circle around the NOT-TARDIS to see what's on the left side of the CLIFF. There does indeed to be a path leading downward, but part of it is missing, whether it be from a ROCKSLIDE or some other act of nature. (It doesn't look recent.) Behind the small shack of a building that brought you from APEX, there is a small coil of ROPE and a heavy BOULDER.
>> Put the rope in your inventory, climb on top of the rock, and walk backwards on the rock as you roll down the cliff, like log-rolling
Yes! Awesome idea!
...On second thought, doing that would get the ROCK off of the top of the CLIFF. What if you wanted to get back up? Perhaps you should leave the ROCK where it is, just in case you need to make a hasty retreat or something.
>> Tie the rope to the rock, cast Gravity on the rock to make sure it will stay there, and repel down the cliff
Yeah, this seems like a good idea, too. You cast GRAVITY on the ROCK and repel down the cliff.

You currently have 0 MP remaining.
>> Go to the village
Luckily, the MOUNTAIN PATH does lead all the way to the bottom of the CLIFF! You start your journey down the long PATH.

The PATH takes you through a FOREST. It's kind of dark and spooky in here, not to mention quiet.

Quite a while later, you end up at the end of the PATH, which comes out at the VILLAGE you saw in the distance. From the looks of things, this is one of the only two streets that comprise the VILLAGE. On the left is a building branding itself as a MINING STORE, while a building on the right is merely labeled SHOP. The rest of the buildings are unmarked.
A man with a PICKAXE in hand at the end of the road eyes you warily as he starts to turn the corner.
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