◄ Chapter 6, Page 9 | Chapter 6, Page 10 | Chapter 7, Page 1 ► |
>> Fire all cups into the fort's wall, both to test its sturdiness and count remaining ammo.
>> Replace all cups into bazooka.

You shoot all of your remaining CUP AMMUNITION into your CUBICLE WALL. The WALL holds steady, and it turns out you had 2 CUPS left.
You pick them up and attempt to load them back into your WATERCOOLER CUPHOLDER BAZOOKA.

As you try to replace your AMMUNITION, the HIGH-POWERED SPRING that powers your weapon snaps from its holder and shoots out of the end of the BAZOOKA at an amazing rate of speed! It blows a hole in your FORT'S ROOF and bounces around somewhere, likely never to be seen again.
Your WATERCOOLER CUPHOLDER BAZOOKA can no longer fire and has, in effect, been destroyed.
You shed a tear and discard the weapon that served you so well.
◄ Chapter 6, Page 9 | Chapter 6, Page 10 | Chapter 7, Page 1 ► |