◄ Chapter 7, Page 1 | Chapter 7, Page 2 | Chapter 7, Page 3 ► |
>> FIGHT!!
>> go to ELEVATOR to FLOOR 8
>> Tell her the gripping tale of your spider companion
There's no time to do any of this! That big MEETING appears to be already underway, and this is probably your only chance to ever actually see one. (Maybe because you usually spend all your time in your CUBICLE?)
>> While she's distracted, take the calendar.
With super-fast reflexes, the SECRETARY blocks her CALENDAR from view and protects her CORDLESS PHONE. She says that she's dealt with "your kind" before, and that you're better off leaving and going back to work before she calls SECURITY. This lady apparently has little patience for your lovable antics!
>> Trip over cordless phone.
The speed of a CHEETAH and the grace of a PENGUIN combined allow you to immediately trip over the SECRETARY's CORDLESS PHONE despite being several feet away from it.
Nothing eventful seems to happen that would help your case, but the CORDLESS PHONE rings on its own. The SECRETARY answers it.
"Yes? This is she. A package? I'm kind of busy right now. ...Rush delivery to Mr. Guitierrez? Okay, okay, I'll be right down to pick it up in person. Yes, see you in a minute."
The SECRETARY apparently has to leave to do something important, but leaves a word of warning for you.
Just leave. Don't touch anything. Go back to your office or you're fired."
She takes the ELEVATOR and heads downward. (The ELEVATORS are now on floors 1 and 10.)
>> Go to meeting, but do not enter, eavesdrop instead.
>> Eavesdrop on Meeting.
You totally ignore the SECRETARY's rant and creep over to the doors to the CONFERENCE ROOM, peering inside.
◄ Chapter 7, Page 1 | Chapter 7, Page 2 | Chapter 7, Page 3 ► |