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>> Equip QUARTER as shield
You pull out your QUARTER and use it as a SHIELD. It's slightly bigger than the PENNY you used last time, so it should probably be more effective!
>> Slide tackle DREDLOCK
DREDLOCK, expecting a long-range attack right off the bat, is caught off-guard by your SLIDE TACKLE! Alas, you started to slide a little bit too soon, and ended up merely bumping into him. It does a tiny bit of damage.
DREDLOCK whips out his weapon of choice, his personal CLOSED CELL PHONE. He blasts you backwards with a signal from it, doing a little damage himself!
>> Ask the magic 8-ball what to do
You give the MAGIC 8-BALL a shake and examine its underside.
Not one to ignore the MAGIC 8-BALL's advice, you quickly cast GRAVITY on DREDLOCK'S DREADLOCKS.
DREDLOCK is caught off-guard as his entire HEAD becomes much heavier than normal!
Perhaps that wasn't the best of ideas after all. For messing up DREDLOCK'S HAIRSTYLE, he gets even more angry than usual. Sure, he's slightly disoriented, but now his overall ATTACK POWER has gone up!
>> Use the SPIDER GRENADE when DREDLOCK gets to half-health.
Excellent idea! This would be a great finishing move.
>> Tell the SPIDER inside the SPIDER GRENADE that DREDLOCK insulted its mother
Ohhhh, man! You sure got that SPIDER riled up. He's still not very happy. You feel sorry for the poor sucker that this SPIDER gets unleashed on.
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